Carlisle Encyclopaedia
WADDINGTON, Thomas Burns Street
Aerated waterworks
Guide to Carlisle C178 Ad
WADSWORTH ROAD On electoral register from 1997-98; Mick Wadsworth was a former manager of Carlisle United
WAGGON AND HORSES Botchergate; in local directories to 1852; called Stagewagon in 1837
CP 31.12.1825 p1 Ad; Waggon and Horses for sale; occupied by Mrs Beck
WAGGON AND HORSES Bridge Street; in local directories to 1914; closed 1917 by State Management; demolished 1924 for widening of Caldew Bridge
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1896 - 1916, 2004 p42
Carlisle the Archive Photographs p112 Photo of pub
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
1861 census; James Dinwoodie, 44, innkeeper, born Scotland
CN 17.02.1912 To let Waggon and Horses
City Minutes 03.09.1923 item 741 Purchase of property
CN 14.06.1991 p4
WAGGOTT, Dennis Builders
CN 22.05.1998 p17 25 years in business
D. Perriam Stanwix p90 To the north and south of the Lowry Hill fields were two further farms, North and South Wakefield. Passing through different tenants the site was considered by the city council in 1925 as a possible location for a municipal golf course. Whilst it was not used as a golf course it was required for a municipal aerodrome at Kingstown in 1929. When the Kingstown aerodrome was to be extended in June 1938 the Carlisle Journal reported that notice was given to the tenants of North Wakefield farm. All was gone by April 1939. South Wakefield was for sale in 1900, the Carlisle Journal advertising this as a well-built cottage and 34 acres containing valuable beds of surface and other clay which had been worked by the late tenant Robert Simpson. Lowry Hill and South Wakefield were developed for housing by John Laings, the new estate being advertised in the Cumberland News in July 1965
A manuscript map of 1937 [C480] shows the location of and names a property South Wakefield between Kingstown and Kingmoor Roads
WAKEFIELD, John Banker
David Carrick, bankers, was shown on Wood’s 1821 map of city; 1810 Picture of Carlisle and Directory p124 David Carrick and Sons, bankers, Scotch St; became Messrs David Carrick, Sons and Starbuck; David Carrick died in 1829; by 1834 the bank had become John Wakefield and Sons; 01.03.1837 taken over by the new Carlisle and District Bank with John Wakefield as the largest shareholder. The bank at this stage was still in Scotch Street. Moved to new premises in Bank Street in 1851; 1866 John Wakefield died; and in 1896 became the Carlisle City Branch of the London and Midland Bank and then in 1898 the London City and Midland Bank [CN 20.07.2007 p34]
CN 25.03.2016 p16 A document of 1815 shows that part of Kingmoor was leased to the bankers John and Jacob Wakefield
Carlisle Examiner 27.12.1862 p1 North and South Wakefield for sale
A manuscript map of 1937 [C480] shows the location of and names a property South Wakefield between Kingstown and Kingmoor Roads
18.09.1946 Died William Bell of Wakefield Villa, Kingstown Rd [Stanwix MI 244/2]
WALDEGRAVE ROAD Longsowerby. First noted on electoral register for 1923; land in this area was formerly owned by the Dean and Chapter and streets were named in honour of Bishops of Carlisle and Chancellors of the Diocese, in this case Bishop Waldegrave. The 1924 Carlisle Directory only lists even nos 2-56
WALKABOUT Botchergate
CN 19.12.2003 p3 New Australian pub in Botchergate; opened last Thursday
1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
WALKER, James Nailor, died 23.11.1826 [Monumental Inscription St Mary’s, Cathedral; no 459]
WALKER, Thomas and Co; Timber Merchant
1847 Mannix p 166 West Tower Street
CJ 07.12.1855 p1 To let Thomas Walker and Cos timber yard in West Tower Street. Also the yard in Lowther St
From 1850 - 1862 the business was carried on by Messrs Armstrong and Graham until when it was sold to Mr James Graham and subsequently became Andersons of Denton Holme
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p270
WALKERS English Street
Tea rooms
CD 1893-94 Ad p182
1924 Carlisle Directory lists this between 1a and 3 Charlotte Street
1955-56 Carlisle Directory lists 2 properties here
WALKER’S PLACE, Charlotte Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 51 Charlotte Street
CN 02.10.1992 p1 Rob’s just champion
CN 16.01.1998 p3 Licence granted for new city pub
WALKS Riverside walks were laid out on the north side of the Eden in 1817
See also Footpaths; Weavers Bank
Mannix Directory of 1847 p142; description of Carlisle walks
CN 03.05.1991 p7 Fun walk to help sick kids
CN 23.04.1999 p7 Tracing Carlisle’s walks
CN 23.03.1990 p21 Ad
CN 23.07.2004 p21 Launched in 1982 by Derek Wallace
CN 26.04.1996 p15 Ad
WALLAS Family of gunmakers first noted in Wigton in 1811; Irwin Wallas traded in Wigton and Carlisle,1857 to 1873, as did William Wallas, who by 1880 had a Saturday stall in Carlisle Market Place and then a shop in Blackfriars Street circa 1906-1914, and Daniel Wallas who had a shop in Carlisle circa 1941 to 1931.
City Minutes 1903-04 p194 Approval for 9 houses
WALL FIELD, Currock City Minutes 1932-33 p 692 Purchase of the Wall Field Blackwell Rd for houses
WALLIS, Catherine
City Minutes 1926-7 p633 Licensed to operate bus service to Wetheral
WALLIS, J.J. Bus services; started to Wetheral 04.08.1923; finished July 1929
D.Perriam Carlisle Remembered p62
City Minutes 1923-4 p588 Licensed to operate bus service Carlisle-Wetheral
CN 03.08.1973 p6
683 AD The citizens showed Saint Cuthbert the walls of the town and a remarkable fountain . He [St Cuthbert] came to the town of Lugulaia, to speak to the Queen who had arranged to await the issue of war there in her sister’s monastery. On the next day the citizens were conducting him to see the walls of the city and a marvellously constructed fountain of Roman workmanship [Venerable Bede. circa 721] Were these the Roman Walls of the civil settlement or the Roman Wall?
Built between 1122 - 1200 with later extensive repairing and re-facing, the latest work on the West Walls being 1988-89. Walls built under Henry 1st, the pipe roll for 1130 shows that work on them had only recently been in progress. [McCarthy Carlisle Castle p120a] .The walls encompassed the medieval town, joining at the north end with the walls of the Castle; the Wall was surrounded by a deep ditch, access to the gateways being by drawbridge, the outer limits of the ditch formed the city boundary; Walls demolished, except for long stretches of West Walls and part of north wall between the Castle and Castleway [opposite the Quaker Meeting House], between 1811 - 1815; in 1803 Dorothy Wordsworth commented ‘Walked upon the city walls, which are broken down in places and crumbling away, and most disgusting from filth’; On April 3rd 1828 the author Walter Scott wrote in his Journal on a visit to Carlisle 'I have not forgiven them for destroying their quiet old walls...the old gates had such a respectable appearance once'
A number of buildings were constructed against the West Walls and these were demolished in 1988. The walls then needed partial rebuilding. The foundation stones from each of the demolished buildings was incorporated into the wall, namely, 'John Dixon, Mayor, 1840', the date for the West Walls police station, ‘Thomas Milburn, Mayor, 1879', the date for the police station extension, 'The Fawcett Schools, 1850' , [in Roman numerals] and a stone recording this restoration 'Cyril Webber, Mayor, 1988'; This last stone being unveiled on 21.04.1989. A further plaque is placed beside the West Walls Sallyport gate, which was revealed after the area was landscaped and cleared in 1973; the demolition of the Central Plaza Hotel in 2019 exposed part of the medieval walls. The area within the walls was about 70 acres. Because of the roughly triangular nature of the city there were only East, West and North Walls; entrance into the city was through 3 main gates, Caldew Gate, Ricker Gate and Botchergate Gate; 1597/98 Phillipson’s Tower on city walls used to house plague victims [ CWAAS 1971, vol 71 p59, and map opp p52]
West Walls about 3,000 feet in length, the East Walls 1,380 feet in length and the
North Walls 2,000 feet [Topping p27];Todays East Tower Street and West Tower Street take their names from the towers on the North Wall. Lowther Street today, from the Citadels to the entrance into the Lanes car park, runs along the line of the East Wall
See also West Walls, Gates, Springall Tower
In 1491 Henry Wyatt, Clerk of the King’s Jewels, personally delivered 100 marks (just over £66) for work on repairs to Carlisle’s defences. This sum included money for the wooden boards for six towers along the city walls, which would appear to exclude the three city gate towers. The only surviving one is the Tile Tower on the West Wall near the Castle, flanking the Irish Gate. This was recently built when Wyatt visited and may not have needed boards. There was another tower on the West Wall, Collier’s Tower, but as this flanked the Newgate (later the English Gate) of 1542 it probably did not exist in 1491. So it is on the north and east walls that the six towers were thought to be located. At the time of Wyatt’s visit the city walls were ‘royal’ and their maintenance was the responsibility of the King, before their care passed to the Board of Ordnance in the 17th century. As the towers were later redundant they were either demolished, as seems to be the case for towers on the east wall, or let out to individuals who gave them their family name. Along the east wall, where Lowther Street is today, was the East Tower or Springald Tower [a springald was a medieval catapult which fired a large crossbow type dart], which gave its name to East Tower Street and was demolished in 1811. This was mentioned in 1523 and was repaired as Phillipson’s Tower to house plague victims. During excavations along Lowther Street to lay sewers in 1856 the foundations of towers along the east walls were found at a depth of four feet below the street. One was near to Victoria Place and the other near Old Grapes Lane. Here the city walls was found to measure six feet in width. On a map of Carlisle in 1561 two towers are shown on what is today West Tower Street, between the Scotch Gate and Castle, but was then the line of the north wall. As this wall faced Scotland it was defended more strongly with three towers and Scotch Gate. One of the towers was still there in 1714 when it was called Bee’s Turret. A lease related to part of the city dyke or ditch outside the city walls. This was to be filled in and was near Constable Bitt, later to become part of Corporation Road. The other tower may have been referred to in 1814 when building ground and houses near Rickergate were offered for sale. This sale included ‘two dwelling houses, a chair makers, garden, two weavers shops, two warehouses and other premises situate near Norton’s Turret and fronting Francis Street and now in the occupation of Edmund James, William Johnston amid others . Norton’s Turret had survived because the Scotch Gate and this part of the north wall was not demolished until 1815. There was at least one other tower between Scotch Gate and Springald Tower referred to as being near Drover’s Lane and called in 1787 Bowen’s Turret on what was later East Tower Street [Thoughts of Denis Perriam on city walls and their towers] On 16.08.1803 Dorothy Wordsworth wrote ‘Walked upon the city walls, which are broken down in places and crumbling away, and most disgusting from filth’.
Topping, G and Potter, J.J. Memorials of old Carlisle pp26-31
M.Constantine Carlisle a history and celebration p55 View of East Walls in 1792
CWAAS vol 76, 1976 pp 77-96 and 184-198
CAIH p10 City Walls
CJ 18.03.1960 p8 CN 14.06.1974 p6
1560s Elizabethan map of city shows walls [some broken down] and towers
Diary of D. Hodgkinson visit to city 02.06.1800, in Round Carlisle Cross, 1951 p119. After tea we walked around the walls which formerly included the whole of the town, but I conjecture there are now as many buildings without as within them. The Walls are in general very ruinous, and must now be a complete nuisance to the town’s people. There is only a parapet along one side. In some places the parapet is thrown down, in other places it is in tolerable repair, but the whole is so completely neglected that I am informed it is no uncommon practice for a person who lives near the Walls, when he wants a few stones, to get a part of the parapet thrown down by boys or otherways, and convey the stones away in the night time.
Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth 16.08.1803 Comments on poor state of walls. ‘Walked upon the city walls, which are broken down in places and crumbling away, and most disgusting from filth’
CJ 07.06.1806 Walls to be entirely taken down, county court enlarged
Cumberland Pacquet 19.03.1811 English Gate demolished. The ancient south gates and arched gateway of Carlisle, founded by Walter, a Norman, in the reign of William Rufus, are taken down
Cumberland Pacquet 14.05.1811 Irish Gate removed. The demolition of the ruinous and decayed walls of Carlisle proceed with spirit. The Irish Gates are taken down, and it is expected that the Scotch Gates will be removed in a short time
1811 view of Carlisle by F.Fielding shows north walls in partial state of demolition
CJ 06.08.1814 Premises for sale, situate near Norton’s Tower and fronting into Francis Street
On Monday the workmen began to take down the Scotch Gate, the removal of which will be a very material accommodation to that part of the city
February 1815 Scotch Gate taken down [CWAAS 1976, vol 76 p192]
CN 09.12.1988 p4 Along line of the old city walls (East Walls)
CN 09.03.1990 p4 City walls destroyed after long service
CN 07.06.1996 p10 Ups and downs of city’s defence
CN 19.11.1999 p12 The walls came tumbling down
CN 04.03.2011 p32. D.Perriam on the demolition of the walls
WALSH COURT, Lord Street [1934 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory between 13-15 Lord Street
WALSH COURT, Princess Street [1934 Directory]
WALSH COURT, Saint Nicholas Street [1934 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 35-37 St Nicholas Street
CN 30.07.2004 p 17 Opens in Charlotte St
CN 22.09.1989 pp14-15 New identity for a long running motoring success
WALTON, Joseph Bootmaker, employing 4 men and 2 boys, aged 41, home address Church Street, Caldewgate, born Carlisle [1861 census]
WALTONS NURSERY Bellgarth Nursery, the Market
see also Bellgarth Nursery
1918 Electoral Register William, Robert and Jessie Walton
Photo of staff in 1940s Cumbria Gardens Trust Occasional Papers Vol 2 p50
CD 1952 Ad p345
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p263
CD 1955-56 Ad p244
CD 1955-56 Ad p267
CD 1961-62 Ad p289
CD 1966-68 Ad p288
CJ 20.04.1965 p9 (illus)
CN 16.02.1968 p12 Portrait of Gibson Walton
WANNOP, A.H. Castle Street
Dressmaking showrooms
CD 1902-03 Ad p231
CD 1905-06 Ad p88
CD 1907-08 Ad p118
CD 1910-11 Ad p148
CD 1913-14 Ad p150
CD 1920 Ad p6
CD 1924 Ad p212
WANNOP, William Greenmarket
Memories of Carlisle, chapter 7 photo with shop in background
CN 19.07.1991 p17 Street wins for sheer quality street
WAPPING Area around St Stephen’s Church, James Street. Today one of the sidings opposite Platform One [West side of Citadel Station] has a sign indicating that no electric trains are to be put in the Wapping sidings
ENS 28.02.1987 pp8-9 Lost world of Wapping. Thirty years ago there were two hundred families in its dozen streets supporting a thriving church, a Methodist Mission, shops, a school and a champion silver band
CN 12.01.2001 p6 Waffen SS soldier has lived in Carlisle most of life
CN 30.07.1993 p8 Ad
WARDROPE, Walter 1851 census has this master stone mason, aged 40, living at No 1 Solway Street, employing 3 to 4 men, born Longtown
Map published in the Carlisle Journal of 17.10.1835 shows the boundaries of the following city wards; St Cuthbert’s, St Marys’ Rickergate, Caldewgate, Botchergate
City Council Minutes 1883-84 01.12.1884 Report on rearrangement of Wards
City of Carlisle Yearbook 1930 p69 size of electorate by ward
CWAAS 3rd series Vol 5, 2005, p 219 Map showing ward boundaries 1912-1946
WARDS BUILDINGS; Junction Street; on 1861 census
WAR MEMORIAL City Centre War Memorial dedicated in 1990 by Duke of Gloucester
City Minutes 1918-19 p141 Report on public meeting on 26.03.1919
City Minutes 1918-19 p 596 To cooperate with scheme for purchase of Rickerby Pk
CN 17.03.1967 p15
CN 14.07.1989 p1 City war tribute plan - at last
CN 18.08.1989 p5 Memorial plan drops tradition
CN 25.08.1989 p1 War memorial plan under fire
CN 25.08.1989 p12 Think again
CN 01.09.1989 p9 War memorial takes new flak
CN 08.09.1989 p3 Old soldiers get ready to fight insult
CN 08.09.1989 p4 City war memorial
CN 08.09.1989 p6 Letters
CN 15.09.1989 p11 Peaceful end to row over war tribute
CN 03.11.1989 p25 Compromise on city war memorial
CN 10.11.1989 p29 Appeal plan for war memorial
CN 17.11.1989 p15 Backing memorial plan
CN 15.12.1989 p21 Memorial cross bid thrown out
CN 12.01.1990 p1 City call for a royal salute
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p115 photo of dedication in 1990
CN 16.11.1990 p1 (illus) Duke dedicates war memorial
WARREN AND WOOD LTD Kingstown Trading Estate
Poultry specialists
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p271
CD 1955-56 Ad p277
CD 1961-62 Ad p294
CN 19.07.1991 p6 Old soldiers to parade through centre
WARWICK AND CO Lowther Street
CD 1902-03 Ad p20
WARWICK, J [1855-1926] 46 Sheffield Street
CD 1893-94 Ad p168
Carte de visite with this address noted. 46 Sheffield Street was also the address of the photographer H. Andrews. Another carte de visite has the address 82b Lowther Street, opposite Post Office, removed from Sheffield Street. Married Elizabeth, the daughter of Heskett Andrews and by 1884 was using his father-in-law’s former studio at 46 Sheffield Street. Moved his studio to Lowther Street in 1895 and then Warwick Road before retiring to Lowther Street in 1911
1884 Carlisle Directory 46 Sheffield Street
CD 1893-94 Photographer 46 Sheffield St
WARWICK, John Family of Masons, the father dying 25.04.1743; [Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard]
WARWICK ROAD Street laid out as a turnpike road to Brampton 1829-30; town end at first called Henry Street; Spencer Street to Hartington Place called Cavendish Place and between Brunswick Street and Cecil Street, Bolton Place - Henry Street and Cavendish Place so named on 1845 map D/ MBS Box 30/2; building lots for sale, also Asquith’s 1853 Survey of the city
B/CAR 333.33 Sale of 58,251,253,255 on 25.06.1913
CJ 15.04.1826 p2f Relief of poor; proposed new road Lowther St / Botcherby Bridge
CJ 22.04.1826 p2f New road English St / Botcherby Bridge; £300 subscribed
1829 Directory p154 Henry Street, Lowther Street
June 1846 Jane Greene of Cavendish Place died [Christ Church Memorials no 29]
CP 02.02.1856 p1c Modern built dwelling for sale
CP 30.04.1864 p1 Ad; No 7 Cavendish Place to let
CP 06.03.1874 p1 Ad; 12,14,16 Brunton Place for sale; recently erected
CJ 15.04.1881 p6 Walk along Warwick Road, visits Chatsworth Square and Brunton Place
Council minutes 05.02.1883 18/607 Recommend whole street named Warwick Rd
CJ 23.01.1883 p2 City surveyor has commenced planting avenue of trees; Little and Ballantynes 32 limes, 61 sycamores and 61 black Italian poplars
CJ 29.06.1883 p4 ed The rough road has been superseded by as level a piece of turnpike as you could wish to see anywhere and resembling the splendid roads about London parks more than a highway near a provincial town; a broad level footway laid with fine chips of Threlkeld stone has replaced the dirty old sloping cinder park
CJ 26.10.1888 p4 editorial Planting trees on streets; Warwick Road and Broad Street
CJ 11.02.1896 p3 Trees planted on Warwick Road
Council Minutes 1902-03 p495 Resolved to renumber Warwick Road
CJ 31.12.1918 Deeds of Cavendish House, no 83, dated 1832 for T.Woodrow
City Minutes 25.01.1935 p251 Recommendations for renumbering Warwick Road from Petteril Bridge to the city boundary
Carlisle an illustrated history p87 photo of present day Cavendish Hse
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p166 Flooded in 1968 - photo
CN 09.07.1971 pp11-13 (illus) Repairs
CN 25.08.1972 p6 State of in 1828
CN 20.07.1973 p6 (illus) About 1930
ENS 29.08.1978 p5 A pub crawl into history
CN 07.02.1992 p1 300 jobs in store for city
CN 16.01.1998 p3 Licence granted for new city pub
CN 21.08.1998 p3 (Illus) Arson hotel - Kingfisher Estate
CN 18.12.1998 p25 Soccer - history
CN 25.02.2000 p1 Bid to build big hotel on site of drug den
CN 12.10.2001 p13 Letter; permission for 6 houses behind 280 Warwick Rd
CN 13.06.2003 p8 No funding for housing scheme behind 280 Warwick Rd
CN 26.09.2003 p7 Story of the circus ground at top of Warwick Road
16.04.2005 Demolition in progress on 259 Warwick Rd, Carlisle United club shop latterly, first property on east side of road leading to Carlisle United ground
CN 03.11.2006 p30 D.Perriam; birth of Warwick Rd
WARWICK ROAD; BRUNTON PLACE see also Brunton Place
Would appear to now be the block nos 239-273 Warwick Road; no 247 has a plaque inset into gable end with the date 1847; all this block appears on Asquith’s 1853 map of the city
B/CAR 333.33 For sale 20.12.1907
CN 08.04.2016 p16 Section 2 Story of 240 Warwick Road
WARWICK ROAD; CAVENDISH HOUSE Built for Rev Thomas Woodrow, maternal grandfather of Woodrow Wilson, President of the USA. Visited by the President when he came to Carlisle in 1918
CJ 31.12.1918 Deeds of Cavendish House, no 83, dated 1832 for T.Woodrow
Carlisle an illustrated history p87 photo of present day Cavendish Hse
CN 18.11.2011 p19 For sale. Peter Dance owner
B/CAR 333.333 For sale 23.07.1924
City Minutes 1925-6 p175 Proposal to erect 4 shops on Congress Hall site
CN 06.02.1970 p12
WARWICK ROAD PETROL STATION; 421559 Never reopened after the January 2005 floods. Site under demolition week before and during week 21st February 2008. Site now a car wash [2023]
CP 16.12.1870 80 children attending Mr Irving master
WARWICK SQUARE First noted on 1881 census
CP 24.03.1882 p1 To let no 6 Warwick Square East
Established as Carlisle and North of England Trained Nurses Home at 18-19 Warwick Square in 1900. By 1924 the home was known as the North of England Nursing Home. The evidence of a birth certificate in 1929 giving this as place of birth suggests it was a maternity home at this time. By 1952 it had become Warwick Square Nursing Home, 19 Warwick Square, and it remained at this address until at least 1955-56
CD 1952 Ad p212
George Smith’s 1752 Map of the Soccage Lands of Carlisle calls the area which is today Corporation Road, Warwick Street and Dixon St, Battle Holm and Hangmans Close. No houses are marked on Hangmans Close or Battle Holm The name Battle Holm is apparently meant to indicate battle in a judicial sense
A published map of 1815 of Carlisle shows an unnamed road extending from the southern end of the new Eden bridges, built 1812-1815, connecting to Finkle Street and so through Annetwell Street, Caldewgate and all points west.
Woods 1821 Map of Carlisle shows this road and names it the ‘New Road’. It was built across Corporation land, hence the later name. The 1821 map marks the land to the north of the New Road as ‘Properties of the Corporation’; that to the south of the road being owned by the Duke of Devonshire. An area around here is still called ‘Hangmans Close’ on the 1821 map. The 1844 Directory map still calls it The New Road and there are no buildings shown on it except at the elbow with Rickergate. By the time of the 1851 census the New Road has become Corporation Road
Peter Dixon had the Shaddongate Cotton Mill. Dixon expanded his textile works in 1849 and built additional works in the West Tower Street area. New streets were laid out. Warwick Street was laid out in 1855 [Dixon’s had a cotton factory at Warwick on Eden]. His name is remembered in the adjoining Peter Street, first noted on the 1861 census and Dixon Street, first noted in the Carlisle directory of 1858
The buildings on Warwick Street were demolished in 1939 to make way for the new fire and police stations which were opened on 16.08.1940 and 17.04.1941 respectively. On the south side of Warwick Street, opposite the fire station, were built attractive cottages for permanent members of the fire brigade. The main contractor for the two new stations was John Laing. The buildings are faced in Greenlaw stone from Northumberland and the architect was Percy Dalton.
In 1964 some of the houses in this area were declared unfit for human habitation, the Cumberland News of 08.05.1964 saying that inspectors had found some houses in the area were without internal water and inside toilets. There was a public inquiry and the Cumberland News in September 1964 reported that an appeal by property owners against demolition had been rejected by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and a total of 95 properties on Corporation Road, Dixon St, Dacre St, Solway Terrace and Clifford St were to be demolished
Castleway, part of stage two of the inner ring road, officially opened on 27.03.1974. The construction of the road was over parts of the west end of Corporation Road as well as what was Solway Street, Solway Terrace and Dacre Street. Dixon Street and Clifford although still there in name today lie under Castleway.
