Carlisle Encyclopaedia


GADDES, Jane Devonshire St


CD 1880 Ad pxv New confectionary establishment



1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 36-38 South John Street


GAINSBOROUGH CLUB, Botchergate, opposite the Palace

When the Stanley Hall cinema closed Mr Norman Johnston of Hayton took the first floor premises. The floor was taken up to reveal a dance floor from pre cinema days. Mr Johnston ran a successful dance studio from the hall, teaching fox trot, waltz etc classes. The name came as he had a Gainsborough print of a lady at home.[family memory]


GALA BINGO Lonsdale, Warwick Rd; Botchergate

CN 12.05.2000 p1 Bingo eye up Botchergate

CN 30.11.2001 p4 (illus) Gala bingo caller wins UK title

CN 19.03.2004 p3 Botchergate Bingo move; new club opens 1st April

CN 26.03.2004 p3 New Gala club on Botchergate opens Thursday


GALAOR INN Two miles from Carlisle on Edinburgh Road

In 1848 the Carlisle Journal advertised to let The Galaor Inn, Grimoor Hill. License withdrawn sometime after 1863. Named after a thoroughbred stallion at Harker Lodge

CJ September 1858 Ad for Sale


GALE, W.S. Castle Street

M442 pp5,17 Business card for umbrella manufacturers




GALLOWS HILL So named Gallowhill in 1608; 1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984] Chronicle of Lanercost shows that already in the 14th century it was a place of execution; road over Gallows Hill lowered sometime at the beginning of the 19th century and in 1829 Harraby Bridge was rebuilt and in connection with this a deep cutting through Gallows Hill [CWAAS OS Vol 12 p366]

See also Hangings, Harraby Hill

Isaac Tullie Narrative of the Siege of Carlisle in 1644 and 1645 [pub 1840], p6 ‘Until nearly the end of the last century, the remains of the gibbet were to be seen; and at the foot of it the ashes of the fire used in burning the bodies of those who suffered for high treason. The offenders, it would seem, suffered at the highest part of the hill fronting the south'

CP 03.10.1829 Antiquities

CP 10.10.1829 (illus) Roman Antiquities

CN 20.05.1944 p5

ENS 19.06.1978 p8 (illus) Gruesome past of Gallows Hill

CN 29.05.1998 p10 A gruesome reminder of high treason executions

CN 25.04.2003 p9 Jacobite executions; where bodies buried



Cumbria January 1994 p36 Colourful future



CN 02.04.2004 p14 Video games shop opens in city today


GAMMA COURT, William Street

1880 Directory 17 William Street

1924 Carlisle Directory lists between 17-19 William Street



CN 23.11.1973 p6 (illus)


GAOL Previous locations of County Gaol - Castle, then by 1611 all transferred to Citadel; 1688 purpose built Gaol close to Citadels constructed ; new Gaol on Citadel site completed 1827; rebuilt 1869; large scale OS map shows site of Gaol cemetery against west prison wall; closed 1922; mostly demolished by 1937

See also Citadels, Rickergate

CAIH p25

Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle 23.10.1658 p293 and note. A65

1684-5 Country Goal in Citadel very inconvenient; CWAAS OS Vol 13 p177

Round Carlisle Cross 3rd series pp32 Gaol Chaplains Diary 1815-24

Jefferson,S History... of Carlisle, 1838, pp88-89 Mr Howard’s description circa 1800

1829 Description of new and old gaol; Parson and White pp 133-34

Jefferson,S History... of Carlisle, 1838, pp287-88 Description of new gaol

Round Carlisle Cross Vol 6 The Old County Gaol at Carlisle pp 68-72

CN 27.02.1970 p12 CN 01.02.1980 p4 CN 18.04.1980 p5 (illus)

CPacquet 19.09.1809 p2e Two prisoners escape through brick wall

CP 27.02.1819 p4 Long report on conditions in Gaol; visit by Mrs Fry

CP 27.10.1821 p2e Ad; to contractors for rebuilding the Gaol; p3a

04.02.1823 Adam Brown late Turnkey of Carlisle Gaol died; Mon Ins. St Cuthbert’s

1825 Richard Jackson retired as Governor and succeeded by John Orridge, aged 21. he died from a fall on 17.04.1850 [CN13.11.2015 p14]

1850 Thomas Heagrin Redin new Governor, retiring in 1878

1851 census Governor Thomas Redin, from Norfolk; 120 prisoners in gaol

CJ 28.11.1865 p3 Alterations to Gaol

CJ 21.08.1868 p4g Alterations in Carlisle Gaol

CP 05.04.1878 p5 History

01.04.1878 Cumberland County Gaol becomes Her Majesty’s Prison and John Haverfield the new Governor

CP 15.04.1878 p5 Transfer of Gaol to Government

1884 J Leavers new Governor, retiring in 1894

CP 11.11.1887 Some records of the Cumberland Sessions

CJ 24.03.1893 Warders in Carlisle Gaol; only two ordinary wards, male and female

05.12.1896 William Almond escapes from Gaol - CN 28.02.2003 p9

1894 Alfred Henry Hollingdale followed as Governor by Henry Brigenshaw who left in 1919 and was succeeded by H.Collinson

1899 Photo of Gaol; Carlisle in Camera 1 p35

1891 census; 59 males visitors, 14 female prisoners, Joseph Leavers, Governor

1901 census A.Hollingdale, Governor; 67 prisoners, of which 18 women

1922 Gaol closed after Home Office reorganisation; last Governor Captain Eugene Winter

City Minutes 1925-6 p552 -3 Proposed reformation of prison site - 2 maps

CJ 27.07.1928 Murderers bodies reinterred at Dalston Road.

CN 25.08.1928 p10 Demolition of chimney (illus)

CN 29.12.1928 p7 Notes of a tour in 1800

CN 16.03.1929 p9 The old Carlisle Prison

Carlisle in Camera 2 p56 photo of partly demolished gaol wall

CN 08.02.1936 p17 (illus)

CN 13.02.1937 p7 (illus)

CJ 29.07.1938 p7 Development of Gaol site for County Council offices?

CJ 30.09.1938 pp1,4 County approves Gaol site extensions

CN 02.04.1949 p5 Alterations to Gaol

CN 19.03.1962 p12 Gaol in 1912 (illus)

CN 13.12.1968 p16 (illus) Alterations to Gaol

CN 20.02.1970 p12 (illus) Demolition of Gaol

CN 01.05.1970 p14 Gaol

CN 05.02.1971 p14 Gaol

CN 21.06.1974 p1 History

CN 14.04.1978 p4 Treadmill

CN 31.03.1978 p4 Treadmill

CN 02.03.1979 p4 Escapes from Gaol

CN 05.01.1990 p16 Grisly hanging at Carlisle

CN 04.05.1990 p4 Crafty prisoner cheated death with sliver of soap

ENS 25.03.1983 p4 (illus) History

CN 19.11.1993 p4 100 years ago - statistics

CN 17.04.1998 p12 Last hanging - William Charlton

CN 08.10.1999 p12 Days rioting prisoners destroyed a bowling green

CN 04.07.2003 p8 D.Perriam; details of the treadmill in gaol

CN 23.09.2011 p32 D.Perriam on the demolition of the site and its use afterwards. Main single cell block remained until 1936

CN 13.11.2015 p16 and 27.11.2015 p15 of Life section; history of Gaol from 1822 to closure by Denis Perriam







D Perriam Stanwix p57 This was the first garden city in this part of the country and was constructed on Kingmoor Road. Carlisle Journal August 1912 advertised for sale in the Garden City a property called The Gables. Pre-war houses built by Edward J Hill; post war 74 working class dwellings [council houses], architect JW Benwell, [Dixon’s Place]

CJ 04.03.1921 A great deal of interest is being taken in the progress of the Garden City Scheme

CJ 24.04.1923 Henry Penfold wrote ‘None of the housing schemes that I have seen is so refreshingly pleasant as that which had been carried out at the end of Stanwix’

CN18.04.2014 p16 Denis Perriam; Garden City never got any further than a few houses on Kingmoor Road


GARDENERS ARMS Mentioned in 1874 as part of Edentown



CN 30.06.1967 p22 (illus)



City Council Minutes 1896-97 p481 Approval for 16 houses



see also Allotments

D.Weston Carlisle Cathedral Library pp121 Mention of Abbey gardens

CJ 22.12.1938 p8 Ornamental gardens at Stanwix opened

CN 16.04.1992 p5 Hunts on for green boffins

CN 26.06.2009 p34 Article by Denis Perriam on James Rothwell who at his home at the Mains kept extensive gardens. In October 1826 his gardens were robbed of 40 of his finest auriculas and in October 1829 James Losh writes in his diary about his fine gardens with fruit trees, peaches, nectarines, pears.


GARDEN STREET Botchergate; Originally site of nurseries of Hutton brothers

So marked on the 1853 Asquith’s map

CP 03.09.1859 Ad; Building ground for sale; intersected by new street Garden St.



05.03.1897 William Little, died 3 Garden St, Edentown [SMI 79/2]



1861 Morris, Harrison and Co ad p15 Silk mercer

CJ 30.06.1865 Ad, 24 English Street, corsets and crinolines


GARFIELD STREET; Denton Holme First noted in the 1884 directory


GARLANDS ESTATE March 1757 is the first known reference to a parcel of land ‘commonly called or known by the name of Garlands’. In 1846 when Carleton was surveyed to produce the Tithe Award the map [produced 1847] showed the owner of the Garlands was John Armstrong and the occupier Mary Longrigg

G.R.Wyld A history of the Garlands Estate and Garlands Hospital, Carlisle, Cumberland 1757 - 1914 [typescript]

CJ 05.06.1819 p1 To be let



See also Lunacy

An 1845 Act of Parliament required all counties to provide a lunatic asylum for the pauper insane; opened 18.01.1862 with accommodation for about 200 patients, with 48 single rooms; designed by Washington and Cory. The asylum faced south west and consisted of a central block which housed on the ground floor the dining room and kitchens; above, in the front of the building, was the chapel and on each side apartments for the servants. In a separate block to the rear were the medical officer’s apartments. Extending from either side were three-storey male and female wards, the upper floors being used exclusively as dormitories. To the north-east and north-west respectively were two separate blocks containing the workshops and the laundry and wash houses, each of which blocks had sleeping accommodation for 16 people. Male and female airing courts were laid out on either side, facing south. The asylum was built in local red sandstone, and the appearance of the older buildings is relieved by alternating layers of black and white bricks; chapel opened 05.08.1875; the first medical superintendent was Dr Kirkman who stayed for barely a year; the man who really shaped the policy of the hospital was Dr T.S.Clouston [ 1863-1873], a national figure in psychiatry, who was medical superintendent for ten years; he was followed by Dr J.A.Campbell until 1897; extensions to the hospital were made in 1866, 1868, 1882, 1883 and 1906, in which year two male and two female ward were added. Throughout the 19th century 50 - 60% of the male population were regularly employed. Most of the male patients worked on the land, either on the farm or laying out the grounds. In this period many of the inmates were from the agricultural classes. Women were employed in the domestic work of the asylum. In 1863 three-quarters of the women were either domestic servants or the wives of labourers and many had been inmates of the workhouse prior to admission. In the 1860s the women made all the clothes, knitted all the stockings, worked in the kitchen and did all the laundry. Private patients were admitted to the Garlands although only usually when space permitted. There was one private patient in 1869 who was charged 14s a week. The next year saw 16 private patients as well as 33 out of county patients who were chargeable to their counties at the private patient rate. Doctor Coulson, remarked that in fact that private patients had less chance of recovery than the paupers, as their relatives tended to keep them untreated at home for too long because of the fear that a future career might be ruined if it was known they had been in an asylum. In 1868 there were 57 patients under medication of which 29 were male epileptics, and in 1885 there were 78 patients under medication for epilepsy. The most common illnesses from which the patients suffered were idiopathic insanity, which has been taken to mean schizophrenia, a word not coined until 1911. Other causes were epilepsy, senile dementia, puerperal and climacteric insanity, general paralytic insanity and phthsis, which can be another name for consumption. In 1871 among other assigned causes for insanity were; disappointment in love, unfortunate marriage, losses and disappointments in business and monotony of life in a lightship. The first case of suicide in the Garlands was in 1876 when a woman patient, who had been in the Garlands for nine years cut her throat with a pair of blunt scissors; 04.07.1948 the Newcastle Regional Hospital Board took over the Garlands Hospital, until then known as the Cumberland and Westmorland Joint Mental Hospital; 21.06.1962 new admission unit and treatment centre, known as ‘the Clinic’, were opened [1962 opening brochure]

CWAAS ns vol 56 3 unpublished collections of Bronze age pottery at...Garlands...

CWAAS 3rd series vol 4 The Building of the Cumberland....Lunatic Asylum pp229 -

CWAAS 3rd series vol 5, 2005 Bronze age burnt mound at Garlands Hospital

G.R.Wyld A history of the Garlands Estate and Garlands Hospital, Carlisle, Cumberland 1757 - 1914 [typescript]

CN 22.06.1962 pp10-11,13 (illus)

CJ 10.04.1857 p7 Original plans

CJ 23.10.1857 p7 Enfranchisement of Garlands Estate

CP 09.11.1861 p4 Attendants and servants. Gives a list of annual wages for those wishing to apply. Head cook £16 per annum, head male attendant £35.

