Carlisle Encyclopaedia
QC CONTACTS Spencer Street
CN 11.01.2002 p 16 Foot and Mouth cleaning contractors to stay in city
QIC PRINT Durranhill. Founded in 1995 by Stephanie Hunt and Lesley Elston, daughter and sister of Derek House. He took over the business as they raised young families
CN 13.07.2001 p19 New premises on Brunel Way
CN 18.12.2009 p20 Derek House sells up
CN 08.01.2010 p17 New boss at QIC Hugh Wratton
CN 09.02.1990 p16 Quality Street contest
CN 06.04.1990 p5 Quality Street contest opens
CN 29.06.1990 p16 Quality Street quite the towns tidiest
CN 08.02.1991 p7 Hunt for the tidiest street
CN 24.04.1992 p44 Author judging street contest
CN 10.07.1992 p27 D-Day for city street prizes
CN 20.11.1992 p3 Quality Street shop search
CN 06.05.1994 p3 Hunt on for Quality Street
CN 17.03.1995 p4 Hunt on for top street
CN 14.07.1995 p1 (illus) Upperby folk who are streets ahead
CN 16.05.1997 p13 Is yours the best street?
CN 23.07.1999 p4 Crescent streets ahead of rest (Highwood Cres)
CN 26.07.2002 p7 Furze St wins 14th competition
CN 12.05.1995 p1 The great Cumbrian Quango
CN 02.06.1995 p1 Counsellors 5,000 hours on quangos
CN 30.06.1995 p5 Quango watchers to cut dead wood
QUARTER OF MUTTON Brown’s Lane, Castle Street; in local directories to 1897; 1861 census Elizabeth Whartin, aged 35, innkeeper, born Carlisle; July 1875 considerable reporting of a betting raid on the pub by the police
QUARTER SESSIONS Last Quarter Sessions in city 25.10.1971; Justices met four times a year to deal with such offences as theft, assault, riot, poaching and even murder but not with civil cases, treason or forgery; in 1829 County Quarter Sessions met in Carlisle on the Tuesdays in the first whole weeks after Easter and Thomas a Becket [at Penrith on the Tuesday in the first whole week after 11th October and at Cockermouth on the Tuesday in the first whole week after Epiphany]; Quarter Sessions for the City held in the Town Hall on the Monday preceding each county sessions [Parson and White pp128]
07.04.1703 Qr sessions at Carlisle Bp Nicolson’s Diaries CWAAS ns vol 46, p193
CJ 17.01.1801 p3a Report of Quarter Sessions
CJ 12.05.1810 p3b Quarter Sessions for County
CP 16.01.1819 p2 Report of Quarter Sessions in city
CP 02.07.1869 p6 Midsummer sessions
CP 22.10.1869 p6 Quarter sessions
CJ 09.04.1880 p9 Cumberland Easter Quarter Sessions in city
CJ 29.10.1880 p5 Cumberland Michaelmas Quarter Sessions in city
CP 09.04.1897 p6b-d Easter Quarter Sessions for Carlisle in Town Hall
CP 09.04.1897 p6a,b Easter Quarter Sessions for Co. of Cumberland; Crown Ct
CP 02.07.1897 p3a,b Quarter Sessions for Carlisle JPs and Cumberland
CP 22.10.1897 p6e Quarter Sessions in city
City Minutes 1923-24 p50 Approval for 9 houses
City Minutes 1925-26 p537 Resolved to change name to Quebec Avenue
City Minutes 1932-33 p 729 Approval for two houses, owner H.E. Hodgson
CJ 25.01.1935 p11 Ad; just completed 2 new houses by builder H.E. Hodgson
QUEEN Blackfriars Street; public house in directories from 1850-51 to 1855
QUEEN, Joe Lowther Street
Auto electrical engineer
CD 1955-56 Ad p222
CD 1961-62 Ad p270
QUEEN ADELAIDE INN 13 London Road; in local directories from 1844 to 1855; address after 1860s given as Botchergate; also known later as the Queen Inn; closed in 1935 when Earl Grey rebuilt in 1935 on opposite side
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection; p97 photo of pub in 1931 with Mrs Ruell
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p61
QUEEN CHARLOTTE Caldewgate; referred to in Memoirs of Charlotte Dean page 15
QUEENS ARMS West Walls; in local directories from 1850 to 1873
CP 02.02.1856 1c To let
QUEENS BREWERY Fisher Street, Newtown, Caldewgate
Wine and spirit store Established 1860 by Joseph Graham; State Management took over on 07.09.1917 and brewing ceased by year’s end
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894-1916, 2004, pp17-20, 34
CD 1880 Ad pxxxvi
John Peel Jottings no 52
City Under the Influence John Hunt, 1971 p16 Photo of Brewery; est. 1860
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection; p33 photo of Caldewgate Brewery
1869 Slaters Directory R R Graham, Church Street, Caldewgate
1873 Kelly Directory Richard Robinson Graham and Co, Church Street
1880 Arthur’s Directory J Graham and Co, Queens Brewery, Church Street
CP 13.12.1907 Death of Mr Richard Graham, a partner in the firm of Joseph Graham and Sons, Queens Brewery, Carlisle. Mr Graham was aged 33 and was the youngest son of Mr Joseph Graham and since his father’s death has carried on the business in conjunction with his elder brother Mr TH Graham. Mr Joseph Graham, architect is his eldest brother
ENS 11.07.1911 Ad Joseph Graham and Sons, established half a century
QUEEN’S CAFE Victoria Viaduct
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p22 Photo in 1958
City Minutes 1904-04 pp266 Satisfactory fire exits
QUEEN’S HEAD Caldewgate; see also Old Queen’s Head; there appear to be two pubs so named in Caldewgate; Queens Head Inn, Bridge St, Honor Studholme, victualler, aged 52, born Carlisle [1861 census]
CJ 14.01.1804 p2 Queen’s Head, Caldewgate, Mrs Armstrong Innkeeper
CJ 22.12.1804 p2 Queen’s Head, Miss Ann Johnstone Innkeeper
CJ 11.03.1809 p1 Queens Head, Caldewgate, Mrs Cowen, innkeeper
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
City Minutes 1918-19 p92 Withdrawal of licence from Church St premises
QUEEN’S INN Botchergate; in local directories from 1869
1891 census; 130 Botchergate George Watt, innkeeper, bn Eamont
1847 Directory, Queen’s Street , Shaddongate
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
City Minutes 1925-6 p62 Re-housing to Peel Street
City Minutes 1931-32 p220 Nos.5,7,9,11,13,15,and 17 unfit for human habitation
City Minutes 1932-33 pp252-255 Nos 70, 72 unfit for human habitation