Ca/ E4/2775 Warwick Street; 1852, architect Jas Stewart for Peter Dixon
CJ 23.12.1938 p8 Demolition of buildings
Carlisle the Archive Photographs, p59 photo, demolished 1939
WARWICK TERRACE, Off Warwick Road, six properties listed here in the 1924 Carlisle Directory
CN 21.06.1991 p20 Ad p20
CN 01.11.1996 p14 Wash and Gas - at your service
See also Recycling
CN 01.12.1989 p3 Recycling in pipeline
CN 25.09.1992 p1 Waste plan raises stink
CN 02.10.1992 p1 No dustbin claims firm
CN 09.10.1992 p17 Friends attacks on incinerator
CN 16.10.1992 p1 MP refuses to speak
CN 30.10.1992 p27 Council gets ready for a waste battle
CN 30.10.1992 p27 Waste firm hits at critics
CN 06.11.1992 p1 Boost for waste plant campaign
CN 06.11.1992 p5 Incinerator plan firm hits back
CN 13.11.1992 p12 The burning issue
CN 20.11.1992 p1 Greens say no to secret talks
CN 27.11.1992 pp6,16 Letters
CN 08.01.1993 p1 Reject waste burners says FOE
CN 15.01.1993 p9 Report clears waste plant
CN 05.02.1993 p15 Waste plant war of words goes on
CN 05.02.1993 p6 City waste plan comes under fire
CN 05.03.1993 p3 Incinerator plan traffic worry
CN 07.05.1993 p25 New turn in battle over incinerator
CN 30.12.1993 p3 Waste site on the move - Rome Street
CN 25.02.1994 p25 Waste plant will be in Cumbria
CN 23.08.2002 p13 Letter critical of Council’s approach to waste management
1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
See also Recycling
CJ 19.05.1942 p1 Tentative plans proposed
CN 01.12.1989 p3 Recycling in pipeline
WATERGATE LANE Near John Street; so marked on Wood’s 1821 map of city
CJ 31.05.1817 p1 Cotton Mill at Water-Gate Lane, erected in last 14 years containing 24,480 Mule spindles, six storeys
Pavey Lands and Tyle Close for sale. Fields situate in Watergate Lane now in occupation of John Carr as tenant [CP 03.07.1819 p1]
CJ 13.01.1827 p3 Saint Cuthbert’s Parish not repairing Watergate Lane
The Citizen 04.01.1828 p3 Repair of Water Lane
CJ 05.04.1828 p3 Vestry meeting; liability of township to repair road
CJ 17.05.1828 p3 Repairing and paving Water Lane to Mr Brown’s Barn
CJ 23.09.1826 p1f Ad. 22 dwelling rooms newly built for sale
CJ 07.03.1856 p5 Ordered to pave Water Street – ‘street so little used’
WATER LANE, Court Square [1829 Directory]
1847 Directory Court Square
WATERLOO FOUNDRY Waterloo Foundry, Water Street, west side of station [location 1851,Ward’s Directory]; so named on the 1860s 50 inch survey of Carlisle on the corner of Wood Street and Water Street; 1847 Directory Thomas Burgess Waterloo Foundry; marked on Asquith’s large scale map of Carlisle dated 1853; 1901 Waterloo Foundry, St Nicholas Street [Bulmer 1901], moving there following the enlargement of the railway station [CWAAS OS vol 6 p430]
See also ; Burgess and Hayton; Daniel Clark; White Brothers
CN 23.12.1977 p4
WATERLOO HOUSE; St NIcholas 1901 census Mary Hayward aged 63 living here, a relation of Daniel Clark, ironfounder, at the Waterloo Foundry
1918 Electoral Register Waterloo House Daniel Clark Hayward
CN 19.05.2010 p64 Grade two Georgian property for sale, photo, £295,000
CN 13.07.1979 p1
WATERS, J Scotch Street
Leading Trader of the City p44 Ad A616
CP 07.07.1832 records the death, from Cholera, of Mrs Eliz Collins of Water’s Buildings, aged 40
WATER STREET Marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
See also Watergate Lane
CJ 08.10.1831 p3b Building ground and dwelling houses now in occupation of James Steel and George Raper
1847 Directory Water Street, Water Lane
City Minutes 1931-32 p70 Nos 37,39, 41 and 43 unfit for human habitation
CN 21.08.1964 Compulsory order; 82 year old fights order
WATER SUPPLY When St Cuthbert visited Carlisle in 685 AD he was shown a marvellously constructed fountain of Roman workmanship. The Romans had built a bath house at Edenside. Exceptionally well preserved drains were found here in 2021. Roman street drains excavated in Annetwell Street may be seen in Tullie House Museum. Street drains can be seen in their original place in the Tullie House gardens. Before 1848 all drinking water in city from rivers, wells or water carts. In addition there were springs at the foot of the bank below St James Church. On the 1st edition OS maps of the 1860s this is marked as Seven Wells Bank. On a map of 1746 Hysop Home Well is identified near Edenside. As Carlisle was besieged many times over centuries of Border warfare it was essential that the city had access to water sources inside the walls and inside the Castle and Citadels. Excavations in Old Grapes Lane uncovered a well which dendrochronology dated to AD1193-6. The new Citadel fortification had a well which was rediscovered in 1883. This well was dug at the same time as the new Citadels as both bear the same mason’s marks. The Cathedral had a least 3 wells inside the building, one near the High Altar was discovered in 1967. Another near the entrance is dated to the 1120s and was recently excavated. The well is 32 feet deep. It was covered over in the 19th century. The strata of sandsone is a water purifier. Annetwell Street is St Ann’s Well, first noted in 1540. A map in CWAAS transactions shows 5 medieval wells in the Annetwell Street area as well as 3 post medieval wells. Three wells were discovered with the demolition of the Crown and Mitre in 1902. One of the main public wells was in the Market Place; over the well was a building supported on pillars called Carnaby’s Folly. In 1633 the Court Leet Rolls ordered that the well in the Market Place shall be repaired and made with a pump and stone trough. [Municipal Records p287]. The site of this well has been forgotten but it was opposite the shop of Messrs Thurnams, it may have been the well that St Cuthbert was shown. Up until the second half of the 19th century there was no understanding of bacteria and water borne diseases. The Dormont book of 1561 prohibits any person casting dead dogs, cats and other rubbish in the common wells within the city. It also prohibits middens or dunghills within 12 feet of the wells. In 1832 Cholera came to the city, but there was no understanding in the medical world that this was a result of contaminated water. Cholera was thought, amongst other things, to be caused by miasmas, putrified air rising from graveyards, dunghills, privvies and the filth of poverty. There were 265 deaths from Cholera in the city between June 13th and November 18th 1832. From 01.04.1848 water was extracted from the River Eden and pumped from pumping station at Stony Holme [ photo of Stony Holme pumping station in Carlisle the Archive Photographs p79] into a reservoir at Harraby Hill for public consumption; ‘The height of the uncovered reservoir will be forty feet above the level of the flagging of the gaol, being the highest ground in Carlisle. With such a pressure as this elevation will produce, the houses, even in this district, may be supplied to a height of 35 feet above the ground’ .[Mannix 1847 p144] In 1850 The General Board of Health commented in its report on the city ‘The common well water in Carlisle was scarcely fit for the lowest class of animals...No water is fit for drinking, but is, in fact, pernicious to health’. In Brewery Row the 1850 report noted that there is only one privvy for twenty families and this has not been cleaned out since built. Prior to the Carlisle Waterworks Company the only reservoir in the city was a tank on top of the Gaol; prisoners in the treadmill shed turned a huge mill wheel with their feet, pumping water from a deep well into the roof tank. This was the sole source of water in case of fire in the city. This source was also used for cleaning the streets]. The Carlisle Water Company Prospectus in 1846 estimated water use at 10 gallons per person per day. The reservoir would contain a 10 day supply, 2,800,000 gallons. The Annual General Report of the Carlisle Water Company for 1848 stated that it had 1,467 customers from houses paying under £10 a year rent, for a total income of £306 8s 0d [about a penny a week rent] and 330 houses with a rent above £10 a year, income £148. Other income for the Water Company came from inns, stables, breweries, water closets [numbering 22] street cleaning, public buildings, baths [numbering 11] locomotive and other engines. The following year there were 2,619 properties under the £10 a year rent, and 467 above it. There were 49 water closets supplied in the city. In 1850 the numbers of properties were 3,285, 542 with 106 water closets. The Carlisle Journal of 08.12.1865 reported on a meeting of the town council concerning making an offer for the civic purchase of the water company. It was said that the original promoters of the company had intended the works for the benefit of their citizens and not as a financial speculation. Of late the undertaking had fallen into the hands of people who regarded it as an eligible investment. Acquired by Corporation in 1866. R Briggs, writing in the Carlisle Journal in 1899 recorded ‘For several years I have seen the Upperby women in the summertime dragging their weary way with their load of water from the river up the hill to their dwellings, a very considerable distance’. A new scheme replacing the Stoneyholme pump had been discussed since the 1890s. New suggested sources of water were the Caldew, Mosedale, Glendermakin but it was eventually decided upon the River Gelt which had organically pure water. Gravity fed, it would take water to the city in only a few minutes. The capital outlay of the scheme was £130,000. The new scheme was needed as Carlisle was a growing population, some of the higher parts of the city had insufficient pressure to be served by Harraby Hill. Also the pumping machinery at Stoneyholme was old and in need of constant attention. Geltsdale Reservoir began 1902. Purification by slow sand filters and pressure filters and sterilisation is carried out at Geltsdale. The purified water is conveyed, by gravity, by two sixteen inch diameter pipes to the Cumwhinton Service Reservoir six miles away. This reservoir has a capacity of five million gallons. From here water is conveyed to the city. 16.08.1906 inauguration of water supply from Geltsdale Reservoir for city; opening speeches were cut short because of a violent storm, the mayor of Carlisle saying that ‘another supply had been turned on’. When the Geltsdale supply was brought on tap in 1906 the daily consumption in the city was one million gallons. The works were designed to ultimately supply 2.4 million gallons daily. August 1909 the Geltsdale Reservoir completed becoming the main supply for the city. The Harraby Hill reservoir was turned into allotments, the retaining walls of the reservoir can still be seen today [2024]. 1956 Carlisle Corporation Water Order allowing abstraction of 4 million gallons per day from the River Eden. An intake on the River Eden was constructed near Wetheral, an underground pumping station adjacent to the intake would take water to a purification plant at Cumwhinton Service Reservoir; 22.05.1962 Waterworks Augmentation Scheme officially opened at Cumwhinton Treatment Works. A further reservoir capable of taking 5 million gallons was constructed at High Brownnelson, 74 meters high. The Carlisle Journal 07.07.1961 ran an article on the slums of Carlisle. It stated that few of the houses in Elm Court and Denton Crescent have running water. Housewives were shown getting water from an outside communal tap. Even today the northern terracing of Carlisle United’s ground is known as the Waterworks End [a reference to the former pumping station at Stoneyholme]
See also WELLS
CAIH p67 Water
Local Government Octocentenary Brochure pp 25-29 1BC 352
Topper Off Summer 1949 p2
Topper Off Easter 1950 p48
CJ 16.05.1865 p3 CJ 06.10.1865 p4 CJ 13.10.1865 pp4,6
CJ 07.11.1865 p3 CJ 21.11.1865 p3
CN 14.10.1950 p4 CN 06.01.1951 p5 CN 27.08.1954 p10 CN 13.05.1955 p10
CN 21.10.1955 p10 CN 28.10.1955 p10 CN 11.11.1955 p10
CN 02.12.1955 p10 CN 27.01.1956 p8 (illus) CN 29.06.1956 p1
CJ 13.07.1956 p1 CN 13.07.1956 p1
CP 13.06.1818 p3 Letter about formation of a water company. Inconvenience experienced by a great majority of the inhabitants from a want of soft water in their houses. ...the expense which they are laid under to have it brought from the river in carts
1820 see G.Topping Memories of Carlisle p135 Pumps and wells
CP 30.11.1839 pp2,3 Letters about supply and problems
CJ 30.11.1839 p2 Water leader, Robert Armstrong aged 70, drowned filling barrels in Eden
CJ 23.08.1845 p3 Supply of water depends entirely on public or private wells. There is a tank at the gaol, forms sole reservoir...for cleansing streets and fires.