CJ 03.01.1862 p6 Opening

CJ 13.05.1870 p8 Two male attendants wanted £25 per annum with board increasing to £27.10s in six months and £30 in a year and £1 pa after to £35. One female attendant £15 a year increasing to £20 in £1 a year

CJ 14.09.1880 p1 Escape from the Garlands, John Scott. Describes grey tweed coat and vest, fustian trousers all marked CWLA

26.01.1884 Gale blows down 3 chimneys and un-roofs a large part of original asylum

CP 26.02.1897 p6b Opening of new addition ‘Cumberland House’

1891 census; 294 male patients, 286 female patients, 58 resident staff

CJ 25.01.1895 p8 Tenders invited for 100 grey tweed suits

CJ 28.10.1898 p8 Describes costume at Garlands for both men and women. Women caps, aprons, blue Persian cord and blue zephyr dresses

1901 census; 673 patients and 72 resident staff

CP 14.06.1907 p3 Extension by G.D.Oliver (architectural drawing)

CJ 04.02.1910 p8c Tenders invited to supply male attendants uniforms; coats, vests, trousers and caps, also 150 patients tweed suits

CJ 10.02.1911 p8 Tenders to supply male attendants with coats, vests, trousers and caps also 200 patients tweed suits

CJ 17.03.1914 p1 Male attendants; specific height and weight. Gives wages

CN 18.02.1950 p5 Dr T Bloomer preaches in chapel

CN 04.02.1955 p6 Aerial view of the Garlands

ENS 21.06.1962 p1 £360,000 extension

CJ 22.06.1962 p1 New clinic

ENS 20.03.1968 p1 Cruelty proved

CN 22.03.1968 p3 ‘Cruelty’ enquiry

CJ 22.03.1968 pp24-25 (illus) ‘Cruelty’ enquiry

CJ 29.03.1968 p20 ‘Cruelty’ enquiry

CJ 05.04.1968 p15 ‘Cruelty’ enquiry

CN 07.02.1969 p8 (illus) Therapy at

CN 28.08.1970 p8 (illus) General

CN 04.09.1970 p8 (illus) General

CN 13.10.1972 p1 Church dedicated to St Luke

CN 20.10.1972 p11 (illus) Church dedicated to St Luke

CN 09.03.1973 p12 (illus) Fire

CN 01.09.1989 p10 Caring needs

CN 14.06.1991 p11 Hospital puts problem on spotlight

CN 04.10.1991 p1 Bloom success

CN 11.10.1991 p1 Branded as danger man

CN 11.10.1991 p10 We don’t ask for scapegoats

CN 01.11.1991 p3 Findley - MP Eric slates health chiefs

CN 08.11.1991 p1 Dr in killer case quits

CN 17.01.1992 p20 Crackdown after killing by ex-patient

CN 06.03.1992 p15 Hospital talks call

CN 18.06.1993 p1 Hospital incident sparks a blood probe

CN 02.07.1993 p3 Choir is still chasing £6,500 for Norway trip

CN 17.09.1993 p3 Hospital closure on target

CN 17.09.1993 p13 £2m mental health boost

CN 25.02.1994 p4 100 years ago

CN 27.01.1995 p3 Garlands unit for danger patients

CN 06.10.1995 p1 MP’s warning on Garlands

CN 03.05.1996 p4 Redevelopment plan for Garlands

CN 07.06.1996 p2 Estate agents fear new homes will be hard to sell

CN 02.08.1996 p5 Housing estate - green light

ENS 05.06.1996 p1 (illus) 400 Barratt homes for Garlands

ENS 10.06.1996 p5 Council lays down estate ground rules

CN 22.11.1996 p6 Heritage ‘threat’ to hospital sales

CN 22.11.1996 p6 Homes plan traffic fears

CN 24.01.1997 p2 Roads can’t cope with extra cars from new homes say protesters

CN 14.03.1997 p4 Residents back plans for new homes

CN 04.04.1997 p3 Public meeting no 2 over new homes project

CN 07.11.1997 p1 Garlands gave us LSD say six more patients

CN 31.07.1998 p1 Scandal of mums suicide

CN 07.08.1998 p3 Death of Paul Mcleod - hanging

CN 30.10.1998 p4 Library closure angers patients

CN 11.12.1998 p3 Garlands - the veil of secrecy

CN 18.12.1999 p4 Enquiry ends on 6 nurses

CN 08.01.1999 p3 3 nurses still under investigation

CN 15.01.1999 p1 Kicked, bitten and head-butted

CN 22.01.1999 p1 Nurses vote on overtime ban

CN 11.02.1999 p2 Nurses vote to ban overtime

CN 30.04.1999 p5 Why I called for an enquiry

CN 14.05.1999 p1 Police probe attack by male nurse

CN 21.05.1999 p6 Experts review Garlands case

CN 11.06.1999 p8 (illus) £7.3m centre of excellence

CN 18.06.1999 p20 Dobson opens new Garlands

CN 09.07.1999 p1 16 Garlands doctors lambast health bosses

CN 16.07.1999 p1 Psychiatrists quits

CN 23.07.1999 p1 2 more staff suspended

CN 05.11.1999 p5 Inquiry to open in new year

CN 04.02.2000 p1 Ex-nurse blames health union for sacking

CN 11.02.2000 p1 Garlands - village of the future

CN 24.03.2000 p1 Blair told of top level cover up

CN 24.03.2000 p13 Letters

CN 31.03.2000 p5 Another Senior Manager suspended

CN 07.04.2000 p1 Promotion for consultant quizzed in Garlands probe

CN 14.04.2000 p5 Garlands bosses reported

CN 21.04.2000 p5 Marathon runner off work on the sick

CN 21.04.2000 p5 Hit squads shock for staff

CN 28.07.2000 p1 Doctors concerned over mental healthcare after review

CN 15.09.2000 p2 Statement due after Garlands chief resigns

CN 06.10.2000 p1 Boss, Alan Place, found guilty of gross misconduct

CN 17.11.2000 p1 New boss promises changes and thanks whistle-blowers

CN 17.11.2000 p12 Edited version of full Garlands report

CN 24.11.2000 p1 Member of staff suspended after Garlands report

CN 24.11.2000 p13 Letters concerning Garlands scandal

CN 08.12.2000 p1 Consultant faces new probe into Garlands scandal

CN 29.12.2000 p5 Staff recruitment impossible at the new Carleton clinic

CN 02.02.2001 p3 Abuse nurses may be charged

CN 06.04.2001 p20 North Cumbria Mental Health Trust based at Carleton clinic

CN 18.01.2002 p1 Garlands ward manager June Stobbs struck off; opinion p 12

CN 18.01.2002 p12 The guilty of Garlands

CN 15.03.2002 p5 Nurses threaten industrial action after patient riot of 2nd Feb

CN 14.06.2002 p1 Off duty policeman work at hospital to protect nurses

CN 21.06.2002 p3 Cumbria too small population to have medium secure unit

CN 28.06.2002 p1 Male nurse gets sack for gross misconduct

CN 09.05.2003 p3 Mr Whitney killed himself after release from Carleton clinic

CN 09.05.2003 p6 Complaints rise at former Garlands Hospital

CN 23.05.2003 p2 Review of services; closure of Ruskin unit

CN 30.05.2003 p13 Letter; proposal to close Ruskin unit and others

CN 01.08.2003 p1 Threat of nurses strike at Carleton Clinic

CN 28.11.2003 p21 Plans for centre of excellence in North Cumbria at Carleton Clinic

CN 24.02.2006 p3 565 police calls outs to clinic in two years

CN 16.08.2013 p3 New Ruskin Unit opened for treating with dementia



City Minutes 1932-33 p 357 Approval for 20 houses on Garlands Road

City minutes 1933-34 p 103 Garlands Rd to be renamed Cumwhinton Rd


GARNETT Botchergate


CD 1952 Ad p80

CD 1955-56 Ad p15

CN 08.06.1990 p8 Where quality counts


GARRETT, Jane A 43 Lowther Street

CP 16.12.1870 Girls school for 20 pupils


GARRISON CANTEEN The Castle; in local directories 1851 - 1876


GAS First gas works of 1819 on Collier Lane. John Grafton was the Engineer and Mr Cowan Works Superintendent; built at a cost of 10,000 pounds , raised in 25 pound shares held by 160 proprietors; town gas introduced for lighting shops and some streets on Saturday, 5th February 1820. This was celebrated on 8th February, 1820 at the Kings Arms with a dinner for 50 shareholders, the dining room being beautifully illuminated with gas from two patent lamps; coal for the retorts had to be brought from Lord Carlisle’s mines at Midgeholme, some 15 miles away by horse and cart. The first gas mains laid in Carlisle were English Street, Scotch St., Rickergate, Botchergate, Fisher St, Castle St, Finkle St, Annetwell St, Abbey St, Paternoster Row and also from the foot of Browns Row to the cotton Mills of Slater and Co and Cowan Heysham and Co.

Nelson Bridge [Borough Mill Field] site built 1846-47, as their site on Collier Lane was required by the new Lancaster and Carlisle Railway; 10.10.1850 Gas Works transferred to Carlisle Corporation; 1867 chair made for the Chairman of the Gas Committee from the oak roof timbers removed from the Town Hall following a fire; by 1870 the number of consumers had risen to 4,790 and the number of lamps to 720. By 1890 further growth had taken place, the number of public lamps was 1220 and the number of consumers 6001; large extensions to the works were made and a new site of some 6 acres at Boustead Grassing chosen for future extension; By products of the works were now sulphate of ammonia which was sold and sulphuric acid produced from calcined spent oxide of iron. Mortar produced from waste bricks, ashes and lime was sold to builders. At this time the gas works employed about 200 people at its busiest; 18th August 1879 no 4 gas holder at Boustead Grassing completed and commissioned and this holder was enlarged and decommissioned on 2nd November 1892. [This was the gas holder Northern Gas had proposed to demolish circa 1988 but a preservation order was placed on it] 1919 it was finally decided to build new works at Rome Street; 06.10.1922 official inauguration of new works at Boustead Grassing. The railway sidings were connected to the Maryport and Carlisle Railway. The sidings were such as to allow hopper bottom wagons to deliver coal from West Cumberland and Northumberland. Nationalisation took place in 1949 and conversion to natural gas in 1969-70

See B/CAR 665.7 G.Mark-Bell, The City of Carlisle, its History and its Gas Works

See also Northern Gas Board

See also Stanwix; Gas

CAIH p69

CD 1893-94 Ad p126 Carlisle Gas Works

CD 1931 Ad p248 Gas works and showroom

CD 1934 Ad p96 Gas showrooms

CD 1940 Ad p168 Gas showroom

19.05.1819 Act for Lighting the City of Carlisle received Royal Assent

CP 05.06.1819 p1d Gas Works; notice for first general meeting of subscribers

CP 05.06.1819 p2d Ad; contractors for erecting gasometer

CP 12.06.1819 p3a Abstract of the Act

CJ 18.09.1819 Carlisle Gas Lights; charges and regulations

CP 18.09.1819 p1d Ad List of intended prices; light in short time; p3a comment

CP 09.10.1819 p3a Fixing of suitable situations for street lights

CP 20.11.1819 p3a Contracted to furnish lights by New Year’s day

CP 27.11.1819 p3d Description of gas light for principal streets

CJ 02.12.1826 p3b Gasometer on Water Lane explodes

November 1849 the Gas Co wrote to the Rev Thomas Wilkinson giving the terms of contract on which they would supply and light the township of Stanwix. Later that month the Rev Wilkinson and a Mr Sowerby, both representing the people of the township of Stanwix, came before the company and accepted the terms which were for the Company to lay pipes, erect lamp stands and cases, light and maintain the lamps [there to be no less than 27 lamps, 3 of which to go on Eden Bridges] The township to pay the sum of £60.00 towards the cost of installation. The work to be done by July of 1850 [Ca/C10/4/2 Gas Committee Minute Book 1843-1851]

1850 General Board of Health Enquiry. R.Rawlinson p82 Remarks on transfer

CP 14.01.1898 p6c Extension to gas works

City Minutes 1918-19 p187-208 report/ map of proposed gas works at Boustead Gr.

CJ 09.05.1919 p6 Carlisle Gas Works

CJ 12.08.1921 p5 (illus) Rome St

CN 15.02.1936 p16 Gasworks

CN 17.09.1938 p19 Gas and Coke Company

CN 09.10.1948 p3 Gas and Coke Company

CN 16.10.1948 p5 Gas and Coke Company

ENS 09.10.1956 p1 New gas plant for Carlisle

Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p160 Photo of Rome St works in 1969

CN 24.04.1970 p8 (illus) History

CN 26.02.1988 p3 Carlisle Gasometer in Rome St to be demolished

CN 25.03.1988 p9 Bid to preserve city gasometer

CN 17.01.1992 p3 Threat to gas holder

CN 03.04.1992 p9 Gas holder to stay

CN 23.07.1993 p1 Tempers fray as gas mains are upgraded

CN 22.07.1994 p10 150 years ago (lighting)

CN 26.09.1997 p4 MP’s drafted in to fight for a British Gas bonus for the poor

CN 31.03.2006 p18 Gas engineers leave Rome Street

CN 22.09.2006 p6 Rome St Gas cylinder almost 80 years old, holds 2 million cubic feet of gas; to be repainted


GASH, Matthew Kings Arms Lane

CP 31.03.1821 p1c Ad for tailor and pelisse maker



CJ 12.10.1962 p11


GATE AND SHIELDS Glass and China Merchants

Fisher Street, Presbyterian Church Bazaar October 1899 [M183] p28 Warwick Rd


GATE, Robert Joiner and builder

CP 05.12.1873 p1d; To sell on West Walls premises stock in trade of late Mr Gate


GATE, William Builder, the Crescent, [Parson and White 1829 p 160]; builder of Carlisle Subscription Library; 1834 Pigot’s Directory, William Gate, 1 The Crescent, builder

CN 21.07.2006 p11 Mr Gate began work on Crescent

Woods 1821 Map of Carlisle marks Mr W.Gate’s property on the Crescent


GATES English (Botchergate), Scotch (Rickergate), Irish Gate (Caldewgate)

The city was entered by three gates called respectively from their aspect, the English, the Scotch and the Irish gates. These possessed no architectural beauties; they all had semi-circular headed arches, with plain mouldings, and were defended by double iron-studded doors of great strength, which, until the end of the last century, were closed every evening at dusk, a gun being fired by way of warning at the appointed hour, after which no one was allowed to enter or leave the city; guards were mounded and all the parade of military discipline maintained’ Jefferson, History of Carlisle, 1838

CN 24.04.1987 p4


GATES COURT, Brook Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory 37-39 Brook Street

1924 Carlisle Directory Between 37-41 Brook Street

1955-56 Carlisle Directory 4 properties listed between 37-41 Brook St



Glass, china and hardware

CD 1910-11 Ad p134


GATES PLACE, Milbourne Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory 51 Milbourne Street

1924 Carlisle Directory between 51-53 Milbourne Street



CN 08.02.2008 p 9 Tyre store site set for redevelopment; Sainsbury’s?

CN 15.02.2008 p20 New premises on Kingstown Broadway; in city for 9-10 years





CN 04.09.1992 p6 Jazzmen back in town


GATH, Walter Devonshire St


CD 1880 Ad pxix


GAUMONT CINEMA (Botchergate) Name changed to ‘The Odeon’ 13.01.1964; previously called Botchergate


GAWTHORPES LANE, Bridge Street; so named on 1851 census and so named on the 1971 1:2500 OS map heading north from easting 394. The 1884 Carlisle Directory says Gawthorpes Lane, now Co-operative Court, 30 Bridge St

So named on the 1865 50 inch OS map 23.3.19

CJ 02.11.1844 Advertises that Christopher Gawthorp of Bridge Street had shops and dwelling houses for sale

1924 Carlisle Directory Between 40-42 Bridge Street

CN 24.02.2012 p13 Letter from Denis Perriam explaining that in1835 a Christopher Gawthorpe was a timber merchant of Caldew Bridge.



CN 30.06.2000 p4 Gay health club stalled



CN 18.10.2002 p6 Only gay night at Club XS scrapped; dwindling numbers

CN 25.10.2002 p19 Other possible venues for gay night

CN 01.11.2002 p7 Gay nights set to return at Jackson’s nightclub

CN 06.01.2006 p Local vicar will offer blessings to gay couples

CN 17.02.2006 p3 Dedicated gay night at Botchergate pub

CN 22.02.2008 p15 City more tolerant to homosexuals

CN 20.11.2009 p7 Gay friendly bar to open; Outrageous Bar, English Street


GEDDES COURT, South John Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory 38 South John Street



M.Edwards Our City Our People p23 Short memory circa 1900 of them being driven

Carlisle in Old Picture Postcards; view 42 geese at sands about 1904



CN 19.05.1978 p8 Ad




GENERAL POST OFFICE REPEATER STATION London Road. Built 1964, the mast is 264 feet high ‘A touch of Blackpool a touch of oil rig’ Pevsner and Hyde

See also Post Office Repeater Station

CN 11.09.1964 p13 GPO repeater station; new tower constructed by Marconi

CN 18.09.1964 p10 Photo of construction of tower

CJ 23.02.1968 p12 (illus)



Carlisle in Camera 1 p59 1926 photo of special constables

D.Perriam Carlisle Citadel Station p28 photos of stranded American tourists at the station, volunteers moving essential supplies and the medal awarded to strike breaker William Hodgson of Edentown



CN 08.06.2007 p4 Christine Ackerley sells up after 15 years



The solid geology of the Carlisle area comprises soft, reddish Triassic St Bees sandstone of the Sherwood Sandstone Group, which lies above the Permian St Bees shales, and is itself overlain and intercalated with the less extensive grey Kirklinton sandstone. At Carlisle itself the sandstone outcrops to form the roughly triangular-shaped bluff occupied successively by the Roman forts and the medieval castle. Over most of the modern city the sandstone is covered by a thick deposit of orange-pink glacial till or boulder clay

[Carlisle Millennium Project Vol 1p3]



CJ 26.07.1828 p2 To let, apply Mrs Routledge, Eden Terrace


GEORGE AND DRAGON INN Rickergate; in local directories to 1902/03

CJ 13.06.1801 p1 Mary Carrick, innkeeper

CJ 28.04.1804 p3 George Inn, Rickergate for sale, Lawrence Benson, Innkeeper

CJ 11.03.1826 p1d To let

CJ 09.12.1826 p2b John Irving takes on George and Dragon

CJ 16.03.1839 p3a Conversion of pub to shops

CJ 13.04.1839 p1d George and Dragon to be let

1861 census Andrew Mallinson, aged 32, victualler, born Stapleton

1891 census Thomas Taylor, publican, aged 30, born Manchester

CP 07.09.1894; Brewster Sessions; police object to licence renewal

1901 census; John Thompson, aged 52, innkeeper

CN 22.02.1991 p4 (illus) Unsavoury types at old city pubs


GEORGE’S COURT, Spring Garden Lane to Swifts Row [1880 Directory]


GEORGE ST Named on Cole’s map of 1805; Street laid out in 1799 on which was progressively built a terrace of housing by George Ferguson, hence the name

See also Nelson, Lord Horatio - tablet commemorating victories in Nile

Slee, M Older Carlisle (illus) pp3,5

D Perriam Lowther Street p58 illus One terrace of three storey houses built between 1802 and 1805. The houses faced onto a small rectangular gardens. The street was intended for wealthy householders. The street was private, as was the gardens, access being restricted by a gate and gatekeepers lodge. Much of the street became clinics and a maternity unit in the 1920s. Demolished in 1969 to make way for a new road. As a result Lowther Street became a cul-de-sack. Eden Bridge House and public car park to the east were partly built on the George Street gardens

Two brothers, George and Robert Ferguson, started to purchase parcels of land in Rickergate in 1792 from Catherine Dobinson and Edward Rowland, timber merchant. At the time Robert Ferguson was ‘of Whitehaven’. A document dated 1799 between Edward H Rowland and George Ferguson refers to streets, yet to be built by George, which included George Street and Mary’s Lane. In these streets there were to be no ‘trades of soap boiler, refiner of tallow, blacksmith, or copper-smith nor slaughter house, carriers, warehouse, bakehouse, or cotton factory worked by steam engines or anything deemed obnoxious’ [CRO5/2/52] In 1816 George Ferguson built himself Houghton Hall. From 1799 he built, owned and named after himself George Street with its six fine houses. When he died in 1821 George left to his wife and children the ‘six dwelling houses, hat manufactory, coach houses, timber yard, gardens...situate in George Street in the parish of St Mary’s, Carlisle. Jollie’s 1811 directory lists a hat manufacturing business in George Street called Ferguson, R G and Co [Robert and George] and a timber merchant business called ‘Ferguson and Sowerby’. The hat manufactory was where Captain Kelsick Wood and family lived between 1804-1809. The Captain’s sister, Ann, was married to Robert Ferguson. The building twice burst into flames after the Woods left it. The first time ‘The flames were no sooner discerned than the whole building was in one complete blaze, blowing up the floors and the roof almost with the force of gun-powder.The conflagration is supposed to have originated in lightening. It may afford a useful hint to add that the leathers of the engines burst while working [CJ 30.04.1814]

Cumbria Family History Magazine numbers 116 and 117 [Nov 2005]

CJ 02.05.1818 p1d House to let

Civic Affairs 03/1970 p3 Demolition carried out including George St houses

CN 22.08.2014 p18 Denis Perriam article



Margaret Forster Hidden Lives p137 Visit of author to the George Street clinic in 1941 for a poisoned finger



3-4 George Street opened 23.05.1920, taken over by the NHS July 1948

City Minutes 1917-18 p 376 proposal to establish maternity home in George St

City minutes 1918-19 pp69-74 Report on establishment of maternity home

City Minutes 1919-20 p26 Alterations to nos 3 and 4 completed

Report Sanitary Condition of Carlisle 1919 p57 Hoped to open shortly

City Minutes 1935-6 p271 No 6 George Street for Corporation maternity hospital

CN 18.11.1966 p3 Maternity home closing in next 2 years

City Council Minutes 1966/67 p999 To be demolished in 1968 for new road



CN 06.10.1989 p14 New look for an old friend


GEORGIAN WAY Stage one of the inner ring road, including Georgian Way, opened in December 1970

City Minutes 1964-5 p540 Purchase of property to make way for new road

CN 08.02.2002 p14 Subway brightened up by Trinity pupils


GERMAIN’S COURT, 5 Peter Street [1880 Directory]


GERMAINS PLACE, Peter Street [1934 Directory]

1924 Carlisle Directory between 5-7 Peter Street


GEYLLER AND SEDGWICK, The Misses, Ladies Boarding School, Paternoster Row [A Picture of Carlisle and Directory, printed for and by A.Henderson, in the Market Place, 1810, p114, 129]



P Hitchon Botcherby a garden village p201

CN 15.04.1950 p4 St Bede’s Church Ghost

CJ 06.11.1964 p10 Friars Tavern; haunted

CJ 09.07.1965 p1 Littlewoods

CJ 23.12.1966 p1 Citadel Tavern

ENS 14.01.1971 p6 Legend of A ghost

ENS 15.12.1976 p7 (illus) Ghost - Citadel Tavern

CN 17.06.1977 p1 Joiners Arms ghost

CN 29.07.1988 p4 Cathedral’s strange sightings


GIANT’S GRAVE Caldewgate Urinal; removed 1900 to make a wider thoroughfare

CIC p42

Carlisle City Council Minutes 1895-96 pp 178,179,180,197,198

Carlisle City Council Minutes 1898-99 pp 345,358,373

Carlisle City Council Minutes 1899-1900 pp 48 Grave removed, 145

CN 11.09.1948 p5 CN 18.09.1948 p3 CN 16.10.1948 p5 (illus)

CN 26.02.1971 p12 CN 05.03.1971 p12 (illus) CN 24.11.1978 p4 (illus) CN 08.01.1988 p4

CN 30.09.1988 p4 Factory gate meetings for elections

CN 12.11.2004 p6 D.Perriam; history of Giant’s Grave



CN 20.07.1979 pp8-9



CN 21.08.1987 p7 Takeover firm set to expand


GIBBONS COURT, Scotch St, between West Tower Street and Warwick Street. On the electoral register until 1937

Woods map of 1821 shows that a Mr Gibbons owned land in this area,

1847 Directory, Rickergate

1880 Directory 1880 4 Scotch Street

City Minutes 1930-31 p628 Nos 2 and 11 declared unfit for human habitation

1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 2-4 Scotch Street

1934 Directory 2 Scotch Street


GIBBONS TERRACE, Newtown Road; so named on electoral registers until 1947; then renamed Newtown Road

City Minutes 1893-94 p 281 Approval for 6 houses


GIBSON,E Bog Coal Depot

Coal, coke firewood

CD 1961-62 Ad p264

CD 1966-68 Ad p260


GIBSON, Ernest

CN 23.07.2010 p4 Obit of Stanwix greengrocer


GIBSON, John Tailor, aged 33, employing 4 men and 3 boys, born Upperby, home address Kings Arms Lane [1861 census]


GIBSON, Joseph English St

Linen and woollen draper

CD 1880 Ad pxliii

1882 Porters Directory Ad p72 27 English St; dress materials, silks




CD 1920 Ad p60


GIBSON,W and Son Warwick Rd, Upperby Rd, Lancaster St

Haulage and coach hire

Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p6


GIBSONS COURT, Brook Street [1934 Directory]

1924 Carlisle Directory Between 23-25 Brook Street

1955-56 Carlisle Directory 2 properties listed between 25-27 Brook St




GILBERTSON, John Boot and shoemaker and grocer, employing 3 men, employing 3 men, born Kirkbride, home address Shaddongate [1861 census]


GILBRO Currock Rd

Clothing outlet

CN 16.04.1999 p12


GILKERSON, Ann Cooper, aged 40, employing 3 men, home address 7 Sewells Lane, born Brampton [1851 census]


GILKERSON,J Rickergate

Spirit merchant

CJ 28.03.1818 p1b Ad

CJ 02.01.1847 p1b Removal of James Gilkerson to Scotch St; in business 40 years

1847 Steel’s guide to the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Ad; shop removed to 9 Scotch Street. Run by late father and himself for the last forty years


GILKERSON, Mary Wine merchant, aged 40, home address 9 Scotch St, born Warden, Northumberland [1851 census]



Wines and spirits

CD 1880 Ad pxxxv

1882 Porters Directory Ad p88 Henry Bendle, successor to T.L.Gilkerson


GILL AND SCHOLEY LTD Founded 1941 Fisher St

Leather manufacturing works; makers of clog tops

CJ 09.05.1944 pp1,2 (illus)

CN 29.04.1966 p5 (illus)


GILL,I.W. and Son Botchergate, South St


M.Edwards Our City Our People p23 Short memory circa 1900

CD 1952 Ad p84


GILL, John 133 Botchergate

M.Edwards Our City Our People p22 Short memory circa 1900

1882 Porters Directory Ad p160 Grocer


GILLBANKS, J and Son Castle St; Scotch St, Market Place, West Tower St


Guide to Carlisle C178 Ad

CJ 05.09.1871 p2 Dixon’s property on Fisher St and West Tower Street sold to Messrs Gillbanks and Sons, grocer

CD 1880 Ad pxxiii

1882 Porters Directory Ad p36 Italian Warehouse; 53 Castle St

CJ 17.07.1885 p1 53 Castle Street for sale; now occupied by Messrs J.Gillbanks

CJ 01.06.1888 p1 For sale. Two large houses on Fisher Street, warehouses, dyeworks etc to West Tower Street ‘the property formerly belonged to the late firm of Messrs Peter Dixon and Sons and was occupied by them as offices and warehouses and was recently occupied by John Hutton Gillbanks


GILLBANKS, Joseph Grocer and paper merchant, aged 46, employing 4 men and 4 apprentices, born High Ireby, home address 6 Spencer St [1861 census]




GILLFORD CRESCENT Harraby First appears in the Carlisle Directory for 1940.