That the common well-water used in Carlisle was scarcely fit to be used by the lowest class of animals! Several experiments he had tried since he came to the town had failed, owing to the extreme impurity of the water. In the water from the pump in the Fish-market, the saline matter is as 1 to 350; and in the pump at the Lion and Lamb, as 1 in 477. No water is fit for drinking, but is in fact, pernicious to health, which contains more than 1 in 1,000 of saline matter.....The former mode of supplying the town was by pumps, and by carts carrying barrels. The carters charged one halfpenny for two tins-full, holding about four gallons, or 6d per cask of 100 gallons. At first we had some difficulty in inducing people to dispense with private pumps.
1850 General Board of Health Enquiry. R.Rawlinson pp63 Report on water supply p64
CJ 30.01.1847 p3a-b Carlisle Water Company Annual Meeting
CJ 20.03.1847 p2f Ad; Waterworks; contract for engine house and filter beds
CJ 03.04.1847 p2d T. Nelson contract for engine hse; Mr Head to contribute
CJ 13.01.1865 pp4,6 Transferred to city
CJ 07.04.1865 p5 Visit to Bowscale and Scales Tarns
CJ 12.05.1865 p6 Discussion
CJ 08.12.1865 p6 Council purchase of water works
CJ 17.07.1868 p4d Completion of new waterworks
City Council Minutes 1885-86 24 page pamphlet at rear
City Council 09.12.1886 p29 Extension to waterworks to be opened 10.12.1886
City Council Minutes 1885/86 Short Sketch of the Carlisle Water Supply
City Council Minutes 1891-92 pp279-288 Report on increased demand for water
City Council Minutes 1893-94 p194 Reasons for increased demands for water
City Council Minutes 1893-94 pp 208 -09 Instances of poor water supply in city
City Council Minutes 1896-97 p 486-518, 3 proposed schemes
CP 11.02.1898 p7a Corporation Water Bill
CP 11.02.1898 p3c Water schemes; petition against Carlisle Bill
CP 25.02.1898 p5a Carlisle water Bill
CP 18.03.1898 p6a,b Water Bill
CP 13.05.1898 p5d,e; p6 a-e Carlisle water Bill passed; decision of committee
CJ 06.01.1903 p4 Inhabitants obtained water from wells or from water carts that were filled in the Eden near the Sands, or in the Caldew near Collier’s Lonning; or they took water by cans direct from those rivers. The water obtained from the wells was generally bad and that water from the carts cost purchasers a penny for 8 gallons. The Snowdens were the chief water carriers. Days of water carriers indeed drawing to an end
City Minutes 1905-06 p521 Turning on the supply for the city
CJ 17.08.1906 pp5,6 Water turned on; history of water schemes
M.Constantine Carlisle a history and celebration pp90-1 Photo of opening ceremony
City Minutes 1928/9 pp696-727 Report on increasing filtration plant and pressure
CJ 12.12.1939 p1 Demand for water in Carlisle
CJ 15.05.1942 p4 Water scheme
CN 02.07.1949 p5 1847 first pipe water inaugurated
ENS 04.01.1956 p1 City’s water scheme
ENS 06.02.1956 City reservoirs half empty
ENS 05.06.1956 p1 City faces another water crisis
ENS 05.07.1960 p1 Water ‘take over’ confirmed
CJ 08.07.1960 pp1,9 Extension into Border area
CN 08.07.1960 pp1,7,10 Extension into Border area
CN 22.07.1960 p13 Extension into Border area
CN 10.02.1961 p1 (illus) Cumwhinton works
Civic Affairs April 1961 p1 The Water Department
Civic Affairs July 1962 p1 Cumwhinton Augmentation Scheme officially opened
CN 25.05.1962 p3 Augmentation scheme
CN 24.01.1964 p11Tunnel under Eden
CN 11.02.1972 p2 (illus) Water Works
CN 11.10.1974 p40 City ignores threat of pollution
CN 22.11.1974 p1 Pollution could soar
CN 11.12.1987 p4 Waterworks moved to preserve a view
CN 14.10.1988 p4 Water supplies not fit for animals
CN 22.02.1991 p4 100 years ago
CN 04.04.1997 p10 The day Carlisle got tapped water, all for a penny a week
CN 13.09.2002 p8 Extra water from Eden needed to safeguard Carlisle Supply
CN 15.11.2002 p14 City water quality improvement; part of £20m upgrade
CN 10.10.2008 p34 D.Perriam. Waterworks history. Engine delivered 55,000 gallons of water per minute
WATERTON COURT, Durranhill; named after Canon Waterton
CN 20.08.2004 p79 Development at converted Durranhill House
WATERTON HALL Warwick Square; named after Canon Waterton
City Minutes 1901-02 p302 Approval for new hall
23.09.2007 Hall under demolition at this time; Story the builders to put up housing on site and build a new parish hall for nearby Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Church, referred to as the New Waterton Hall
CN 20.08.1993 p4 Memories of the Dam
WATERWORKS LANE, so named on the second edition 25 inch OS map, circa 1899; becomes St Aidans Road on the 3rd edition map , circa 1924. Lane leading to the former pumping station at the north end of the lane
WATSON, C.G. Bridge Street
Hairdresser and tobacconist
CD 1952 Ad p88
WATSON, Thomas Castle Street
India rubber and leather gloves
CD 1880 Ad pxl
WATSON, Thomas Castle Street
Painters and decorator
1861 census, Thomas Watson, home Bird in Hand Lane, Castle St, aged 31
CD 1880 Ad pxxx
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p37 Photo showing exterior
WATSONS, 17 Scotch St Clogger
1901 census; 3 East Tower St, Betsy Watson, clogger, widow, aged 62, born Carlisle
E.Nelson Around Carlisle p41 Photo of T.Watson outside shop, 1925; closed 1979
Carlisle a photographic recollection; J.Templeton photo of East Tower St shop p21
Carlisle in old picture postcards view 33 East Tower St corner
David Thomson and his brother Alexander, plumbers and contractors, were extensive property owners, and Thomson Street, Alexander Street, Watson Street and Brook Street were built by them. [CN 05.07.1924 p15]
City Minutes 1890-91 item 193 approval to lay out new street
City Minutes 28.04.1893 item 475 Approval for 16 dwelling houses
Over the Garden Wall; life of Donald Scott pp 7-8 Life in Watson St in 1930s
WATSON’S COURT, Princess Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 23 Princess Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 39-41 St Nicholas Street
WATSON’S COURT, Saint Nicholas Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 39 Saint Nicholas Street
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
WATT, J and W Caldew Garage, Metcalfe Street
CD 1966-68 Ad p274
WATT, John and J.W. Tea Merchants
Carlisle; Archival photographs p12 photo of shop on Glover’s Row
Fisher Street, Presbyterian Church Bazaar October 1899 [M183] p40 Ad Top of Bank Street
WATTS COFFEE SHOP Bank Street; founded 1865; moved to Bank Street from Glover’s Row in 1897
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection pp7,11
Alan Porter Carlisle Golf Club 1908 - 2008 p 51 Portrait of Harry J.Watt
V.White Carlisle and its Villages p22 Drawing of shop
ENS 25.03.1939 p2 John Watt Advertised opening 13.07.1865 at 87 Green Market
Cumbria Life Sept/Oct 1992 p45 2A 9
CN 02.12.1994 p5 (illus) City goes expresso bonkers
CN 06.09.1996 p4 Watt a display - ad
CN 24.01.1997 p17 Old shops and a way of life gone for ever
Cumbria Life February 2000 p110 2A 9
CN 23.02.2001 p1 (illus) Quarrel with tenant; Ashley Kendall v Marzley Johnstone
CN 31.10.2003 p1 Owner Ashley Kendall to retire
CN 16.04.2004 p8 Early family history; founded by brothers James and John Watt
CN 15.07.2005 p13 Letter correcting above article
WATTS COURT, 11 Mary Street [1880 Directory]
WATTS VICTORIAN COFFEE SHOP Lowther Street; becomes Townhouse tea and coffee rooms May 2001
CN 18.05.2001 p7 Marzley moves to new premises
City Minutes 1926-7 p633 Licensed to operate bus service to Carleton
WAUGH, George Green Market
M442 p22 Business receipt for grocer and tallow chandler
WAUGH, John Leather merchant, died 10.04.1818 [Monumental Inscription St Mary’s Churchyard, the Cathedral; no 204]
WAUGH’S COURT, 68 South John Street [1880 Directory]
WAUGH’S LANE East side of Botchergate between East Street and Sowerby Lane
So market on 1845 map D/ MBS Box 30/2
1880 Directory 108 Botchergate
1924 Carlisle Directory Between 102-104 Botchergate, west side
1934 Directory Waugh's Lane, 102 Botchergate
CN 26.06.1998 p3 Repair work to start
CN 14.08.2009 p7 Work underway on care village
City Minutes 1932-33 p 415 Approval for 4 houses; owner A.Hoodless
City Minutes 1934-5 p 956 Approval for 4 houses. Owner J.Johnstone
ENS 19.01.1966 p8 Road conditions
CN 24.05.2002 p17 Rally car business started
CN 12.03.1993 p20 Ad
WEALLS COURT, Hewson Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 4 Hewson Street
1924 Carlisle Directory 4 Hewson Street
WEALLS COURT, Margaret Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 12 Margaret Street
1924 Carlisle Directory after 12 Margaret Street
WEATHER Record for 24 hours of rainfall possibly 2.9 inches on the 16.10.1967 9am to 17.10.1967 9am; 3.5. inches falls in 24 hour period in city, 11/12th October [CN 14.10.2005 p]
See also Floods
Dr Carlyle kept an account of the quantity of rain which fell on Carlisle during a period of twenty years, namely, from 1757 to 1776. During this period the greatest quantity which fell in one year was 31.801 inches, the medium being 24.71 inches. Mr Pitt made the mean quantity of rain fallen in Carlisle, from 1801 - 1824, 30.571 inches The Life of John Heysham, by Henry Lonsdale pp31-32
1757 G.Carlyle began his rainfall record at Carlisle [CWAAS ns Vol 48 p138]
1801-1824 Weather stats pp21-5 General Board of Health Report, 1850, 1BC625
25.05.1807 Thermometer at 85 General Board of Health Report, 1850, p21 1BC625
17.01.1814 Thermometer at -2 General Board of Health Report, 1850, p21 1BC625
CP 01.12.1821 p3b Height of Eden scarcely greater; worst storms since 1789
CP 09.02.1822 p3 Storm and flood; exceeded blast of 1st December
CJ 07.09.1826 p2e Monthly rainfall figures for Carlisle; January - August
CJ 12.01.1839 p2f,g Worst storm in living memory
CJ 06.02.1847 p3e Meteorological journal for city; Jan 1847, rain, temp
CJ 12.12.1856 p8 Great Flood at Carlisle; greatest flood since 1822
CP 22.01.1875 Destructive storm; most intense since 1839; chimneys down
26.01.1884 Severe gales in city
18.02.1892 Thermometer 11’5 degrees below zero in city
31.01.1895 Severe frost in city
CP 17.01.1896 Severe gale; Cathedral suffered considerable damage
CP 22.03.1907 Great Storm; Eden at Caledonian Bridge 17 feet 10 inch
City Minutes 1910-11 p401 Monthly rainfall at cemetery 1900-1910
City Minutes 1911-12 pp428-431 Meteorological Statistics
City Minutes 1912-13 pp501-505 Meteorological Statistics
City Minutes 1913-14 pp618-623 Weather Statistics; rainfall etc
City Minutes 1914-15 pp 481-486 Weather statistics
City Minutes 1915-16 p287 Rainfall statistics
City Minutes 1916-17 p 257 Rainfall statistics
City Minutes 1917-18 p 250 Rainfall statistics - Carlisle Cemetery
City Minutes 1918-19 p306 Rainfall statistics
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1919 p 90 Rainfall statistics for 1919
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1921 p14 Rainfall statistics for 1921
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1922 p 14 Rainfall statistics for 1922
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1923 p11 Rainfall statistics for 1923
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1924 p 14 Rainfall statistics for 1924
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1926 p 20 Rainfall statistics for 1926
CJ 21.09.1926 Great floods; heaviest rainfall for 25 years in city
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1927 p20 Rainfall statistics for 1927
Sanitary Conditions for the City of Carlisle 1928 p 20 Rainfall statistics for 1928
Sanitary Condition of the City of Carlisle 1929 p20 Rainfall statistics for 1929
1930 Report of Sanitary Administration for Carlisle p 26 Rainfall statistics for 1930
1931 Report of Sanitary Administration for Carlisle p 17 Rainfall statistics for 1931
1932 Report of Sanitary Administration for Carlisle p 18 Rainfall statistics for 1932
CJ 04.01.1946 p1 Rainfall for 1945
CN 06.04.1946 p5 Temperature and hours of sunshine
CN 18.05.1946 p5 Figures for 1946
CN 13.06.1946 p5 Hours of sunshine
CN 17.08.1946 p5 Hours of sunshine
CN 21.12.1946 p7 Figures for 1946
CN 05.02.1949 p5 Mild January
CN 05.03.1949 p5 Mild February
CN 07.05.1949 p5 April rainfall
CN 25.06.1949 p5 Heat wave
CN 29.10.1949 p5 2.95 inches rainfall in 24 hours
CN 07.10.1950 p5 September 6.27 inches; previous records
CN 12.02.1988 p24 Worst storms for 20 years
CN 18.01.1991 p3 Snow snarl ups sparks roads row
CN 08.11.1996 p3 Victims hit by freak storm count cost
CN 29.11.1996 p1 Hundreds without power as freezing weather takes its toll
CN 06.12.1996 p5 (illus) Blizzard wizards praised
CN 12.09.1997 p4 Salt scouts plan to keep winter roads snow free
CN 05.12.1997 p5 (illus) The week of 100 accidents
CN 10.11.2000 p7 The day the rains came down
CN 01.03.2002 p8 Week of bad weather; one of wettest Februarys ever
CN 10.01.2003 p1 Icy weather shuts local schools; 7 days of freezing weather
CN 08.08.2003 p1 Temp. peaks at 31C last Tuesday
CN 13.08.2004 p 3 Double August rainfall in 4 days
CN14.10.2005 p1 3.5. inches falls in 24 hour period in city, 11/12th October
January 7th 2010 River Petteril frozen over at Botcherby Bridge
December 26th 2010 River Eden frozen across in Rickerby Park
CN 10.12.2010 p3 Lowest daytime temperature in city since 1960s minus 7.9C at highest
See also Cotton industry, Dixon’s; Handloom weavers
CP 20.02.1819 p1 Power looms for sale; 62 pair of Patent Looms...