CJ 03.08.1928 Greyhound racing

CN 23.03.1989 p5 City R.L. ground for sale claim

CN 24.09.1999 p8 When Carlisle went to the dogs




GILLILANDS CORNER SHOP Corner Colville terrace and Colville Street

D Perriam Denton Holme p111, photo



CJ 30.06.1950 p2 World conference at Oxford; Relay of scrolls

CJ 04.07.1950 p1 (illus) World conference at Oxford; Relay of scrolls

CJ 07.07.1950 p3 World conference at Oxford; Relay of scrolls

CN 24.05.1985 p4 History of movement in Carlisle

CN 27.04.1990 p3 New Guides outfits are so trendy

CN 16.08.1991 p11 Guides hunt for campsite

CN 09.07.1993 p14 Jubilee day for guides

CN 16.07.1993 p9 Jubilee fun for elders of Guiding


GIRLS CLUB, Union Lane [active circa 1920]

Run by church organisations, the girls would always be chaperoned. They discussed the Bible and had talks from missionaries, and when they did have a social, boys came by invitation only [Margaret Forster Hidden Lives pp70]



CJ 06.11.1925 Annual festival of Carlisle branch

CN 28.11.1975 p9 Centenary

CN 15.09.1995 p2 Girls society celebrates 120th anniversary



CN 13.11.1992 p4 Wartime corps

CN 04.12.1992 p4 Happy days with the corps



City Minutes 1934-5 p60, nos 1,2, and 3 declared unfit for human habitation


GLAISTER, Ernest William

City Minutes 1924-25 p91 Licensed to operate bus to St Ann’s


GLAISTER, George Tailor, employing 2 men and 2 women and 2 boys, aged 35, home address Fisher St, born Carlisle [1861 census]


GLAISTER, H.S. English St, Bridge St; Castle St

Confectioner and caterer

Carlisle in Old Picture Postcards; view 69 View, circa 1926, of Castle St shop

CD 1924 Ad p92

CD 1927 Ad p264

CD 1931 Ad p282

CD 1934 Ad p250

CD 1937 Ad p254

CD 1940 Ad p260


GLAISTER, John William 7 Botchergate

1882 Porters Directory Ad p138 Confectioner

1891 census; John Glaister, 34, confectioner, born Langrigg, Cumberland, home 66 Castle St


GLAISTER, Mrs Ruth Castle St, Broad St, Hart St


CD 1924 Ad p270


GLAISTERS COURT, South Street [1934 Directory].On the 1865 OS map 23.08.06 this appears to be called Waters Court

1880 Directory 22 South Street

1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 20-22 South Street


GLASS Little is known of medieval glaziers but their presence is documented in city in late 13th century [CN 22.10.2004 p6b]

Medieval Carlisle by Summerson p664 By about 1515 there was a glazier in the city., Thomas Benson. The mid sixteenth century map of Carlisle clearly shows glass in the moot hall and the tower over the Rickergate.

CN 30.06.2017 Second section p18 1306 Master John glazier of Carlisle


GLEANER INN Old Grapes Lane; in local directories to 1870

1829 Directory p164 Ann Hetherton

1861 census John Wainman, aged 34, innkeeper, born Preston



Bill poster

CD 1880 Ad pxxvi



CN 21.05.2004 p5 Newsagents to close after 70 years


GLENDINING, William Whitesmith; 1861 census, William Glendining, aged 63, whitesmith, employing 3 men and 2 boys, born Brampton, home address 46 Lowther St

D Perriam Lowther Street p42 Photo of their trade stand

1851 Directory. Ad Whitesmith and bell-hanger [after page 82 at back]

1861 Morris, Harrison and Co ad p14 Whitesmith, Old Grapes Lane

CJ 10.07.1879 Obit of inventor of Glendinning ovens, aged 82

M.Edwards Our City Our People p52 Reference to Glendining oven

CN 06.06.2008 p p34 D.Perriam sold in 1948 to Messrs Henry Moat and Sons




CD 1961-62 Ad p283


GLENDINNING, Rachael School

CP 16.12.1870 24 pupils at Miss Glendinning’s Lowther St school



CN 29.10.1976 p19



CN 26.01.2007 p17 Carlisle based trust gets 400,000 pound lottery grant; established 1989 and works with social services and local health organisations


GLOAGS COURT, James Street 1861 census has an Elizabeth Gloag living in the court

1880 Directory 14 James Street

1924 Carlisle Directory Between 12-14 James Street

1934 Directory


GLOBE INN Caldewgate

So named on the 1865 50 inch OS map 23.3.19

CJ 14.01.1804 p2 Thomas Ellery, Innkeeper

CJ 02.05.1809 Thomas Elleray, innkeeper

Position marked on Asquiths 1853 map

1861 census; Mary Simeon, innkeeper, aged 50, born Carlisle; Caldew Bridge

1901 census; Richard Watson, aged 38, bn Thackwood, Cumberland

CN 10.06.1966 p8 (illus)

V.White Carlisle and its Villages p28 drawing of pub in 1985

CN 22.05.1992 p4 (illus)

CN 21.02.2003 p3 Kerry and Stephen Dixon take over pub

CN 04.04.2014 p8 Pub has now been closed for more than 3 years


GLOBE INN Globe Lane/Scotch Street; in local directories to 1934

A place where in the early 19th century magistrates met to sit in justice. Drs Heysham, Grinsdale and Lowry met here [Life of Dr Heysham by Henry Lonsdale pp114-117]

1901 census Robert Jefferson, aged 43, innkeeper, born Thursby


GLOBE LANE Linking Scotch Street and Lowther Street; So named in the 1829 Directory

1847 Directory

1880 Directory 57 Scotch Street tp 28 Lowther Street

1891 census; 52 people living here

1901 census; 53 people living in this 13 households. Occupations include boot-maker, basket-maker, machinist, slater, housekeeper, plasterer, weaver, grocer, cordwainer, carter, corporation labourer, night watchman, charwoman, farm labourer, confectioner’s assistant, coach builder, currier’s labourer, lamp-lighter, tin box factory, telegraphic messenger, shoemaker, umbrella manufacturer

1934 Directory 57 Scotch Street

CJ 25.10.1963 p6 (illus)

ENS 01.12.1966 p8 Details of shops

175 Years of Carlisle p83 Photo looking east in 1970s

Cumberland News Images of Carlisle p11 Photo of Lane at start of demolition

V.White Carlisle and its Villages; drawing of lane in 1981

The Lanes Remembered pp10-12 Memories of no 3 Globe Lane, pp 34-37


GLOBE PARCEL EXPRESS (Also known as John Hinshelwood and Co). Head office in Glasgow. Earliest mention of Globe Parcel Express or John Hinshelwood and Co in Glasgow or Manchester was in 1858

1880 Agent J.C.Mason 58 Castle St

1884 Agent J.C. Mason 84 English St and 16 Devonshire St

1894 Agent George W. Somerville 25 Mary St

1910 Agent Carlisle Tramways Co Ltd 1 Warwick Road

Globe Express Ltd was registered in 1896 and took over the business of Globe Parcel Express and John Hinshelwood and Co. Globe Express Ltd ceased operations in 1918 and the final disposal of assets took place in 1923. Liquidator located in London. (Letter 1985)



City Minutes 26.07.1889 item 380 p 228 Houses for Gloucester and Blackwell Rds

City Minutes 1894-95 p 283 approval for 15 houses




GLOVERS ROW, Market Place Demolished 5th - 12th March 1897

CIC pp8-9 photographs

Slee,M Older Carlisle p11 (illus)

CN 13.03.1948 p5 (illus) CN 08.08.1953 p6 (illus) CN 29.08.1953 p6

CN 31.01.1964 p10 (illus)

CN 11.08.1989 p4 Glovers Row

CN 08.12.2000 p9 The demolition of Glovers Row; D.Perriam article



CN 19.01.1990 p12 Ad


GMB Lowther Street

Trade Union

CN 04.08.2000 p8 Cumbria local branch moves to Lowther Street


GOAT INN Botchergate; in local directory for 1834


GODDARD, W.H. Henry St, Warwick Rd

Surgeon dentist

CD 1893-94 Ad p124


GO4MORE Internet Company, founded 1998

CN 07.11.2003 p14 Has 40 clients in haulage industry


GOLDEN EGG RESTAURANT English St Opened May 1973

CN 11.05.1973 p16 (illus) Opened




CN 11.02.1999 p15 Ad


GOLDEN FLEECE Corporation Road/ Solway Street; in local directories 1861 - 1927; closed with the opening of the new Malt Shovel opposite

Carlisle from the Kendall Collection; p51 photo of exterior

S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1896 - 1916 p111

CN 24.04.1992 p4 (illus)


GOLDEN FLEECE Willowholme; in local directories 1837 - 1855


GOLDEN FLEECE HOTEL St Nicholas Street; in local directories from 1858 - 1934; closed when Earl Grey opened in 1935; afterwards this site Southend Constitutional Club

S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p64-5

1891 census; William Lees, aged 51, publican, born Nottinghamshire

1901 census; Thomas Nicholson, innkeeper, 39, born Dalston

CN 19.01.1989 Photo



CJ 16.09.1809 p2 To be let and tea garden, William Salt innkeeper


GOLDEN LION St Cuthbert’s Lane; in local directories to 1861

CJ 25.10.1828 p2 For sale Mrs Shepherd, innkeeper, deceased


GOLDEN LION St Nicholas; in local directories from 1855

CD 1880 Ad pxxxix

Carlisle the Archive Photographs p89 photo of pub circa 1898

S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p62-3

1891 census; Ada Armistead, aged 29, hotel manageress, born Newcastle

1901 census; Robert Minns, 53, Hotel Manager, bn Middlesbrough

ENS 22.08.1998 p12 (illus) 100 years since refurbishment

ENS 06.07.1999 Letter from landlady answering accusations against pub

CN 19.10.2007 p7 Mick Charles takes over Golden Lion


GOLDEN PHEASANT King’s Arms Lane; in local directories from 1844 - 1852


GOLDEN QUOIT Botchergate; in local directory for 1855; previously called the Andrew Marvel; by 1861 called the Railway Tavern [S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p77]


GOLDEN QUOIT Head’s Lane; in local directory for 1855; previously and afterwards known as the Sportsman

CJ 21.05.1852 p2 For sale


GOLDEN RAM, Harraby Hill

CJ 17.12.1808 p1 To be let, well accustomed, also public garden, fruit and other trees



Tea merchant

Guide to Carlisle Ad C178


GOLF First game in city 1876 when Grammar School teacher Mr Baillie laid out a ten hole course on Binning’s Field near Strand Rd and 36 boys played for the honour of school golf champion [Alan Porter Carlisle Gold Club 1908 - 2008 p1]

CAIH p82

Denis Perriam Denton Holme p82 Longsowerby. Before the planned new estate following the 1919 Housing Act land here was used as a 9 hole golf course known as St James Golf Club

See J.Douglas and E.Wastnedge History of Carlisle Golf Club, 1985

Alan Porter Carlisle Golf Club 1908 - 2008

CN 09.03.1940 p7 CN 30.03.1940 pp2,5 (illus) CN 02.07.1954 p8 CN28.06.1957 p10 CN 05.07.1957 p8

CN 24.07.1998 p12 Time for Tee

CN 16.02.1990 p4 Railway had part in golf history

CN 29.07.1994 p16 Restaurant which can offer good food and tee for 2


AGLIONBY (Carlisle Golf Course) Opened 01.05.1939

CJ 06.12.1938 p5 Golfers £12,000 dream

CJ 02.05.1939 p1 (illus) Opening of new course

CJ 29.03.1940 p3 Official opening of new club house

CN 25.09.1956 p10

CN 14.08.1987 p17 PGA £14,000 European Tour Aug.17th

CN 06.02.2004 p24 Hit by fall in women members


DURRANHILL Opening ceremony 22.10.1908; moved to Aglionby in 1939; Plan of course p 20 Alan Porter Carlisle Gold Club 1908 - 2008 and p 23 includes superimposition on present day map of course

Carlisle an illustrated history p82 photo of opening of pavilion in 1911

All About Carlisle 1934 pp50-51 Photo of clubhouse

CN 02.07.1999 p23 Golf course that became an army camp


STONEYHOLME Opened 1974 as a 9 hole course

CN 28.07.1967 p3 CN 05.01.1968 p20 CN 22.03.1974 p9

CN 05.04.1974 p11

CN 06.12.1974 p7 CN 27.12.1974 p5 CN 17.01.1975 p4

CN 13.06.1975 p9 CN 28.11.1975 p8 CN 05.12.1975 p23

CN 27.02.1976 p5 CN 10.06.1977 p32 CN 03.04.1978 p5

CN 09.11.1979 p1

CN 19.06.1970 p3 Proposed

CN 18.09.1970 p21 Plans of architect

CN 15.12.1972 p1 (illus) Flooded

CN 28.06.1974 p5 (illus) Opening

CN 08.06.1990 p3 City golf course deaths warning

CN 30.08.1991 p44 Queue up for golf

CN 02.08.2002 p7 To be run by charitable trust

CN 02.05.2003 p23 Reopens after being upgraded to 18 holes [?]

CN 04.03.2005 p28 Set to reopen after flood; 300 trees damaged


SWIFTS 9 hole course laid out in 1880 [Alan Porter Carlisle Gold Club 1908 - 2008 p2]; 1890 left here for Dalston Green before returning about 1900 and moving in 1908 to Durranhill. Now [2022] closed and area re-wilded

Beatys Northern Almanac 1901 p31 Links lately opened on Swifts

CJ 17.09.1948 p5 Proposal

CN 30.04.1949 p5 Opened

CJ 03.05.1949 p1 (illus) Opened

CN 23.12.1993 p10 Midge is set to tee off

CN 02.05.2003 p23 Reopens after being upgraded to 18 holes [?]