CP 08.05.1819 p3a Weavers displeasure at price of gingham; send us to America
CP 22.05.1819 p3c Letter concerning the poor quality of gingham now produced
CP 29.05.1819 p2b Petition to House of Commons concerning plight of weavers
CP 29.05.1819 p3 c,d Appeal concerning wretchedness of weavers in city
CP 05.06.1819 p3b,c Meeting between weavers and employers; no compromise
CP 12.06.1819 p3b Dispute between weavers and employers
CP 19.06.1819 p3b 1,500 weavers employed in city and neighbourhood
CP 26.06.1819 p3a,b Weavers still hold out for more wages
CP 03.07.1819 p3d Handbill from Weavers Committee
CP 24.07.1819 p3a-c Greater part of men silently returning to work
CP 11.09.1819 p 4b,c Letter concerning causes of national distress
CJ 13.05.1826 p3c Letter concerning plight of weavers; reasons for distress
CJ 20.05.1826 p3c Letter concerning plight of cotton weavers in city
CJ 20.05.1826 p3a Distress in city mainly in cotton manufacturing
CJ 03.06.1826 p3b Letter about plight of weavers; rejection of statement on wages
28.06.1838 Mr Head of Rickerby slaughters heifers for starving weavers
CP 03.08.1861 p8 Letter from Richard Brown; Sec. of the Soc.of Carlisle Weavers
CJ 15.12.1863 p3 Emigration
CJ 24.10.1865 p2 Grievance meeting
CN 22.03.1924 p9 18th century Carlisle
CN 24.01.1992 p4 A squalid life for weavers
CN 31.01.1992 p4 City election rioting quelled by army
CN 07.02.1992 p4 Repeat performance by rioting weavers
CN 21.08.1992 p4 Turbulent times in battle over wages
WEAVERS ARMS John Street; in local directories from 1850 to 1861; may have become afterwards the Sportsmans Arms Inn and then the Bricklayers; 1861 Joseph Gallery, innkeeper, aged 40, born Carlisle
WEAVERS ARMS Shaddongate; in local directories from 1837 to 1869; Thomas Jackson, innkeeper, aged 63, born Pryor Rigg [1861 census]
WEAVERS BANK AND CASTLE WALK Work started on the new Eden Bridges in 1812, this included confining the river in a single north channel. The old southern channel was to be filled in, but it was still necessary to cross the muddy bed by a bridge of 5 arches completed in 1816. To ensure that the river was confined to the northern channel two embankments were constructed on either side of the north bridge, so cutting off the southern channel. The Swifts embankment on the east side extended in an L shape to form an effective flood barrier. This is there today, an embankment footpath from the bridge to the Turf Inn. On the west side the embankment extended to the Castle [aiming at what was St Mary’s Tower. The course of the embankment today [2021] would be the footpath to the east of the tennis courts]. Constructed 1816-19 by unemployed weavers. This was known as Weavers Bank and retains that name today, although more than half the bank on the west side is now lost in the levelling to create Bitts Park. [ the full extent of the bank can be seen on Woods and Asquith’s, 1st edition large scale OS maps] At the same time Devonshire Walk was laid out and this was extended around the foot of Castle Bank to link with the new bank, forming a continuous pathway to Eden Bridge. The main purpose after providing a job creation scheme was to form a dam to prevent flooding in the low lying area of Rickergate. This became a popular promenade for citizens. Repairs and heightening were required in 1857 and, as this coincided with a depression in the textile industry, weavers were again employed in stabilising the bank. It was decided to plant trees on both sides of the Weavers Bank. This was done in December 1871, 1872 and 1873, Little and Ballantyne providing the saplings. Today the embankment from the bridge follows the river to the Sheepmount Bridge before skirting the railway and joining Devonshire Walk. This flood bank extension was called the Mayor’s Drive and is so named on large scale OS maps of Carlisle, the Carlisle Patriot of 27 May 1892 reporting that the new road from Bitts around Sorceries was inspected. The 1892 Mayor’s Drive extension around the Sauceries made it possible to form a ‘People’s Park’ on the Bitts.
CP 15.02.1817 Proposal for a walk on the Castle’s north side. Scheme to employ the labouring poor.
CP 08.03.1817 Many men said to be employed on the walk
CP 20.12.1817 Subscription opened to pay for a walk from the Castle to the Eden bridge
CP 17.04.1819 p 3a Progress embankment from new Eden Bridges to Castle Walk
CP 24.07.1819 p3a Floods held back by newly formed bank
CJ 13.05.1921 p5
CN 16.03.2001 p7 Jobless weavers gave city a riverside walk
WEB OFFSET Print Works
CN 17.03.1978 p3 CN 23.03.1978 p13
CN 05.12.1980 p1 Redundancies
CN 20.11.1981 p19 Closure
CN 27.11.1981 p23 Closure
CN 23.12.1988 p23 Printworks sold
CN 01.12.1995 p16 All systems go; Ad
CN 12.03.1999 p1 11th hour bid to rescue plant
CN 19.03.1999 p3 MP in top level talks over closure
CN 25.06.1999 p2 Printworks closes
WEBSTER CRES So named after F.G.Webster, the Town Clerk
Our City Our People, M.Edwards p5 Description of wedding at Upperby in 1884
CJ 31.08.1886 p2 Food poisoning at wedding. Bride’s death
ENS 11.02.1983 p4 History
CN 15.06.1990 p1 Salute for the bride
Cumbria Life no 21 March/ April 1992 pp12-15 Old photos showing dresses 2A 9
CN 10.11.1995 p5 City brides say get me to the church
CN 24.04.1998 Supplement
Cumbria Life April 2000 pp48-9
CN 29.12.2000 p2 End of special licensing; now statutory 51 day wait
WEIGH BRIDGE COTTAGE Solway St; Built 1855; ceased to be used for public weighing 1941; demolished December 1964
Carlisle in Camera 1 p13 photo
CN 20.03.1964 p8 (illus)
CJ 11.12.1964 p11 (illus) Demolished
WEIGHTMANS’S COURT, 6 Solway Terrace [1880 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 6-7 Solway Terrace
WELCH’S SQUARE By the Castle
See also Welsh Square
1880 Directory 24 Finkle Street
So named on 50 inch OS map 1899 23.03.19
City Minutes 1902-03 p 214 Uninhabitable rooms because of dampness
ENS 10.07.1972 p7 Engraving of the now demolished square
Welders, engineers
CD 1931 Ad p300
CD 1934 Ad p64
WELL BANK, Longsowerby On the electoral register from 1922, when only one property is listed, in 1923 there are three houses listed and Well Bank Place appears, Seven Well Bank is so named on the 1863-5 Ordnance Survey sheet; Well Flat was a field name here mentioned in the Parliamentary survey of 1650. The Carlisle Patriot of 09.09.1865 reporting on the laying of the Cornerstone of St James Church said that only one well remained and this was marked with an inscribed stone, the paper continued that in ancient times public baptisms were held here
See also Well Flatt, Seven Wells, St Lawrence’s Well
1924 Carlisle Directory lists 8 properties here
WELL BANK PLACE, Longsowerby
1924 Carlisle Directory lists 2 properties here
WELL FLATT A flat was an open field without hedges, divided into strips. Different farmers rented different strips which were widely dispersed - the idea being that farmers would get an equal share of good and bad land within a manor. This system of farming died out in the middle ages. The well part comes from the fact that the land was on Seven Wells Bank. [Perriam Denton Holme p29] Placename mentioned in quitclaim of 10.01.1360/1 [CWAAS Vol 71, 1971, p59]; place name on Asquith’s 1853 plan of city [on what is now Dalston Road] ; Arthur Parker of Well Flatt died 07.01.1885 [Monumental Inscription 430/27]
1829 Directory p172 John Wilson, Gentleman Well Flatt
CJ 06.06.1829 p1 To be sold newly erected dwelling house, out houses and farm buildings occupied by late John Wison
The Citizen 01.05.1839 p320 John Wilson of Well Flatt died aged 79
CJ 03.10.1846 A magnificent apple of the old square species has been sent to us from Well Flatt...from the orchard of Mr Mathers
1847 Directory p172 John Mathers, Well Flat
CJ 10.09.1858 Death of Miss Sarah Mathers, aged 81
CJ 29.03.1861 Fire in stack Yard, Mr Wilson
CJ 12.04.1861 Dwelling house and garden to let, apply Mr Wilson
CJ 05.06.1863 p1 Dwelling house, 3 bedrooms to let
CJ 05.07.1867p8g death ref to Cottage at Well Flatt tenanted by John Lancaster
CJ 27.01.1871 p3 John Lancaster died at Well Flatt, aged 66
15.04.1891 Charlotte Moses of Well Flatt died [MI 13/4]
CJ 29.05.1894 Obit of William Wilson, grocer, who farmed at Well Flatt
North Cumberland Reformer 02.06.1894 p2 W.Wilson died aged 80
1901 census Well Flatt Farm; Jonathan Rowe, farm worker, aged 26, born Ainstable
1901 census Well Flatt House; Esther Tinniswood, 53, bn Knottingley, Yorks
1901 census Well Flatt Cottage; Thomas Mitchell, groom, bn Dalston, aged 33
1918 Electoral Register; Well Flatt Janet and Jonathan Sander
1918 Electoral Register; Well Flatt Farm John and Martha Glendinning
1918 Electoral Register; Well Flatt Cottage Mary Ann Allison
CN 13.02.2004 p3 Well Flatt Farm sold for development; photographs
CN 20.02.2004 p13 letter; memory of My Wylie tenant farmer
CN 14.05.2004 p3 Objections to development
CN 11.02.2005 p6 Site cleared by developer Parsimmon
WELLINGTON St Cuthbert’s Lane; in directories to 1861
Round Carlisle Cross Vol 2 The Wellington 1814-1859 pp 95-103
CP 12.06.1819 p1c Ad for annual dinner of Wellington Club
WELLINGTON HOTEL/INN English Street; in local directories from 1844; amalgamated with the Three Crowns in 1916; Old Baronial Hall erected 1906 demolished 1916
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916, pp84-6
1841 census; James Bell, innkeeper, aged 35
CP 03.06.1854 p1 Wellington Inn to let; rebuilt of white stone in the last year
CP 26.05.1855 p1 Ad Mr Holywell entered into Wellington Inn opposite Gaol
1861 census Ann Holywell, aged 55, innkeeper, born Wigton
1891 census; John Nicholson, wine merchant, bn Buckabank, aged 41
1901 census; Joseph Bouch, manager wine and spirit stores, aged 33, bn Liverpool
CJ 01.12.1916 Offer Dean and Chapter the old oak in the Baronial Hall which came from St Mary’s Church when it was in the nave of the Cathedral. The oak in question formed the communion rail in the old church of St Mary’s where Sir Walter Scott was married
ENS 05.10.1916 Amalgamated with Three Crowns
CN 06.08.1949 p5 (illus) Baronial Hall Oak
CN 20.08.1949 p5 Baronial Hall Oak
ENS 19.06.1968 Supplement; Birth of a new Citadel
CN 31.05.1991 p4 (illus)
CN 12.05.2000 p12 Hearts of oak in cathedral’s pubs and church
1924 Carlisle directory listed under Warwick Road
WELL LANE, Stanwix Named after a well in this area. At the bottom of the lane a WWII pill box covers the Brampton Rd
WELLS Before 1848 all city drinking water supply from wells, water carriers or taken direct from the rivers
See also Water, Hyssop Holme Well; Fountains
Itm yf any person or persons hereafter caste any maner of corruption as deyd dogs catts nolt [black cattle] hornes or any other thinge corrupte in any of the comon welles wthin this citie or doe lye any myddinge, doonghill towards any of the said comon wells or wthin xii feet thereof....Domont Book of 1561 [Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle pp64-5
Jefferson,S; History and Antiquites of Carlisle, 1838, p83 Market place draw well
CWAAS NS Vol 3 p414 3 wells founded during reconstruction of Crown and Mitre
CN 03.09.1971 p14
D Perriam and D Ramshaw Carlisle’s First Learning Centre; Tullie House pp20-21 The well in the Market place was fitted with a close cover and a lock over a wall a yard high. In 1710 a lease was granted to John Carnaby to build a house or shop over the old well with sufficient and convenient way and passage for inhabitants to fetch and take water at all times. Carnaby was to provide chains and buckets for taking and drawing water. The building over the wall was popularly known as Carnaby’s Folly. No view of this building survives