CN 28.12.2001 p14 (Illus) Feature on firm run by Eddie Gilbertson

GOLIAH INN Crown Street; In local directories from 1855; closed permanently from 02.10.1938 when the Cumberland Wrestlers opened

S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p56

Carlisle the Archive Photographs p126 photo of pub in 1902

CN 26.07.1991 p4 (illus) CN 02.08.1991 p4 (illus)



CN 20.04.1990 p7 (illus)



CJ 17.08.1948 p2 78th Anniversary



Bakers and grocers

CD 1952 Ad p72

CD 1955-56 Ad p222



‘Now a part of Blackwell Road, Built by William C.Armstrong

City Minutes 1903-04 p403 Approval for 10 houses


GORDON, Graham Blackwell Road


CN 31.08.2001 p3 Wins prize for best Cumberland sausage


GORE, Ernest, bookshop on Blackfriars Street. Painting of premises in D.Perriam Blackfriars Street, p14. Mr Gore died 19.04.1957


GORRILL, S.A. English St

Boot and shoe manufacturer

Guide to Carlisle Ad C 178

CD 1880 Ad piv

1882 Porters Directory Ad p50 28 English St


GORRILL’S LTD Iredale’s Yard, Currock St

Tyres, batteries

CD 1952 Ad p392


GOSCHEN ROAD First appears in the 1884 directory when only one property is occupied and notes ‘other houses building not yet occupied’; George Goschen was a Liberal MP from 1863 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1887-1892; 1901 census/ Bulmer 1901; Matthew Johnstone, architect and William Johnstone, builder, both of Johnstone Brothers, ‘Bruceville’ and ‘Louisville’ Goschen Rd, respectively; Robert Todd senior of Todd’s Shaddongate woollen mill, ‘Rockville’, Goschen Rd.; Gavin Morton, carpet manufacturerEggernessGoschen Rd.; Ernest Hutchinson, biscuit manufacturers manager, ‘Arden Lea’, Goschen Rd; Bertram Carr, biscuit manufacturer, ‘Estyn’, Goschen Rd


GOSLING, John Spirit Merchant, died 17.06.1803 [Monumental Inscription St Mary’s, Cathedral; no457]



CN 02.12.1988 p5 Opening

CN 10.11.2006 p9 £320,000 facelift for pub


GOSLIN SYKE 07.11.1680 Thomas of Gozin Sike [Baptisms and Burials of St Michael’s Church, Stanwix] Marked on G.Smith’s 1746 map of Carlisle; Kingmoor to the Eden

D Perriam Stanwix p66 The name, predating 1552, Gosling Beck/ Syke was a stream which flowed from Houghton to cross Kingstown Road at Belah, under Gosling Bridge, and on through fields to join the Eden at the bottom of Eden Street. Mainly culverted, former bridge still extant on Scotland Road next to Waverley Road [parapet inscription of former bridge remains Gosling Bridge Widened 1898]

P Hitchon Botcherby AGarden Village pp43-5 Bricks had been made at Botcherby since the 18th century; a building contractor’s account for bricks and plastering of the Town Hall during alterations to the inner hall of the gallery in 1733 notes that ‘1500 bricks from Botcherby, 500 from Gosling Sike and 100 from Town Dike Gate were used’.

Carlisle Examiner 27.12.1862 p1 Freehold estate at Gosling, near Carlisle for sale



CN 09.12.2011 p17 Set up in 1961 but failing numbers means it is facing closure



CN 04.05.1990 p1 Another city shop pulls out



CN 26.08.1988 p11 A craze to go potty


GOULDING, James Annetwell St; Botchergate

Picture frame maker

CD 1880 Ad pv

CD 1884-85 Ad px


GOVERNOR OF CARLISLE Office became extinct in 1837

Jefferson,S History....Carlisle, 1883, p119-121 List of Governors



1918 Electoral Register David, Margaret and John Malcolm


GOWENLOCKS COURT, South Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory 6 South Street

1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 2-6 South Street





CN 08.09.1995 p4



CN 03.09.2010 p1 Centre for learning disabilities planned. Named after donor of £190,000

CN 08.04.2011 p5 Cutting of first sod



City Minutes 1901-02 p250 Approval for 7 houses



CN 18.04.1997 p9 Streets graffiti are signs of times



CN 03.01.1997 p12 Big success for Grafix

CN 04.03.2005 p40 Feature; biggest contract in 32 year history


GRAF ZEPPELIN Flew over Cumberland 19th August 1931

CN 22.01.1949 p5 CN 29.01.1949 p5 CN 25.09.1970 p14

ENS 19.08.1931 Passed over Carlisle shortly before 7am

CJ 21.08.1931 p7 Over Cumberland



CN 19.04.1973 pp8-9 (illus)

CN 26.06.1992 p20 Peugeot power roars into city

CN 17.09.2004 p11 Planning to move from Caldewgate to make way for housing


GRAHAM AND CO Spinning mill, New Mill, [A Picture of Carlisle and Directory, printed for and by A.Henderson, in the Market Place, 1810 p116]


GRAHAM AND CO Mary St, Cecil St

Engineers and smiths

Guide to Carlisle Ad C178

CD 1880 Ad pxix


GRAHAM AND CRAWFORD Pack Horse Lane; Blackfriars St; Crown and Anchor Lane


CD 1902-03 Ad p177

CD 1905-06 Ad p109

CD 1907-08 Ad p130

CD 1910-11 Ad p61

CD 1913-14 Ad p66

CD 1924 Ad p165

CD 1927 Ad p217

CD 1931 Ad p224

CD 1934 Ad p144

CD 1937 Ad p104

CD 1940 Ad p98

CD 1952 Ad p70

CD 1961-62 Ad p293

CD 1966-68 Ad p293

CJ 28.01.1949 p1


GRAHAM AND HODGSON Warwick Road, Denton St


CD 1931 Ad p206

CD 1952 Ad p297

CD 1955-56 Ad p242

CD 1961-62 Ad p109


GRAHAM AND ROBERTS Botchergate Founded 1919


CN 17.09.1938 p19 CJ 19.10.1962 p12 CJ 27.11.1964 p15

CD 1920 Ad p48

CD 1924 Ad p302

CD 1927 Ad p84

ENS 01.12.1964 Supp

ENS 12.01.1966 p1 City firm gets £65,000 order for hire cars

ENS 11.06.1968 p1 Merger with Appleyards

CN 14.06.1968 p2 Merged with Appleyard of Leeds

CN 31.12.1971 p9 Name change to Appleyards


GRAHAM, Andrew Cab proprietor

1891 census, aged 55, home 24 Lowther St, born Hesket


GRAHAM, Bob Caldew Garage, Metcalfe St

CD 1952 Ad p338


GRAHAM, Clogger Denton Holme

Denton Holme Childhood, B.Cullen p53 description of clogmaker in 1930s


GRAHAM, E Straw bonnet warehouse. Elizabeth Graham [nee Baty] was the wife of John Graham, tailor. She died 20.10.1876 aged 62 []MI at Dalston Road Cemetery]

CJ 01.04.1843 p3a Advert 34 Castle Street, Straw bonnet maker, opposite the Black Swan Inn


GRAHAM, G.E. Willowholme Industrial Estate

Joinery contractor

CD 1966-68 Ad p279


GRAHAM, Gabriel Butcher, died 14.03.1769 [Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard]


GRAHAM, George Bacon curer employing 2 men, aged 56, home address Rickergate, born Scotland [1861 census]


GRAHAM, George Ironfounder, died 25.01.1891, [Monumental Inscription 113/38]

D Perriam Denton Holme Messrs George Graham of the Victoria Foundry on Denton Street advertised in the Carlisle Journal of 30.05.1879 that as an iron and brass foundry they made manhole covers and lamp poles. The firm advertised in September 1881 that they manufactured gully traps under Clark’s patent and the Denton Street works were up for sale as they were erecting another foundry at Maryport. In October the newspaper reported on Graham’s bankruptcy


GRAHAM, Henry Cab proprietor, aged 25, employing 4 men and 1 boy, home address 25 Blackfriars St, born Carlisle [1861 census]


GRAHAM, J.J. Grocers Fisher St

CN 01.12.1989 p15 A firm with 200 years of tradition

CN 19.02.1993 p3 Firm set to fly flag in celebration

CN 05.02.1999 p1 Grocer deny shop closure rumours

CN 19.02.1999 p5 (illus) Future hangs in balance

CN 26.03.1999 p7 To re-open if staff found

CN 22.03.2002 p6 Opened Carlisle branch in 1987 now closes



CP 28.01.1874 p1b Timber merchants stock for sale; vacating Lonsdale Street

1873 Directory; Denton St Timber and slate merchants; also Lonsdale St


GRAHAM, John Apothecary and surgeon died 25.06.1757; [Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard]


GRAHAM, John Attorney at law; Bailey’s Northern Directory, 1784



1829 Directory John Graham, joiner and cabinet maker, Abbey Street

CJ 28.07.1832 Ad. John Brown commenced business in Abbey Street in premises lately occupied by Mr John Graham, joiner and cabinet maker


GRAHAM, John Butcher, aged 55, employing 2 men, home address 83 Castle street, born Wetheral [1851 census]


GRAHAM, John Tailor, aged 43, home Castle St, employing 2 men and 1 boy, born Carlisle [1861 census]


GRAHAM, John Mary St


CD 1884-85 Ad p278


GRAHAM, John James Butcher, died 13.06.1905 [Monumental Inscription 150/27]


GRAHAM, John Jas Court St, St Nicholas

Joiners and contractor; funeral director

CD 1931 Ad p300

CD 1952 Ad p301

CD 1955-56 Ad card inset

CD 1961-62 Ad p3

CD 1966-68 Ad p269


GRAHAM, John N. Bank St

Chartered surveyor, auctioneer

CD 1952 Ad p317


GRAHAM, John William County Mews, Lowther Street

Cab proprietor

See also County Mews

1891 census; 31 born, Carlisle, home 31 Lowther Street

D Perriam Lowther Street p46In 1869 Henry Graham bought a piece of land on Lowther Street from the Earl of Lonsdale on which he built the County Mews. His successor JW Graham sold the property in 1919 when it became Hodgson’s Garage. Property demolished in 1934. After 1935 he was on Spencer Street.


GRAHAM, Joseph Caldewgate


CD 1880 Ad pxxxvi

1891 census; joseph Graham, chemist, aged 54, home Castle St, born Brampton


GRAHAM, Joseph, architect/ brewer

See also Queen’s Brewery

CP 13.12.1907 Death of Mr Richard Graham, a partner in the firm of Joseph Graham and Sons, Queens Brewery, Carlisle. Mr Graham was aged 33 and was the youngest son of Mr Joseph Graham and since his father’s death has carried on the business in conjunction with his elder brother Mr TH Graham. Mr Joseph Graham, architect is his eldest brother


GRAHAM, Joseph Civil engineer and surveyor died 11.09.1921 [monumental inscription 80/33]


GRAHAM, Steward Attorney at law; Bailey’s Northern Directory, 1784


GRAHAM, Thomas of Blackhall, shoemaker, died 11.03.1845 [Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard]


GRAHAM, Thomas

City Minutes 1924-25 p91 Licensed to operate bus Gretna to Town Hall


GRAHAM, Thomas James

City Minutes 1927-28 p624 Licensed to operate bus service to Wigton


GRAHAM, Thomas and Sons West Tower St; Milbourne St; Lowther St

Iron and steel merchants founded 1892 by Thomas Graham, 2005 run by his great, great grandson Roger Smith. 1970 City Council compulsory purchase of their Lowther Street premises. The company moves to Caldewgate. 1991 removal of head office to the old dairy site in Shaddongate from Caldewgate. 2014 move from Shaddongate to purpose built premises on Kingmoor Park

D Perriam Lowther Street. Took over the premises of James Graham, ironmonger on the corner of Lowther Street and East Tower Street before moving to Shaddongate then Kingstown Industrial Estate

The Lanes Remembered p 63 photo

CD 1893-94 Ad p204

Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p239

CD 1955-56 Ad p240

CN 19.08.1960 p15

Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p52 1969 photo of West Tower St shop

CN 04.07.2003 p16 Ad feature; established 1892

CN 13.05.2005 p18 Takes over Cumbria Fasteners; Graham’s have £12m turnover


GRAHAM, W Market Place

Gunsmith [first known gunsmith in city; flourished circa 1781 - 1816]; 1810 Picture of Carlisle and Directory p128 W.Graham, gunsmith, Market Place


GRAHAM, William A and Co Central Chambers, Bank St


CD 1893-94 Ad p36



CN 26.05.1989 p50 Keeping the wheels of industry moving


GRAHAMS COURT, Ashley Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory

1955-56 Carlisle Directory lists 3 properties here


GRAHAMS COURT, 20 Bridge Street [1880 Directory]


GRAHAMS COURT, 46 Caldcotes [1880 Directory]



1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 5-7 Church Street


GRAHAM’S COURT, 48 Charles Street [1880 Directory]


GRAHAMS COURT, Harraby Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory1 Harraby Street

1924 Carlisle Directory lists between 1-2 Harraby Street, London Road


GRAHAMS COURT, Milbourne Street [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory 118 Milbourne Street

1924 Carlisle Directory between nos 116-118 Milbourne Street


GRAHAMS COURT, Saint Nicholas Street [1934 Directory]


GRAHAMS COURT, Studholme Lane [1934 Directory]

1880 Directory


GRAHAM’S GARAGE Old Tram Sheds, London Road

CN 23.08.2002 p38 Ad; move from Brampton where known as Shipley’s

CN 04.04.2003 p1 Garage burns down



1861 Morris, Harrison and Co ad p16 Livery stables



CN 21.07.1995 p6 Open all hours - almost


GRAHAMS PLACE, 2 Church Street [1880 Directory]


GRAHAM STREET First noted in directory for 1880 when noted ‘unfinished’

CJ 21.11.1879 p5 Graham St laid out in 1878

CP 01.04.1887 p1a Nos 1-23 for sale; newly erected



D Perriam Denton Holme p43 A Primitive Methodist school-church was planned for Graham Street in 1881. This was ambitious as the build cost were £560 and only £230 had been raised by subscription. So a school was built first and as the funds were never forthcoming the church was not built. Instead the school served as a church and Sunday School. This eventually beca me an Elim Church. Later it was a plumber’s workshop until demolished for flats

Primitive Methodist chapel planned 1881; 19.04.1881 foundation stone laid; continued in use until 1940s when an Elim Church

Primitive Methodism in the Carlisle Circuit Past and present 1807-1907 p52 M760

CJ 09.08.1881

CN 20.04.2007 p7 Proposal for demolition and development; stained glass remains



Motor engineers

CD 1924 Ad p144



CD 1966-68 Ad p257

CN 20.03.1963 Supp Building Society opens


GRAINGER,G.G. English St; Scotch St


Leading Trader of the City Ad pp56-57 A616

CD 1893-94 Ad p12

CD 1920 Ad p108



1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]


GRAMMAR SCHOOL [usually called High School until 1880] Frequently said to have been founded by St Cuthbert. Mentioned as early as 1186; Re-founded by Henry VIII. In the foundation statutes of the Cathedral the Dean and Chapter were directed to appoint someone ‘learned in Greek and Latin, of good reputation and pious life, endowed with the faculty of teaching who shall train in piety and furnish with sound learning any boys whatsoever resorting to our school for the sake of learning grammar’ ; 1702 Bishop Smith by his will left a legacy of £500 for the benefit of the school; classes held in Cathedral then Abbey Gate; in 1806 new school built in West Walls; replaced by a new building on West Walls in 1832 which was extended in 1851; 26.02.1880 management of the school transferred to a new body constituted as follows; Ex-officio The Lord Bishop of Carlisle, the Mayor of Carlisle, the Dean of Carlisle (chairman), three representatives appointed by the Dean and Chapter, three appointed by the Corporation of Carlisle and three co-opted; foundation stone of new school on Strand Road laid 06.09.1881 by the Duke of Devonshire; new school buildings opened 20.09.1883, this included boarding accommodation, dormitories, dining hall for about 30 boys; a gymnasium was erected in 1895, in memory of the late headmaster the Rev S Maitland Crosthwaite; 1898 a new science block was added; The move to Comprehensive Education meant that in 1968 Carlisle Grammar School was amalgamated with two local schools, Margaret Sewell, (Girls) and the Creighton (Boys) to become Trinity School, a Church of England Comprehensive School on the Strand Road sites.

See also Trinity School

Position marked on Asquiths 1853 map

CAIH p46; photo of 1832 West Walls building and 1883 building

Bulmer 1901 pp 871-873

G.B.Routledge Carlisle Grammar School Memorial Register 1264-1924

CD 1884-85 Ad pv

CD 1893-94 Ad p154

CD 1893-94 Ad p136 Horse Bazaar; Strand Road

CD 1920 Ad p318

CJ 24.06.1853 English School praised in Dean’s speech

CP 27.12.1862 p6 Break up for the Christmas holiday

CJ 27.06.1865 Annual examination of the pupils

CP 02.09.1881 pp5,9 Stone laying ceremony

Carlisle the Archive Photographs p85 Photo of laying of foundation stone on 06.09

CP 09.09.1881 pp4,6 Stone laying ceremony

CJ 09.09.1881 p6 Foundation stone of new building laid on 06.09.1881

1891 census; Head Rev Crosthwaite, aged 46, bn London, 14 scholars listed as living in, none of whom are from the north; India, Tooting, Herne Bay

Carlisle the Archive Photographs p84 Photo of pupils in 1893

CP 07.02.1896 p4ba Opening of Crosthwaite Gymnasium on 13th Feb

CP 30.07.1897 p5b,c Grammar School Speech day

CP 28.01.1898 p5d New laboratories

CJ 19.10.1934 p6 Campbell Block

Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p 94 photo of 1943-44 rugby team

CN 25.01.1947 p5 Memorial to old Carliols

CN 01.02.1947 p6 Memorial to old Carliols

CN 16.07.1949 p5 History

CN 22.09.1951 p4

Strong lad wanted for strong lass; pp77 H.Davies memories of school in 1950s

CN 03.11.1951 p5 (illus) Chancellor’s Medal

CN 16.02.1962 p10 History

CN 30.08.1963 p3 (illus) Extensions

CN 13.11.1964 ‘Banks’ Lectern dedicated

CN 20.11.1964 p2 ‘Banks’ Lectern dedicated

Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p79 Photo of 1964-65 prize winners


GRANGE TRAVEL Bullough’s, Castle St

CN 23.10.1981 p23 (illus) Opening




CN 09.06.1923 Obit of J.P.D.Wheatley. He carried the business on until about two years ago when he disposed of it to Messrs Grant and Son

CD 1920 Ad p112

CD 1924 Ad p300

CD 1927 Ad p316

CD 1952 Ad p396

Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p284

CD 1955-56 Ad p290

CN 17.11.1967 p12 Time ball


GRANT,P.G. Lowther St

Magnetic appliances

CD 1884-85 Ad pxii


GRANVILLE HALL PHYSIOTHERAPY Granville Road; former dance hall

CN 25.05.2001 p14 Fails to reach reserve at auction



City Council minutes 21.09.1883 Approval for new street deferred


GRAPES HOTEL/ INN Scotch Street/ English St; in local directories to 1884

Carlisle an illustrated history p95 photo of inn sign of bunch of grapes

Carlisle the archive photos p8 Grapes Hotel in background of 1870s view

Universal Directory 1793-98 p631 Kept by Pringle

1796 The Merchant Guild Book notes a meeting at Mrs Pringles, the Grapes Inn, Carlisle [Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle p 123]

CJ 13.06.1801 p1 Benjamin Holmes, innkeeper

CJ 21.10.1809 p1 Mr Holmes, innkeeper

1810 A Picture of Carlisle and Directory, p116 Mr B.Holmes, Market Place

1811 Jollie pviii Benjamin Holmes

1821 New Guide to Carlisle p75 Benjamin Holmes

CP 29.01.1825 p1a M. Holmes retiring; Mr Armstrong succeeding

1851 Directory. Ad J. Atkinson [after page 82 at back]

CJ 24.11.1854 p1 William Bell enters into this ‘old established house’

CJ 04.04.1873 Offered for sale and bought by city

1882 Porters Directory Ad p82; Charles Daly; oldest est. hotel in Carlisle

1891 census; George Dalston, aged 41, hotel keeper, born Barnard Castle

CP 11.09.1891 Appeal against decision to withdraw licence

CN 13.03.1992 p4 (illus)

CN 10.08.2012 p32 Grapes Inn. Likely that the Grapes Inn moved from 1 English Street to 79 Scotch Street. D.Perriam on history of Inn.


GRAPES LANE So named on St Mary’s Parish registers, christenings 05.05.1762; so named on 1794 also on Cole’s 1805 map

The Lanes Remembered pp44-45, photos

1847 Directory, Scotch Street

CN 08.06.1956 p1 (illus)

CJ 06.10.1853 Site of ‘fever manufactory’



CN 19.02.1999 p5 Facing an uncertain future

CN 12.03.1999 p2 New lease of life



City Council Minutes 10.06.1881 Approval for laying out new street

City Council Minutes 1890-91 item 130 Approval for laying out new street

City Council Minutes 1896-97 p413 Approval for 14 houses



CN 12.11.1993 p4 (illus) A break from toil at dinnertime




GRAVES, Thomas Trinity Buildings, Wigton Rd

1882 Porters Directory Ad p158 Rope and twine manufacturer



CN 15.08.1997 p1 Counsellor knocks ‘ghastly’ gravestones


GRAY, A.E. Botchergate


CD 1952 Ad p82

Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p233

CD 1955-56 Ad p235


GRAY, E.B. Fisher St


Cumberland Directory Ad p43

CD 1955-56 Ad p43


GRAY, John and Sons Blackfriars St

Picture framers. Took over the business of Joseph Wood in 1881. John Gray junior continued in the business until his retirement in 1948. Under new management the firm still trades in Carlisle in West Tower Street

1891 census John Gray, guilder and picture framer, aged 44, bn Scotland, home 36 Blackfriars Street, two sons, Ebenezer and John, both picture framers living at home

Fisher Street, Presbyterian Church Bazaar October 1899 [M183] Ad p36

CD 1920 Ad p13

CD 1924 Ad p193

CD 1927 Ad p185


GRAY, Robert

City Minutes 1923-4 p588 Licensed to operate bus service Town Hall - Harraby


GRAY, W Denton Street/ East Nelson Street [born Carlisle 1857]

D.Perriam Denton Holme p72 Photo of post office/ photographic business

East Cumberland News 9 May 1903 the following advertisement appeared William Gray, photographer, Denton Street, Carlisle. Professional operator: Mr T. Story (many years principal working assistant with Messrs B. Scott and Son, Devonshire Street) Cabinets from 8s per dozen. Cartes De Visite 4s per dozen. Viaduct trams pass studio every minute.

Beaty’s Directory 1905-06



CN 15.07.1988 p14 City art shop to close



1924 Carlisle Directory between 73-75 Milbourne Street


GRAYSON, Benjamin Mon. Insc. St Mary’s Church [Cathedral] No90; grocer died 11.11.1865


‘GREASY CORNER’ Nickname for Victoria Viaduct/ English St corner where there were Maypole Dairy Co, Lipton, dairy supplies and Cooper and Co, grocers [E.Nelson Around Carlisle p 43]



CN 10.12.1949 p7 (illus) CN 17.12.1949 p5 CN 24.12.1949 p5




GREAT FAIR Commences on 26th August and continues for 15 days; charter of Edward III dated 07.02.1352 granted ...’and a fair on the feast of the assumption of the blessed Mary in each year for fifteen days next following the said feast,...’

CN 27.09.1974 p3 CN 18.10.1974 pp1,2 CN 06.06.1975 p8

CN 20.06.1975 p7 CN 04.07.1975 pp7,8,17 CN 25.07.1975 p9

CN 08.08.1975 p21 CN 22.08.1975 pp 1,14,22 (supp) CN 29.08.1975 pp1,4,5,10

CN 05.09.1975 pp1,10 CN 26.09.1975 p4 CN 02.01.1976 p4 CN 04.06.1976 p36 CN 06.08.1976 p32 CN13.08.1976 p1 CN 20.08.1976 pp1,7-10 CN 27.08.1976 pp1,3 CN 03.09.1976 pp 1,8,9 CN 26.11.1976 p19 CN 08.07.1977 p7 CN 19.08.1977 pp1,6,7 CN 26.08.1977 p1 CN 02.09.1977 pp1,9 (illus) CN 09.09.1977 p3 CN 25.08.1978 pp1,15-18 (illus) CN 01.09.1978 pp8,9 CN 08.09.1978 p9 CN 08.12.1978 p32 CN 15.12.1978 p1 CN 26.01.1979 pp6,14

CN 13.07.1979 p7 CN 24.08.1979 pp16-17 CN 31.08.1979 pp8,9 CN 07.09.1979 p40 (illus) CN 01.08.1980 p9 CN 29.08.1980 p9 (illus) CN 06.09.1980 p32 (illus) CN 09.01.1981 p3 CN 21.08.1981 pp5,8 (illus)

CN 28.08.1981 pp2,22 (illus) CN 04.09.1981 pp1,9 (illus)

1805 R. Anderson Ballads in Cumberland Dialect p119 Carel Fair description

Carlisle Examiner 27.08.1859 p3f Carel fair

CJ 25.08.1944 p1 History

CJ 02.09.1960 p4 Carlisle’s Great Fair

175 Years of Carlisle p85 Photo of 1975 proclamation; first revival

CN 07.04.1989 p5 Pro to take over running of Fair

CN 07.04.1989 p10 A job for a professional

CN 22.12.1989 p21 Bring back Great Fair Queen

CN 27.04.1990 p1 Spy high Fair boost

CN 04.05.1990 p17 Brighter city Fair is promised

CN 10.08.1990 p17 Aiming for greatest Fair yet

CN 24.08.1990 p1 Rally call on eve of Great Fair

CN 31.08.1990 p1 It’s a bumper Great Fair

CN 23.08.1991 p10 Advert

CN 23.08.1991 p5 400 to be quizzed

CN 04.09.1992 pp7,25 Great Fair set for success

CN 15.01.1993 p13 Fair re-vamp chaos

CN 29.03.2003 p9 Great Fair could be restored

CN 05.09.2003 p13 Letter; Original charter for 15.08; 1751 calendar adds 11 days

CN 21.05.2004 p9 Great Fair revival to centre on Cathedral



City Minutes 1927-28 p624 Licensed to operate to Darlington


GREEN, L and M Brooke Street

Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p165 Photo outside shop in 1968




GREEN BANK INN Carleton; building completed 01.09.1931

Renaissance of the English Public House p69 Redfern designed new part of pub

CN 04.10.1930 p3 Photo of Carleton Inn; to be demolished, Greenbank built behind

CN 07.03.1931 p13 New Green Bank under construction - photo

CN 07.02.1997 p3 New jazz HQ

CN 21.11.1997 p14 (illus) The Greenbank’s swinging after its £20,000 facelift

CN 09.01.1998 p9 Contest winning city hostelry is a place of real note



CN 12.04.1990 p12 Plan to save city’s green land backed

CN 23.02.1996 p2 Green belt blow


GREEN DRAGON Scotch Street; in local directories until 1861

New Guide to Carlisle 1821 p77 Mrs Elliot’s

CJ 18.05.1822 p1a To let

1851; Its exact position is shown on the fold out map in the back on Robert Rawlinson’s Report to the General Board of Health...Carlisle, 1850

1861 census, Robert Ivison, innkeeper and carrier, aged 36, bn Carlisle



S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p121

CJ 21.11.1801 p3 Benjamin Bell, innkeeper

CJ 03.11.1804 p3 Mr Underwood, Innkeeper

1829 Directory; William Underwood, Newtown

03.09.1847 Bear kept at Green Dragon kills man

1861 census Thomas Martin, innkeeper, 47, born Abbey Holme

1901 census William Mitchell, innkeeper, aged 49, bn Carlisle

Carlisle The Archive Photos p105 photo in 1902; W.J.Mitchell publican

CJ 01.06.1962 p6

CN 04.01.1985 p3 Shotgun blast at pub window

ENS 06.03.1997 Landlord Phil Mangan declared bankrupt; non-payment of VAT

CN 11.09.1998 p3 Pub demolition

ENS 23.01.1999 p5 Bid to reopens pub fails; ‘notorious trouble spot’

ENS 12.04.2000 p15 Carlisle ‘roughest’ pub to open as cafe


GREEN DRAGON Rickergate/ Solway Terrace; in local directories 1861 - 1876


GREEN LANE, Belle Vue On the electoral register from 1951, when 8 houses are listed