D Perriam Stanwix p21 Before a piped water supply Stanwix inhabitants had to reply on local wells in the village and district. See Well Lane and Stanwix Bank which had a water pump on the bank. Many of the larger houses in Stanwix had their own wells
1804 Long covered up well in Sewell’s Lane found. 27 feet in depth and two bronze Roman vases found in the bottom [Ferguson’s Hutchinson p590]. Supposed to be a well under the east wall of the Guildhall, could this be the one Saint Cuthbert saw? [Ferguson’s Hutchinson p590]
CJ 11.07.1807 p3d Near this city, two men stupefied with drink let go windlass and friend precipitated to bottom of well
CJ 18.03.1837 p3 James Scott, sinker and pump borer, died Water St aged 46
CJ 22.08.1840 p2 A well sinker in descending Scotch Street well and overcome with fumes; pulled out alive
That the common well-water used in Carlisle was scarcely fit to be used by the lowest class of animals! Several experiments he had tried since he came to the town had failed, owing to the extreme impurity of the water. In the water from the pump in the Fish-market, the saline matter is as 1 to 350; and in the pump at the Lion and Lamb, as 1 in 477. No water is fit for drinking, but is in fact, pernicious to health, which contains more than 1 in 1,000 of saline matter.....The former mode of supplying the town was by pumps, and by carts carrying barrels. The carters charged one halfpenny for two tins-full, holding about four gallons, or 6d per cask of 100 gallons. At first we had some difficulty in inducing people to dispense with private pumps. 1850 General Board of Health Enquiry. R.Rawlinson pp63 Report on water supply p64
CJ 20.06.1851 p3 Workmen engaged in excavating the foundations of a new house in Stanwix find two ancient walled wells; Roman pottery at bottom, two corn grindstones. Close to the well discovered when digging the foundations of Mr Farrer’s house not 40 feet away; in this was found a beautiful cameo set in silver. Wells 60 feet deep to procure water
CP 02.02.1861 p4 When the waterworks were instituted, most persons were persuaded to stop up their wells, upon a statement that the pipes were so constructed that no frost could affect them. Many wells likely to be reopened
CJ 08.09.1865 p5 Seven wells bank
1883 Well found in the flagging of the footway before the door into the Court House. Four feet in diameter and 36 feet deep. Marked on a 1741 plan of city in British Museum [Ferguson’s Hutchinson p590 with map]
The Geology of the Carlisle, Longtown and Silloth District, 1926 notes on page 96 the following wells; Brewer Yard, New Brewery, Shaddongate, sunk about 1774, capacity 10,000 gallons per diem; field adjoining Old Brewery, Bridge Street, sunk in 1756, capacity 18,000 gallons per diem; Brewery Yard, Old Brewery, Bridge Street, sunk in 1756, capacity 18,000 gallons per diem; Messrs Carrs, Caldewgate. This well was deepened recently from 197 to 312 feet, yield 84,000 gallons per diem.
CJ 24.05.1927 During excavation which are going on for the completion of the Methodist Central Hall a water hole of Roman construction was found; six feet deep. [today, 2011 this well, now tiled in] remains full of water in the basement.]
CN 09.07.1949 p5 Deepest well in the country 870 feet - Lakeland Laundry
CN 08.11.1963 p12
CN 27.10.1989 p4 Ancient well gets a clean up
CN 03.12.1999 p15 From church (St James) to plague
CN 08.02.2008 p34 History of wells in city; D.Perriam
WELLS, Miss Lonsdale Street
Dress and mantle maker
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
1882 Porters Directory Ad p144 M.Wells 23 Lonsdale St
WELLSPRING VICTORY CHURCH Began July 1992; bought an old warehouse in Tyne St for centre
WELL WELL WELL Mineral water
Mineral water
CN 01.02.2002 p16 Bottled firm opens distribution centre at Kingmoor Park
WELSH, John Tailor of this city 12.06.1844; Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard
WELSH HOUSE, Harraby Old peoples home
CN 19.08.1966 p11 (illus)
WELSH ROAD, Harraby First appears on the 1938-39 Electoral Register. Elizabeth Welsh was a local councillor
WELSH’S SQUARE; Finkle Street
See also Welch’s Square
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 24-30 Finkle Street
CN 20.11.1998 p16 Opening
CN 27.11.1998 p13 Wendy is our darling
1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
CN 05.02.2010 p7 Christian bookshop on Fisher Street closes
See also WCF
CN 05.05.1967 p9 (illus) CN 02.04.1976 p15 (illus)
CN 16.04.1987 p19 Annual report
CN 07.10.1988 p19 WCF profits get 9% boost
CN 18.01.1991 p9 WCF sells off gas division
CN 25.01.1991 p7 Depot closure ‘secrecy’ row
D.Perriam Denton Holme p97 The official launch of the West End Club was held on 04.12.1889 in the schoolroom next to St James Church. Agreement had been reached with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to lease a field next to Goschen Road for the green. The Carlisle Journal of 03.06.1890 reported on the opening of the green on Friday. The turf was obtained from Maryport and the first President was Nathan Palmer. The place with the pavilion cost £350, and the capital had been raised in £1 shares. the membership was limited to 80. In 1990 a centenary history of the West End Club was published
Ice cream
CD 1952 Ad p88
WEST END DYERS AND CLEANERS Silloth Street, Warwick Road
CD 1952 Ad p290
WEST END TEMPERANCE HALL Church Street/ Wigton Road
Foundation stone laid 11.02.1861
The Chartists had a small room at 6 John Street. Here papers and pamphlets were available for their members. By 1847 the organisation had run its course and was about to be discontinued. In October of that year a meeting was held to consider using the room as a working men’s reading room. This suggestion was adopted and a committee formed and rules adopted which stated that the organisation would be non- political and non-religious. It was also decreed that no man could hold office unless he was in receipt of a weekly wage for his support. The subscription was to be one penny a week. Membership quickly reached 150. The society flourished then interest waned. The committee sought the help of Dr Elliott and others. Their advice and assistance was accepted without relinquishing their independence. As the numbers increased their room became inadequate. In the summer of 1860 a committee was appointed to look into the cost of building larger premises. An area of land opposite his factory was donated by J.D.Carr. Plans were adopted and the building was up by the next autumn. Two committees had been formed, a reading room and a temperance committee, and the building was designed to serve both ends. The ground floor was arranged to give a temperance hall, a caretaker’s cottage and a small room to be used as a soup kitchen adjoining. Upstairs was the lecture room, reading room and library well stocked with a variety of book on various topics
[Topper Off Sept 1936 p790-91 with engraving of the Temperance/ Reading Room]
CN 17.11.1961 p12 (illus)
CN 19.01.2001 p9 When ‘Down with drink became the battle cry’
WESTERN COURT, 2 West Walls [1880 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory lists before 2 West Walls
WESTERN SMT Closed their Lonsdale Street depot/ station which they had shared with the Caledonian and used Lowther Street Bus Station from 1968; closed their Carlisle depot in 1981
WESTMINSTER BANK Devonshire Street
CD 1931 Ad p10
WESTMORLAND COURT On electoral register from 2002-03
CAIH p35 Denton Holme Millrace
Perriam Denton Holme p36 Denton Holme estate. On the formation of the Cumberland Cooperative Benefit Society in 1851 a resolution was passed to ‘support the industrial classes of Carlisle’. The object was to ‘purchase land...and apportion it to allotments suitable for the price it cost the society’. This could be done by members paying as little as 6d per week for a plot which would cost £25. Land was purchased by the society from Joseph Rome in 1852 and ‘the ground was assigned by ballot to 71 members.....and by the end of 1854 a considerable number of houses had been erected in Westmorland, Cumberland and Dale Street as part of the project’
CJ 21.11.1879 p5 Westmorland St laid out in 1877
CN 25.08.1989 p10 Ad
WESTRAY, Robert, Decorators of 64 Lowther Street [The Alphabet of Carlisle 2BC 658.87]
CN 17.09.2004 p5 Report on home closed for restructuring
WEST TOWER STREET So named in reference to the towers upon the city walls
So marked on Asquith’s 1853 map. No houses marked on street
Carlisle Examiner 13.12.1859 p3c Temporary Church - Church of England
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p74 1970 and 1979 photos of street
CN 12.11.1993 p8 Quality Street from Market to Carlisle
WEST TOWER STREET SPIRIT VAULTS In local directories from 1861 to 1913/14
City Minutes 1918-19 p92 Withdrawal of licence
WEST VIEW Northumberland Road
Boarding and day school
CD 1893-94 Ad p14
CP 07.02.1896 p8a West View, Northumberland Rd, boarding and state schools for ladies; conducted by Misses Thorpe
CD 1902-03 Ad p5
See also Sally Port; Town Dyke Orchard; Walls
A number of buildings were constructed against the West Walls and these were demolished in 1988. The walls then needed partial rebuilding. The foundation stones from each of the demolished buildings was incorporated into the wall, namely, 'John Dixon, Mayor, 1840', the date for the West Walls police station, ‘Thomas Milburn, Mayor, 1879' , the date for the police station extension, 'The Fawcett Schools, 1850' , [in Roman numerals] and a stone recording this restoration 'Cyril Webber, Mayor, 1988'; This last stone being unveiled on 21.04.1989. A further plaque is placed beside the West Walls Sallyport gate, which was revealed after the area was landscaped and cleared in 1973. More of the West Walls has been revealed following the demolition in December 2019 of the Central Hotel
CAIH p10 City Walls
CWAAS 1976, lxxvi pp 77-79, 184 - 198
CN 26.06.1970 p14 (illus) CN 14.06.1974 p6 CN 12.04.1985 p4
CP 26.04.1823 Part of wall by former Irish Gate demolished to make way for house
CJ 22.10.1825 p1 Joseph Marston has commenced in part of Robert Hewson’s warehouse behind the West Walls, wholesale warehouse draper
CJ 24.01.1851 letter complaining against church to be built below West Walls
CJ 12.03.1852 p3 Fire at West Walls Property used by William Slater, biscuit manufacturer. Three storey brick building belonging to the trustees of John Wilson Kay, near Irish Gate Brow, east side of West Walls
CJ 26.03.1852 p2 Warehouse and stable to let; recently used by W.Slater as a biscuit manufactory
CJ 31.12.1852 p3 Mr Armstrong’s whippery, West Walls, damaged by gales
1876 Victoria Viaduct constructed destroying more of West Walls
CJ 15.03.1878 p8 Armstrong and Hargreaves; partnership dissolved by mutual consent. Woollen manufacturer, 31 West Walls
CJ 25.05.1883 p1 Nos 15, 17, 17a, 19, 21 and 23 West Walls. Containing five dwelling houses and other large premises ‘the whole of this property in which a large whip and girth-web manufacturers was for many years carried on’
CJ 19.07.1887 p2 For sale, but no successful bid. Lots included three-storey building recently used as a whippery manufactory by Messrs Insole and Grimby
19.08.1887 Tenders required for converting the old whip manufactory, West Walls, into six dwelling houses
CJ 18.10.1889 p1 43 West Walls for sale; four storey warehouse, 33 feet frontage
CJ 26.09.1916 p5 41 West Walls bought by TP Bell’s for £360
Sanitary Condition of Carlisle 1926 p71 8 houses demolished for Caldew Bridge
Carlisle in Camera 1 p44 photo of buildings at West end of St, demolished 1924-26
CJ 18.03.1960 p8 This is the story of West Walls