CN 22.04.2005 p3 TV makeover for Green Lane house


GREENLEAF, Denton Street

CN 15.02.2008 p7 New specialist veg shop opens in Denton Holme


GREEN MAN Scotch Street; in local directories 1837 - 1861

1861census Mary Graham, 49, publican, born Stanwix


GREEN MAN LANE, Scotch Street [1829 Directory and 1847 Directory]


GREEN MARKET Where vegetables were sold; Number 1 late 18th century; numbers 3 and 4 mid or late 18th century with later alterations

Carlisle in Camera 1 p4 Photo of busy Greenmarket in late 1870s



CN14.08.2015 p18 History of the site on West Walls

CN 22.11.1974 p9 CN 21.03.1975 p16 CN 25.04.1975 p10 (illus)

CN 20.06.1975 p3 CN 12.12.1975 p7 CN 11.06.1976 p9 CN 02.07.1976 p12 CN 13.08.1976 p17 CN 17.06.1977 p36 CN 07.10.1977 p1 CN 23.03.1979 p9 CN 06.04.1979 p17 CN 06.12.1979 p17

ENS 09.08.1976 p1 Curtain up on cash boost for theatre

ENS 22.03.1977 p13 New theatre plan

CN 25.03.1977 p11 Plan for new complex

ENS 03.09.1977 p11 D-day for a new theatre grant

ENS 25.08.1977 p3 (illus) Curtain goes up on Green Room comedy

ENS 05.09.1977 p1 Plan goes ahead

ENS 10.01.1978 p12 (illus) Dramatic questions

ENS 13.02.1979 p8 Curtain up (new theatre)

CN 13.03.1992 p19 Congratulations to Green Room (letter)

CN 29.04.1994 p5 No decision on Theatre cash bid

CN 03.03.1995 p3 Club needs £25,000

CN 26.06.1998 p15 Coronation St writer pens play for Green Room

CN 30.11.2001 p25 Celebrates 50th anniversary next week

CN 22.03.2002 p31 Founded 50 years ago this week; full page history of group

CN 29.03.2002 p13 Letter of correction; where money for new theatre came from

CN 05.03.2004 p3 Fund-raising to waterproof the auditorium wall

CN 14.05.2004 p7 Theatre fans have raised £40,000 towards repair costs

CN 03.02.2012 p 31 Green Room celebrates 60 years with their own play

CN 16.03.2012 p10 60 years celebration


GREEN ROW, Shaddongate First noted on the 1841 census; on the voters register to 1972

Marked on 1st ed 50 inch OS map

1880 Directory 1 Shaddongate

City Minutes 1934-5 p59 nos 1-15 Green Row declared unfit for habitation


GREEN ROW COURT, 9 Shaddongate [1880 Directory]

1924 Carlisle Directory lists between 9-11 Shaddongate

City Minutes 1933-34 p76 nos 1-6 Green Row Court unfit for human habitation





Millinery and dressmaking

CD 1893-94 Ad p156


GREENWOODS Gents outfitters

CN 23.11.1979 pp8-9 (illus) Ad

CN 01.03.1995 p1 Shops on the move



20.09.1920 Carlisle Citizens League signed deal for purchase of Rickerby Park, King Meadow and Greeny Bank

CJ 31.12.1920 p7 Uncovering old road at foot of Greeny Bank. Work starts on Rickerby Park

CJ 08.02.1921 Work for unemployed in Rickerby Park. Roadway along bottom of Greeny Bank. Banked to keep above flood level

City Minutes 1928/9 p859 Proposed footpath at top of bank

CJ 29.10.1929 p4 Footpath Greeny Bank Estimated cost of laying out £160

CJ 17.03.1939 p13 Letter. What is going to be done about the ARP trenches so hastily dug 6 months ago and left unfinished? At the moment Greeny Bank is disfigured by ditches and stacks of timber, they are flooded and useless.

City Minutes 1946-47 p85 Greenay Bank gun position. Huts should be removed; strong disapproval of them remaining p266 Military hoped to remove buildings at an early date.



1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]


GREGG SCHOOL Portland Square

Commercial training

CD 1961-62 Ad p296

CJ 31.03.1950 p5 1st exhibition of students work

CN 21.11.1953 p7 Gregg School to have new principal

CN 22.05.1964 p1 For sale


GRENADIER PUB St Cuthbert’s Lane

CJ 05.10.1839 p1c To be let


GRETNA TAVERN Lowther Street; opened 12.07.1916; name chosen because of the nearby Gretna munitions works; the 10 day conversion of the former Post Office, which had moved to Warwick Road; was to the design of John Henry Walton. Formal opening by the Earl of Lonsdale on 12.07.1916. ‘The hall or room where public postal business was transacted became a bar where beer and wines were sold, but not spirits’. The former sorting office became a ‘restaurant’; seating about 180 people; ‘airy and light and decorated in a cheerful fashion’. In 1926 the interior was remodelled to allow the front half of the building to become a bank. Closed for further refurbishment in 1939 and again in 1956. State sale of the building on 13.11.1972. 1979 renamed Shambles; then named The Post; then renamed Finnegan’s Wake

D Perriam Lowther Street p19

E.Nelson Around Carlisle p47 photo of interior about 1916

ENS 12.07.1916 p1 ENS 30.11.1916 ENS 04.12.1916

CJ 14.07.1916 p5 (illus) Opening

ENS 05.10.1916 Afternoon opening

ENS 04.11.1916 Victuallers comments

CJ 22.05.1917 p6 Royal visit of King George and Queen Mary

CN 08.07.1916 p4 First state tavern

CN 15.07.1916 p5 Inauguration of State Control


GREY, Violet


CD 1920 Ad p162



1924 Carlisle Directory lists 8 properties between Greystone Road and Melbourne Road


GREY FRIARS Came to Carlisle in 1233; house stood just off the present Devonshire Street; this building destroyed by fire in 1292, rebuilt and survived until 1539; remains of building removed in 1854

D Perriam Lowther Street, 2022 p7

Topping, G and Potter, J Memorials of Old Carlisle p10

CWAAS NS Vol 7 p35

CWAAS NS Vol 15 p121

Victoria County History Vol 2 pp194-199

CN 02.07.2004 p6 D.Perriam article on Grey Friars

CN 17.12.2021 p18 Denis Perriam. Little is known about the convent. In 1292 3 friars and other citizens rescued a convicted killer on his way to the gallows and took him in for sanctuary to the Greyfriars church from where he later escaped. On July 6th 1335 20 Greyfriars greeted Edward III as he marched through the city on his way to fight the Scots. In 1540 22 fothers of lead was taken from the roof of the church for repairs to Carlisle Castle. Today the only reminder is Friars Court


GREY GOAT HOTEL English Street; marked on Asquiths 1853 map; in local directories to 1884

CJ 04.02.1809 p2 Joseph Robinson, innkeeper

CP 04.03.1809 p1 Mrs Robinson innkeeper

CJ 28.06.1828 To let, apply James Connell

1829 Directory John Walton

1861 census John Robinson, Hotel keeper and auctioneer, aged 41, born Carlisle

1891 census; John Lawrence, aged 30, hotel proprietor, bn Cockermouth

Carlisle in Camera 1 p18 photo of hotel in 1870s


GREY GOAT LANE, English Street [1829 Directory and 1847 Directory]

Position marked on Asquiths 1853 map


GREY HORSE Scotch Street; in local directory for 1837



City Minutes 1927-28 p613 Approval for greyhound stadium at Harraby Park

CJ 03.08.1928 Gillford Park

CN 30.11.1929 p3 Carlisle and Cumberland Greyhound Racing Sports Ltd

CJ 05.04.1938 p1 No betting license for Brunton Park

CJ 20.05.1938 p11 Another proposal

CJ 22.07.1938 p11 Objection to greyhound stadium

CJ 07.03.1939 p1 Promoters strike unlucky

CN 24.09.1999 p8 When Carlisle went to the dogs





D Perriam Stanwix p89 July 1899 purchased by James Watt of Knowefield from the Mounsey-Heyshams of Rockcliffe. Purchased by the City Council in 1929 with the idea of using it for airport development. The land was however never used. With the M6 construction Greymoor Farm was acquired to make way for a motel. The Cumberland News in March 1971 shows the demolition of the farm buildings


GREYMOOR HILL The Carlisle Extension Act of 1950 added Moorville, Kingstown and Greymoorhill to the city. [2BC 352 6879]

D Perriam Stanwix p89 Today known as the roundabout for the northern exit/ entrance to the M6 motorway. It was once a small settlement comprising a farm of 170 acres, public house, toll cottage plus a couple of houses. With the M6 construction Greymoor Farm was acquired to make way for a motel. The Cumberland News in March 1971 shows the demolition of the farm buildings. This was built for Crest Motels, today [2018] it is the Premier Inn

17.04.1831 Peter Rush of Greymoorhill [Baptisms and Burials of St Michael’s Church, Stanwix]

CN 24.06.1988 p4 Childhood memories of rural life

CN 17.08.1990 p23 Industry bid hits strong opposition

CN 24.08.1990 p29 City traffic protest growing

CN 31.08.1990 p3 Industry plan sparks storm

CN 07.09.1990 p1 Hundreds battle against planners

CN 14.09.1990 p3 More protesters sign on

CN 05.10.1990 p5 City roads petition is growing

CN 19.10.1990 p19 5,000 asked to join estate battle

CN 26.10.1990 p11 D-day for Kingstown

CN 30.11.1990 p1 City protest for Heseltine

CN 08.03.1991 p25 Rallying call for action group

CN 28.03.1991 p1 Factory fight residents in Bellamy bid

CN 28.03.1991 p5 New inspector for land fight

CN 10.05.1991 p1 Development battle inquiry all set

CN 17.05.1991 p5 Inquiry protest ‘gagged’

CN 12.07.1991 p1 Fury over land probe cover up

CN 26.07.1991 p2 New blast in city land grab battle

CN 09.08.1991 p1 Row over city land grab deal leader protest

CN 30.008.1991 p44 Fresh fears over site

CN 11.10.1996 p5 Homes Fight action group wins battle of the green belt

CN 28.03.2014 p15 Denis Perriam article


GREYMOOR HOUSE, Kingstown S 290/3

D Perriam Stanwix p89 Smallholding called Kingmoor Villa, but the name changed to Greymoor House, This was the home of Joseph Mark, butcher. He lived there for 20 years leaving in 1911

14.08.1945 Died Mary Ann Richardson of Greymoor House

GREYSTEAD Dalston Road, opposite Dunmail Drive, 1913-14 Carlisle Directory lists William T.Carr at this address

Denis Perriam Denton Holme p79 Designed by William Johnstone in an Arts and Crafts style for the grandson of the founder of Carrs Biscuits, William Theodore Carr, in 1911. Theodore, who had a passion for cars, built a garage alongside in 1912. The land for the house was purchased from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners on the understanding that the remaining fields between here and the cemetery would not be built upon. When the Longsowerby estate was proposed in 1919 Theodore was the only objector and whilst he withdrew this he was never happy with his new neighbours. Sold in 1926 to Ellwood Scott who managed Scotts Leather Works. On 15.09.1964 permission was granted to Mr and Mrs Desmond Potts for conversion from a house to a private hotel and it remains in that use today [2021], the business retaining its original name but with an added S [Greysteads] .

1918 Electoral Register William and Edith Carr


GREYSTONE Marked on Asquiths 1853 map


GREYSTONE COMMUNITY CENTRE [Former Greystone School building]

CN 14.12.1990 p16 It’s back to school for city MP Eric

CN 19.04.1991 p6 Pop in centre for elderly

CN 18.10.1991 p5 Old folks pop in centre big success

CN 28.02.1992 p3 Aiming for a top award


GREYSTONE COTTAGES, Upperby So named on 1901 census


GREYSTONE HOUSE, Upperby 1901 census Henry Miller, horse dealer, aged 62, born Little Broughton; Henry Miller of Greystone House died 17.04.1904 [MI 95/1]

City Minutes 1933-34 p415 Corporation sells to Mr Matthew Thompson for 925 pounds


GREYSTONE JUNIOR SCHOOL Closed 31.08.1981; prior to 10.10.1938 St John’s School


GREYSTONE ROAD Greystone so named as the grey stone in 1321


Builders William and Matthew Johnstone, brothers, partnership dissolved in 1907 after close upon 20 years, responsible for Margery St and Jackson Street and a portion of Greystone Rd,[Obit of Matthew Johnstone CN 30.12.1911 p11]


GREYSTONE SECONDARY MODERN SCHOOL Prior to 10.10.1938 St John’s School

CJ 31.07.1964 p7

CN 06.10.1989 p19 Victory fair for friends



So marked on Asquiths 1853 map

15.02.1856 Thomas Peart died at Gray Street [sic] Carlisle. [Monumental inscription in Upper Denton Church]

CP 03.09.1859 Ad Building ground for sale; intersected by new street Grey Street

CJ 02.02.1864 p3


GRICE’S CROFT, Botcherby; 2008 name still on front of former filling station

P Hitchon Botcherby a garden village pp85-94 William Grice was a nurseryman who signed a lease dating from 11.11.1899 for a market garden at Botcherby. The property consisted of 10 acres, a dwelling house, stable, greenhouse and other buildings that would become his, his children and his grand-childrens home for over 40 years. William was leasing the ground from Silas Saul of Brunstock. Saul was acting on behalf of the Wannop family, who owned the property from 1881 [see also Hamilton Market Gardens]. William died 09.04.1927 and his son Dick took over the business, but still on a yearly lease. However with the expansion of the city a new housing estate was planned for this area. Croft nurseries, next to Croftland House on Durranhill Road, was taken by David Grice, son of William Grice. After his death in 1934 his sons kept the market garden going. William Grice opened a petrol station on a small portion of the nursery gardens, the opening being reported in the ENS 16.02.1961. Today, 2023, Grices Croft, a redundant petrol station, is now a car valeting service, but the name Grices Croft is still on the former petrol station buildings

1918 Electoral Register Durranhill Rd; ‘Gardens’, William Grice




CJ 27.11.1964 p12 ENS 03.12.1964 pp15-17

CN 28.09.1990 p3 Jobs to go in garage shut down


GRIEVE, J.B. Market Place


Carlisle Diocesan Calendar 1872; ad late W.Bell

1882 Porters Directory Ad p60 Chemist and aerated water manufacturer; English St

1891 census; John Grieve, aerated water manufacturer, 42, bn Scotland, home 37 Chiswick Street



Annie Nicholson died at Miss Grieve’s Nursing Home, Carlisle, Feb 5th 1920 [MI Hesket in the Forest]


GRIFFIN Court Square; formerly Midland Bank

CN 05.03.1999 p3 (illus) Cheers!