CJ 28.06.1968 pp16-17 dilapidated state of West Walls
1973 area immediately below West Walls landscaped
CN 23.03.1990 p4 Dean who saved West Walls
CN 19.11.1999 p12 The Walls come tumbling down
CN 26.05.2000 p8 Dean who couldn’t stand the din
CN 30.11.2001 p10 Stonemasons preserve Cathedral wall bordering West Walls
CN 09.12.2005 p7 Scaffolding for 47-51 will have to come down after 18 months
CN 11.02.2011 p30 History of vaulted chambers on West Walls under what is today the Green Room Theatre. Vaulted chamber marked on the large scale OS map. A medieval structure connected to the Blackfriars Monastery. See Lysons 1819 for engraved plan
CN 20.04.2007 p p76 53 West Walls for sale
see also Peattie, Andrew
CJ 08.05.1847 p2c West Walls Brewery for sale; long established
CP 02.10.1874 p1 For sale, now in occupation of Mr William Murray as tenant
CJ 26.02.1875 p5c West Walls Brewery bought by Christopher Ling
CP 10.12.1882 p1a Ad; for sale
CN 31.12.2009 p11 Rev Keith Teasdale takes over from Rev Pratt. New Vicarage on Saint Aidans Road. Old Vicarage was sold
1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
WHAITE, T.G. Photographer; opened photographic studio at 43 Bank St in June 1887; 1895 studio taken over by Drinkwater Butt [CN 27.05.2005 p7]
August 1891 an advert in the paper announced that Drinkwater Butt had taken over the photographic business of T.G.Waite. [CN June 12th 2009 p32]
D Perriam Stanwix p93 TG Whaite 1834 - 1895, born Manchester had a studio on Bank Street but lived in Etterby Street from where he emigrated to the USA
WHALE Displayed in Carlisle in 1839
CN 20.08.1971 p14
WHARTON, J.J. Mary Street
CD 1880 Ad pxl
CD 1884-85 Ad p279
WHARTON, John Surgeon and bonesetter of Rickergate
CJ 15.04.1826 p1b Ad
City Minutes 1925-6 p159 Licensed to operate bus service to Dalston
WHARTON, Stan Kingstown
CN 26.06.1981 p24 (illus) New garage
1924 Carlisle Directory Between 29-31 Brook Street
1955-56 Carlisle Directory 1 property listed between 29-31 Brook St
WHEATLEY, James A English Street
Jewellers; Founded in 1828 by Thomas Wheatley, father of James A Wheatler who took over the firm in 1860. Centrally situated the handsome clock that surmounted the building was regulated daily by current from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Double fronted house, there was a second show room upstairs, this was approached by a fine staircase six feet wide and lit by two stained glass windows [this description is from Carlisle, illustrated. 1892, pp33- 35]. In 2009 the stained glass window [perhaps a transfer on the glass?] was still there, observable from the lane behind the Friars Tavern on Devonshire Street. Below the window is a door guarded by an outer iron barred gate, wrought into the iron work are the letters JW. In 2009 Wheatley’s is still a jewellers. From the inside the stained glass window has the following words made into the design ‘Paris Exhibition 1867, Honourable Mention’. In the centre of the design are the letter JW interwoven, separating the letters C and P on either side. One stained glass is apparently still boarded up. Today [2023] Newcastle Building Society have taken these premises. The building retains many original features
see also Time Ball
The Alphabet of Carlisle 2BC 658.87 Engraving of shop front, 65 English Street
1861 Cumberland Directory Ad-first page of ads; late Thomas Wheatley C177 [see also below]
CD 1902-03 Ad pp79,81
CWAAS NS Vol 4 p360 J.A.Wheatley, died 28.04.1903, son of Thomas Wheatley
CD 1905-06 Ad p74
CD 1907-08 Ad p75
CD 1910-11 Ad p82
CN 09.06.1923 Obit of J.P.D.Wheatley. He carried the business on until about two years ago when he disposed of it to Messrs Grant and Son
WHEATLEY, Thomas Castle St; 31 English Street
Jewellers; established business in 1828 and it was his son Mr J. A. Wheatley [see above] who took over the business in 1860
M442 pp3, 14, 49 Business card for Thomas Wheatley silver and goldsmith
1834 Pigot’s Directory Thomas Wheatley, 34 Castle Street, jewellers
CP 02.07.1842 p1a Old established house opposite the Bush
CJ 22.11.1845 At St Mary’s Church on the 17th inst, Mr John Beck, innkeeper, Rickergate, to Mrs Mary Graham, Etterby Street
CJ 22.11.1845 Announcement that John Beck is moving to the Three Crowns
1847 Directory William Bell, victualler, 24 Rickergate
1891 census; Agnes Mitchinson, aged 49, innkeeper, born Castle Carrock
CP 15.07.1898 For sale; vendor Misses Matthews of Thackmire
CN 02.12.1911 Ad For sale
CN 03.02.1912 Ad; For sale
ENS 02.11.1916 Closed October 1916
See references to John and Mary Beck in John Bainbridge Knockupworth; story of a family, 2019
WHEATSHEAF LANE, Rickergate. Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
WHEELER Corner North Street and Denton Street. Grocers
D.Perriam Denton Holme Photo p94
1918 Electoral Register Hephzibah, James, William Herbert and William Campbell
23.10.1925 James Carruthers died here [MI 206/63]
WHINNEY HOUSE ROAD On electoral register from 1973
1772; T.Pennant; a tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides ‘It is noted for a great manufacturer of whips, which employs numbers of children’
CJ 31.12.1852 p3 Mr Armstrong’s whippery, West Walls, damaged by gales
CJ 25.05.1883 p1 15, 17, 17a, 19, 21 and 23 West Walls. Containing five dwelling houses and other large premises ‘the whole of this property in which a large whip and girth-web manufacturers was for many years carried on’
CJ 19.07.1887 p2 For sale, but no successful bid. Lots included three-storey building recently used as a whippery manufactory by Messrs Insole and Grimby
CN 07.05.1971 p16
WHIPPERY LANE, 35 Rickergate [1880 Directory]
So marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
WHITAKER and BLAIR LTD Denton Street
Radio and television engineers
CD 1961-62 Ad p37,303
CD 1961-62 Ad p294
CD 1966-68 Ad p30
WHITE, George Botchergate
CD 1880 Ad pxxv
WHITE BROTHERS Lancaster Street, Waterloo Foundry
CD 1952 Ad p323
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p252
CD 1955-56 Ad p255
WHITE COW Blackfriars Street; in local directories to 1834; same inn as White Ox
WHITE COW INN Corporation Rd. Mary Kelly, beer house keeper, aged 66 born Ireland [1861 census]
WHITE COW, Cobden St Rachel Dawson, 57, innkeeper, born Dalston [1861 census]
WHITE DOG INN, Edentown in 1871
WHITE ELEPHANT SHOP Lowther St; St Cuthbert’s Lane; London Road
CN 07.11.2003 p4 Cumbria Surplus to close Nov 29th; history
D Perriam and D.Ramshaw Carlisle First Learning Centre; Tullie House, 2016, pp9-12 Whitehall existed on the site of the present Tullie House and can be traced back to the late 13th century. Thomas Tullie rebuilt the house, which we know today as Tullie House
WHITE HART HOTEL East side of English Street, just south of Bank Street; demolished 1874
Carlisle an illustrated history p64 Engraving of the hotel
1829 Directory p164 Launcelot Brown
1841 census; Isabella Nicholson, innkeeper, aged 35
1851 Wards North of England Directory; ad
1851 census Innkeeper Isabella Nicholson, aged 49, born Kirklinton
1858 Kelly’s Mrs Isabella Nicolson, 18 English Street
1861 census Innkeeper Isabella Nicholson, 58, born Kirklinton
CP 30.04.1864 p1 Ad; To let Mrs Nicholson’s old established hotel; 20 bedrooms
CJ 01.09.1874 Demolition of the building makes great progress
CN 19.12.1969 p12 (illus) CN 19.03.1971 p14
CN 01.06.1956 p10 (illus) About 1850
CN 21.06.1991 p4 (illus) Pubs of yesteryear
WHITE HART LANE, Between English Street and Lowther Street [debouching opposite Lonsdale Street]
So named in the 1829 Directory. Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map and on the OS large scale maps of 1863 but the 1899 OS map shows the area built over. The 1850 Board of Health map appears to call this White Lion Lane
1847 Directory
WHITEHEADS Botchergate
CN 21.04.1989 p8
WHITE HORSE INN English Street/ White Horse Lane/ Blackfriars Street; in local directories to 1884 Rebuilt by JW Watt in 1891 and renamed the Bush Vaults. All closed under the Central Control Board in 1916
1861 census Hugh McGrath, innkeeper, aged 43, born Ireland; Blackfriars St
Feb. 1891 Rebuilding of White Horse [CWAAS OS Vol 12 p57]
ENS 02.11.1916 Closed October 1916
WHITE HORSE LANE, English Street [1829 Directory]
1847 Directory
The White Horse Inn was on the Blackfriars side perhaps giving the lane its name.
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
1880 Directory 90 English Street to Blackfriars Street
WHITEHOUSE PUB Formerly the Crescent- Warwick Road
CN 29.11.1996 p14 (illus) Dray horses reopen historic city pub
CN 24.09.1999 p1 New plan for nightclub
CN 12.08.2005 p6 Gay friendly pub hopes to reopen next month
CN 19.08.1944 p5
WHITELEY, William English Street; opened 22.11.1963
Furniture store
CN 22.11.1963 Special supplement
WHITE LION English Street moving to Lowther Street in 1849 to make way for new bank; in local directories to 1873
CJ 03.08.1805 p1 For sale at house of T.Graves, sign of White Lion,
CP 04.02.1809 p2 Death of Thomas son of Mr Hayton Innkeeper
1829 Directory White Lion, English Street, James Reed
1841 census; White Lion Inn, English Street, Jane Reed, innkeper, aged 45
1847 Directory White Lion, 16 English St, Jane Reed
1858 Directory Mrs Jane Reed, White Lion, 35 Lowther Street
CJ 01.12.1868 p4e Died at the White Lion Inn, Lowther St Mrs Jane Reed, aged 76
1873 directory 68 Lowther St Mrs Eleanor Hetherington
WHITE LION LANE, English Street [1829 Directory] Between English Street and Lowther Street [debouching opposite Lonsdale Street]
1847 Directory and marked on the 1850 Board of Health map. This appears to be also named at times White Hart Lane. The 1899 OS map shows the area built over.
WHITE OX Blackfriars St; in local directories for 1837 to 1844; same inn as the White Cow
WHITE OX, Durdar
1884 Bulmer Directory Low Blackwell, Richard Moore, victualler White Ox
CN 19.05.2010 p 17 Bought by Franco Bertoletti for £170,000. Closed 12/2008; now planned to convert into a house
WHITE OX English Street; in local directories to 1837
CP 31.03.1821 p3d William Morley fined for allowing gambling
WHITE OX INN Blackwell; demolished April 1904.
CP 29.04.1904 p5a It was no doubt quite an undesigned coincidence that the publication of the centenary edition of the works of Robert Anderson, the Cumberland Bard, and the demolition of the house of Johnny Dawston at Blackwell which had been famous because it was the scene of Bleckell Murry-Night should have occurred in the same week. Yet so it was. Last week when the earliest copies of the Centenary edition were being issued from the press the workmen were busy demolishing the White Ox public house, which had been the property of the Old Brewery Company, who intend erecting an up to date inn upon the site. There has, we believe, never been any doubt that the White Ox was the scene of the rustic revelry so graphically described by Anderson. Our readers who are acquainted with the poem will remember the four lines towards the close of the Murry-Neet
The last o’December, lang may we remember
At five o’ the mworn, eighteen hundred and twee
Here’s heath and success to the bave Johnny Dawston
An’ monie see meetings may we leeve to see
That Johnny Dawston was the landlord of the house is established by an obituary which appeared in the columns of the Patriot just sixty years ago, or to be quite exact on the 16th March 1844
At Blackwell, near this city, on the 3rd inst, Mrs Nancy Dalston, at the advanced age of 81 years, widow of the ‘braw Johnny Dawston mentioned in Anderson’s well-known ballad of Blekel Murry-Night. She had been landlady of the village inn near sixty years, and was much respected.