CN 26.03.1999 p22 Ad

CN 26.03.1999 p13 Letter and illustration


GRIFFINS COURT, Rigg Street [1880 Directory]


GROCERS see Thomas Hodgson, W Oram


GROSVENOR COLLEGE Warwick Road/ Square; Eden Lodge, Stanwix; Newby Grange, Crosby on Eden; Opened on corner of Warwick Rd and Warwick Square 1876 by Robert John Baillie on ground owned by Duke of Devonshire, hence the name; R.J.Baillie had previously advertised the opening of a select academy at 15 Chiswick Street in the Carlisle Journal of 23.07.1872 p1, there it stated he was late Head Teacher at the Friends School, Wigton; in 1897 Baillie left for Glasgow and the college seems to have closed. On the 1901 census Grosvenor House [facing Aglionby Street] was owned by the County Constabulary. Opened again as a school by William Sharpe Graham in 1905, transferring the Albert House School staff and pupils to new premises and adopting the name of Grosvenor College, at which WS Sharpe had been a pupil. On the 1911 census what was called Grosvenor House appears to be called Grosvenor College with WS Graham and his wife living there along with 3 school masters, 3 scholar borders 1 servant and 1 mother-in-law. The school itself [always called Grosvenor College] faced onto Warwick Road [no 86 today] and one supposes that the majority of his scholars were day pupils. Grosvenor House, called on the 1911 census Grosvenor College was used to accommodate the teaching staff and a small number of borders. On the 1891 census Robert Baillie was at Grosvenor House along with seven family members, one tutor, one scholar-tutor, 8 scholar borders and four domestic servants. This fits in with the below newspaper reference CJ 25.04.1884 saying the house was erected for the accommodation of 30 borders. WS Graham died in 1920 and the property was sold and the school moved to 1 Chatsworth Square; headmaster was now F.Hinton who in turn retired in 1929; Francis Lamble Harrison took over as head and by September 1942 he was dead and his wife was running the school; in 1942 Mrs A.E.Harrison, Principal, taught the Middle School, Mr Skelly the upper school and Miss Grant the infant class, Mr Skelly retired in 1943 and he was replaced by Harry Wardle; Mr R.P.Hewetson took over the school in Autumn 1945 and the school restarted at 28 Portland Square with a staff that included Mr W.H.Elvery, R.S.Schofield and Mr Hewetson; school moved to Eden Lodge in 1949 and then to Newby Grange in 1964; closed 1966 [CN 11.02.2000 p12]

Guide to Carlisle Ad C178

John Bainbridge Knockupworth; the story of a famiy, 2019, p172 and others

Carlisle from the Kendall Collection p122 Photo of Eden Lodge

CD 1880 Ad pxii

CJ 30.04.1880 p8 R.J.Baillie principal; details from principal, Albert House

CJ 25.04.1884 p1 Ad Between 1876-83 76 students entered for Cambridge; the principal’s new residence on Warwick Sq erected for the accommodation of 30 borders will be ready for occupation next term

CJ 13.07.1894 p1 For sale, recently used as school; tower erected as observatory

CJ 08.03.1895 p1 Grosvenor Hse for sale, in occupation of R.J.Baillie

CJ 20.02.1896 p1 Grosvenor Hse; R.J.Baillie owner and occupier, erected 1884, architect C.J.Ferguson

CJ 28.06.1907 p5 Obit of R.J.Baillie

29.10.1920 died William Sharp Graham, Principal 1895-1920, 49 Grinsdale MI

CJ 02.11.1920 p5 Obit of W.S.Graham

CJ 04.11.1921 p12 Advert; Mr Hinton Headmaster

CJ 07.05.1929 p1 Headmaster Mr Harrison

CD 1952 Ad p370

04.01.1942 Died Frank Lamble Harrison BA, BSC, AKC, for nearly 20 years headmaster of Grosvenor College [Stanwix MI 191/2]

CJ 29.09.1942 p2 Pupils of

ENS 18.11.1957 p3 Ukrainian social club opened

17.02.1959 Died Amy Ellen Harrison, wife of F.L.Harrison [Stanwix MI 191/2]

CJ 24.02.1961 p1 (illus) Fire

CJ 22.05.1964 p1 (illus) Removal to Newby Grange

CN 13.05.1966 p1 To close

CN 20.05.1966 p12 To close

CN 15.06.1979 p3

CN 25.05.1990 p4 City’s private schools

CN 27.11.1992 p13 College boys plan a reunion

CN 05.02.1993 p12 College reunion a night of nostalgia



On electoral registers 1907 - 1947 when it becomes incorporated with Newtown Rd. See J.Templeton’s Carlisle in Old Picture Postcards illus 56


GROSVENOR HOUSE Warwick Square, facing Aglionby Street

see Grosvenor College, Police HQ-County


GROSVENOR HOUSE HOTEL 86 Warwick Road [former Grosvenor College]

ENS 27.10.1987 p8 Ad feature; former school now restaurant


GROVES AND LITTLE; Carlisle photographer. Carte de visites noted

November 1870 – March 1873, Groves and Little 12/21 [street re-numbering?] Henry Street. Partnership dissolved March 1873 [info Mr Moonie]


GRUNDY, T Knowe Tce


CD 1927 Ad p26

CD 1931 Ad p140

CD 1934 Ad p68



CN 25.05.2001 p7 New sofa store opens




GUARDSMAN Packhorse Lane; in local directories to 1894; called Jolly Guardsman until period 1855-57

1891 census; Jacob Carruthers, aged 62, publican, born Carlisle



CN 18.09.1992 p7 Guest houses weather storm

CN 31.01.2003 p3 Guest house owners feel competition from new hotels



ENS 11.02.1963 p9 New joint HQ

CN 28.07.1967 p11 Opening

CN 03.09.1993 p14 City Scout shop closes

CN 24.09.1993 p3 Closedown blow for Guide shop


GUILDHALL Built as a timber-framed house for Richard de Redness at the beginning of the 15th century with later alterations and restorations. The medieval gargoyles are plaster casts of originals in Carlisle Cathedral, first placed here in 1844; all except one on the facade are 1978 replacements. Inside some of the dividing walls are of wattle and daub; Guildhall Museum opened 19.09.1978

CAIH p18

D Perriam and D Ramshaw ,Carlisle’s First Leaning Centre, Tullie House, 2016 pp 126

CJ 17.09.1937 p9 CJ 03.01.1939 p5 CN07.06.1947 p5

CN 23.04.1949 pp 4,5 (illus) CN 30.04.1949 p5 (illus) CN 03.06.1950 p4

CN 01.04.1966 p4 sup CJ 19.08.1966 p11 (illus) CJ 09.09.1966 p13 (illus interior) CN 10.11.1967 p8 CJ 26.01.1968 p3 CN 05.02.1971 p2 (illus) CN 29.06.1973 p10 (illus) CN 23.11.1973 p6 (illus) CN 24.01.1975 p9

CN 30.05.1975 p7 CN 05.11.1976 p9 CN 15.04.1977 p5 (illus) CN 20.05.1977 p6 CN 21.04.1978 p1 CN 22.09.1978 pp8,9 (illus) CN 20.07.1979 p3

CP 20.09.1844 repairs to roof

1880s Carlisle in Camera 1 p3 photo of Guildhall

City Minutes 1894-95 p247 Surveyor reports that Guildhall in ruinous state

City minutes 1933-34 p365 Legal position between Guilds and Corporation concerning ownership of 1st and 2nd floors

CN 15.04.1977 p5 (illus) Guildhall Museum

Lakescene May 1977 p65

CN 06.05.1977 p6 Guildhall Museum

Cumbria October 1977 p394 Restoration

ENS 14.08.1979 Cash crisis at Guildhall Museum; takings lower than predicted

CN 18.05.1990 p4 Guildhall could have been demolished

CN 25.05.1990 p4 Guildhall facelift

CN 29.01.1993 p1 Franco plans a grand a Roma

Cumbria LIfe Issue no 64 August 1999 Supplement p10 2A 9

CN 16.02.2001 p19 Restoration of Guildhall in 19th and 20th centuries



Dated 1874. Latin inscription over doorway ‘Labore Est Orare, to work is to pray



See also Ascension Day

Carlisle had the following guilds; The Merchants’, The Weavers’, The Smiths’, The Tailors’, The Tanners’, The Shoemakers’, The Glovers’ (sometimes called Skinners and Glovers) and the Butchers’. Excluded from the franchise prior to the reform bill of 1832 were all householders unless they belonged to the craft guilds. The bankers and manufacturers of Carlisle, the Forsters, the Lambs, the Carricks, the Ferusons, the Stoddards, the Mounseys and the Loshes, had no voice at the parliamentary or municipal elections; neither they nor their ancestors had practiced any trade which would qualify them for admission to the craft guilds and owing to the encroachments of the craft guilds nothing would give them the franchise.

Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle, 1887, City Guilds pp 23-241

Topping, G and Potter, J.J. Memorials of Old Carlisle pp45-63, 79

Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle pp285-91 Carlisle Guild Plate A16

CJ 03.04.1949 p2 CJ 26.04.1949 p2 CJ 10.05.1949 p2 CJ 19.08.1966 p11

CP 14.01.1826 p2 Notice of meeting on 08.02 to uphold right of digging turf

CJ 04.03.1938 p5 History of Carlisle Old Guilds

CJ 12.01.1940 p7 Butchers’ Guild; Silver Plate

CJ 06.05.1944 p2 History

CJ 15.05.1945 p2 Tailor’s Guild

CN 17.05.1947 p5 Revival of Shoemakers Guild

CN 24.05.1947 p5 Revival of Shoemakers Guild

CN 31.05.1947 p5 Revival of Shoemakers Guild

CJ 12.05.1950 p5 Purpose, procession of guildsmen, expenditure 1789

CN 06.10.1951 Glovers Arms carved in oak circa 1899 given to Tullie House

CN 04.03.1977 p6 Festival

CN 20.05.1977 p6 Ascension Day Festival


GULIKER BROTHERS First industry in city; Abbey Mill, Fulling Mill and dyehouse, which was taken over by the Guliker brothers in 1724, going bankrupt in 1740, local parish registers refer to factory man, factory child [CWAAS vol 85, 1985 pp 187 - 191]



1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]



See also Fireworks

CP 10.11.1821 p3b Guns fired from Castle in commemoration of discovery of plot




GUY EARL OF WARWICK Previous name for the Sportsman, Heads Lane



CN 19.04.1991 p8



CJ 17.01.1865 p2 In Assembly Room

CJ 20.01.1865 p5 In Assembly Room



See also Hadrian’s Camp; Hawkers

CN 17.04.1970 p9 CN 17.07.1970 p9 CN 11.08.1972 p1 CN 24.12.1973 p15 CN 02.08.1974 p8 CN 11.10.1974 p17 CN 25.10.1974 p5 CN 08.11.1974 p40

CN 29.11.1974 p1 CN 06.12.1974 p4 CN 20.12.1974 p36

CN 14.02.1975 p11 CN 02.05.1975 pp 22,36 CN 16.05.1975 pp1,7

CN 20.06.1975 pp 7,9 CN 27.06.1975 p5 CN 04.07.1975 p9

CN 26.09.1975 p7 CN 02.01.1976 p24 CN 06.02.1976 pp1,8 CN 20.02.1976 p7 CN 20.03.1976 p5 CN 15.04.1976 p3 CN 07.05.1976 p9 CN 28.05.1976 p7 CN 11.06.1976 p9 CN 18.06.1976 p5 CN 30.07.1976 p4 CN 27.08.1976 p15

CN 01.10.1976 p4 CN 29.04.1977 p8 ENS 04.10.1977 p10 CN 10.02.1978 p36 CN 06.10.1978 p1 CN 12.04.1979 p19 CN 16.03.1979 p17 CN 23.03.1979 p3 CN 30.03.1979 pp 5,15 CN 12.04.1979 p19 CN 27.04.1979 p3

CN 15.06.1979 p7 CN 03.08.1979 p32 CN 21.09.1979 p1 CN 16.11.1979 p19

CN 14.03.1980 p1 (illus) CN 21.03.1980 p19 CN 11.04.1980 p9

CN 29.06.1980 p3 CN 04.07.1980 p1 CN 25.07.1980 p17 CN 10.10.1980 p3

CN 28.11.1980 p5 CN 05.12.1980 p17 CN 12.12.1980 p17

CN 19.12.1980 pp1,28 CN 15.05.1981 p1 CN 19.06.1981 p7 CN 03.07.1981 p1 ENS 07.02.1987 p4

ENS 27.09.1977 p15 Snub gypsies

ENS 03.01.1978 p10 New bid for site

ENS 10.10.1978 p1 Council set to pick site

ENS 11.10.1978 p11 Labour set to fight

CN 31.07.1981 p1 Public Enquiry for qypsy site go ahead, new delay possible

CN 23.06.1989 p1 Site for sore eyes; Hadrians Camp

CN 07.08.1992 p15 Gypsy site plan gets backing

CN 14.08.1992 p6 Delay over gypsy site decision

CN 18.09.1992 p17 Gypsy site numbers

CN 25.09.1992 p59 Gypsy site plan delay

CN 17.11.1995 p1 Armed officers halt gypsy battle

CN 22.03.1996 p2 Camp owner fined £800

CN 28.02.2003 p3 100 Irish travellers set up camp at Kingstown

CN 02.05.2003 p3 Travellers told to leave Rickerby Park

CN 18.07.2008 p1 Plans for new gypsy site at Harker