If Nancy Dalston was the landlady for about sixty years, she must have been in the house before the French Revolution broke out in 1789, so that the White Ox, which has now been levelled with the ground, must have been a licensed house for something like one hundred and twenty years and possibly a good deal longer. Before the premises were demolished a photograph was taken on behalf of the Old Brewery Company, and it is probable that those who care for a picture of Johnny Dawston’s house may be able to obtain one.
For a photo of the old pub see Selections from the Cumberland Ballads of Robert Anderson, edited by Geo Crowther, 1904, p38
CN 22.08.1969 p12 (illus)
CN 14.02.1992 p4 (illus)
WHITE OX INN Parham Beck
CJ 30.04.1858 Ad; old established inn for sale
WHITE OX INN St Nicholas/ corner of Woodruffe Terrace; in local directories from 1880 to 1920
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 pp66-7
Mural done by Kate Norris to brighten up the corner; her mural recalling the history of the building which had long ceased to be a pub
CJ 16.02.1877 Sale of the White Ox
CP 02.03.1877 p4d Sale of White Ox
CP 05.10.1894 Licensed house for sale
WHITE’S COURT, 13 Lord Street [1880 Directory]
WHITE’S COURT, South Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 14 South Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 12-14 South Street
City Minutes 1927-28 p628 Licensed to operate bus service to Raffles
City Minutes 1929 - 30 p 665 Licensed bus services to Raffles, Bowness
CN 01.06.2012 p36 Star on side of buses. Firm founded by James Barron Harrison on 01.11.1927. Ribble acquired the company on 01.11.1931. Photo of bus.
CD 1966-68 Ad p263
WHITE SWAN INN English Street; demolished in 1883
1829 Directory p164 William Henderson
1858 Kelly J.Thomlinson, 55 English Street, White Swan
1861 census James Taylor, aged 57, born Castle Sowerby
Carlisle a photographic recollection, J.Templeton; p49 1877 view; H.Simmons
CN 29.05.1959 p14 (illus) About 1877
CN 08.02.1991 p4 Pub that had city’s last mounting stone
WHITE WEY Cobden Street/ Newtown; in local directories from 1852 to 1858
1858 Kelly’s W.Gilbertson Newtown, White Whey
WHITFIELD, J and SON Lorne Street
Chain, hame and caulker manufacturer
CD 1880 Ad pxxx
Clog makers, hand chain makers
D.Perriam Carlisle Remembered pp116-117
D Perriam Denton Holme p62 Established by Joshua Whitfield in 1829 the firm was first in Carlisle Square before moving to Mary Street. Joshua’s son, John, submitted plans in September 1872 for a house and workshop on the newly laid out Lorne Street, to be known as the Lorne Works, for the purpose of manufacturing chains and caulkers. By 1895 it was William Whitfield and Sons and in 1899 the partnership was formed of Whitfield and Howe, Howe having been a coach builder. The firm continued coach building on Lowther Street. Sold to Mr Fidler and in turn Mr James Harrison took it over. The firm closed down shortly after 1958, the buildings being demolished and an extension for Pratchitts built.
CJ 24.09.1909 p5 New ambulance van completed for city by Messrs Whitfield and Howe
CJ 28.05.1954 p1 (illus) CN 21.05.1971 p12
CN 25.01.1947 p5 An old local industry; handmade chainmaking still carried put, they also produce hames for horses
WHITLOW, William English Street
CD 1884-85 Ad p271
WHITRIDGE, I.F. 34 Scotch Street Whitridge succeeded Jefferson and Messrs Cowards succeeded Whitridge in 1857
Circulating Library which is in directories from 1844; they issued catalogue in 1845 (M629)
CP 02.07.1842 p1b Taking over bookselling business of S.Jefferson, his cousin.
1851 Ward’s Northern Directory p18 of ads
1851 census Isaac F Whitridge, 33, employing 7 men, bookseller/printer, bn Carlisle
WIGHTMANS COURT, Solway Terrace [1934 Directory]
07.05.1875 Wigton Rd Railway bridge collapse causes accident [CN 27.03.2009 p32]
Carlisle in Camera 2 p26 View of Wigton Rd about 1910
City Minutes 1918-19 p157-8 Purchase of fields on north-west side for housing
City Minutes 1924-25 pp113-115 Report on progress of Wigton Rd housing estate
City Minutes 1925-26 pp62-3,121,180-1, 323, 457, 541 Progress of estate
CN 18.04.1969 p15 Footbridge
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p33 erection of footbridge over road in 1969
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p60 Wigton Rd Railway bridge photo
CN 14.10.1994 p18 Down your way
CN 20.11.1998 p19 Aerial view
CN 14.07.2000 p2 Cycle and pedestrian crossing, Queensway; footbridge to go
CN 10.08.2001 p5 32 year old footbridge removed (10/11th Aug.) outside Morton school
no 21, the Lilacs; Manse for Caldewgate Methodist Chapel. Rev Bramwell Evens lived here from 1917-1919
WILD BOAR Caldew Brow; in local directory for 1829
CP 18.08.1855 p1 Ad; employed a new cutter from London
WILD VELVET CLUB Atlas Works, Denton Holme
CN 25.07.2003 p3 Call for closure of sex club
CN 21.11.2003 p5 Club set to officially reopen
WILFRED STREET; Marked on Asquith’s 1853 map. No buildings on either side of street
WILKIN’S COURT; Caldewgate On the census from 1841 and last noted on the electoral registers in 1952; a John Wilkin is noted as a wine and spirit merchant at the adjacent 32 John St in the 1847 Directory
WILKIN’S COURT, John Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 15 John Street
WILKINSON, C. Scaleby Castle, a poem. Carlisle, printed by C.Wilkinson, west side of the Market Place, 1808 [J 156]
WILKINSON, Florence Dance and ballet teacher
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p108 1972 photo of class
WILKINSON, J Photographer
Family portrait of circa 1900 bears the address 48 [may be 43] Bank Street
Newcastle Courant 18.12.1830 Rev Wilkinson, Stanwix, receives young men to be educated in Greek and Latin
WILKINSON, Thomas 74 London Road
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p37 Photo of butcher’s shop in 1920s
WILKINSON, W.R. Fisher Street
CD 1952 Ad p356
CD 1955-56 Ad p277
CD 1961-62 Ad p49
CD 1966-68 Ad p293
WILKINSON, W.R. Fisher Street
Paint and wallpaper shop
CD 1966-68 Ad p289
WILKINSON’S Kingstown Road
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p6
WILKINSON’S COURT, 23 Brook Street [1880 Directory]
WILLIAM AND GLYN’S BANK 37 Lowther Street. Was William Deacon’s Bank and became Royal Bank of Scotland. Photo D Perriam Lowther Street p30
WILLIAM DEACON’S BANK. Planning permission granted to convert 37 Lowther Street to bank in 1955. This became William and Glyn’s Bank and eventually the Royal Bank of Scotland
WILLIAM JAMES INN Willow Holme/ Bridge Street; in local directories from 1847 to 1910-11; also known as the ‘Billy James’; named after radical MP William James who was returned for Carlisle in 1820
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1896 - 1916, 2004 p 41
So named on the 1865 50 inch OS map 23.3.19
CJ 09.06.1896 p3 Origin of the name
1901 census; John Harkness, publican, aged 40, born Scotland
WILLIAM RUFUS 10-16 Botchergate
CN 22.10.2004 p3 Pub to open on Sunday
WILLIAMS, John Paternoster Row
Horticultural engineers
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
1882 Porters Directory Ad p96 E,G.Brash successor to John Williams
CN 01.02.2008 p20 Solicitors set up business in city
WILLIAMSON, Thomas Port Road Thomas Williamson, aged 50, tanner, died 15.10.1904 [MI 125/29]
Carlisle in Camera 2 p27 View of entrance to Williamson’s Tannery
1901 census; Thomas Williamson, home Inglewood, Dalston Rd, 46, bn Harrington
CN 08.10.2004 p6 (illus) Occupied by Williamson from circa 1880 - 1930
WILLIAM STREET, 105 Botchergate [1880 Directory]. East side of the street
Marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
1924 Carlisle Directory Between 105-107 Botchergate listing houses 4-36. The following Courts come off the street; Alpha Ct, Beta Ct, Gamma Ct, Delta Ct, Pattinson’s Ct, Eta Ct, Zeta Ct, Huntington Ct.
WILLIS, A.L. New Market
Butcher and grocer
CD 1952 Ad p275
WILLOUGHBY, James Gas fitter, plumber, brazier
1858 Carlisle Directory Ad at back Late of Carlisle Gas Works, 41 Castle st
WILLOWHOLME So named Holweri in 1201; ‘Werri’s holme’; Werri is a continental personal name
CN 21.05.1976 p6 CN 11.06.1976 p6
ENS 15.11.1978 p3 (illus) Muddle go round for city motorists
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p168 photo of 1982 flood
CN 17.06.1994 p10 Memories of magic lantern days in Willowholme Mission
CN 20.08.1999 p4 Sorry for Willowholme whiff
CN 17.09.1999 p11 £1.5m improvements
CN 30.06.2000 p9 Willow Holme Mill - Donalds
City Minutes 1933-34 p596 11,13, and 17 Compulsory purchase
WILLOWHOLME GARDENS On electoral register from 1936
CN 25.02.2005 p3 Residents claim they have been abandoned after floods
CN 10.03.2006 p1 Willow Holme Gardens to be demolished after flood
CN 01.09.2006 p3 Demolition begins on Willowholme Gardens
CN 27.08.1976 p4
CN 08.10.1971 p18 (illus) Feature
CN 11.10.1974 p40 City ignores threat of pollution
CN 22.11.1974 p1 Pollution could soar
CN 06.04.1990 p1 In pipeline; Willowholme Treatment Works
CN 20.10.2000 p6 Ex BT depot to be converted in luxury flats
CN 21.01.2005 p 12,13 Feature on estate devastated by flood
CN 09.09.2005 p15 Mixed reaction to Willowholme relocation talks
In Chapel Street and recently closed. Mr E.Hutchinson gave many years of useful service in the cause of temperance, adult school and mission work for the people in the area [Topper Off Nov 1937 p135]
CN 17.06.1994 p10 Memories of magic lantern days in Willowholme Mission
WILLOW PARK Banks Lane, off Warwick Rd
CN 28.08.1987 p10 Ad feature
175 Years of Carlisle p41 photo of grocer’s shop in Botchergate
WILSON, Alixander Linen draper Bailey’s Northern Directory 1781
WILSON, Daniel Joiner, died 17.12.1823; Monumental Inscriptions St Cuthbert’s Yard
WILSON, George Fusehill St and Carlisle Market; Greystone Road; Browns Lane
CD 1931 Ad p302
CD 1934 Ad p56
CD 1937 Ad p48
CD 1940 Ad p56
CD 1952 Ad p286
WILSON, Hannah Butcher, aged 52, employing her 3 sons, home address 52 Lowther St, born Carlisle [1851 census]
WILSON, John Scotch Street
Watchmaker and jeweller
1861 Morris and Harrison directory ad p2; 15 Scotch Str
CD 1880 Ad pli new premises 43 Scotch Street
WILSON, Jonathan Ran a gentlemen’s school at Coledale Hall in the 1829 period; W.Farish Handloom Weaver p17; Parson and White p159
WILSON, Malcolm Saab dealer
CN 21.06.1991 p18
WILSON, Robert Browns Lane; Market, Fusehill Street
Hosier and draper
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p234
CD 1955-56 Ad p236
WILSON, S South Henry Street
Watchmaker and jeweller
CD 1961-62 Ad pp 99, 303
CD 1966-68 Ad p305
WILSON, W and Son English St
Tea and coffee dealers
Carlisle in Camera 1 p19 34 English St; photo of facade
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar 1901 Ad; Established 1836
WILSON, William Grocer, aged 36, employing 3 hands, home address Spencer St, born Carlisle [1851 census]; grocer and tea dealer, aged 46, employing 3 shopmen and 1 porter, born Great Orton, home address 10 Spencer St [1861 census]; Market Place then English Street when took his son into partnership
1891 census; William Wilson, aged 76, grocer and wine merchant, born Great Orton, home 19 Spencer St
The Alphabet of Carlisle 2BC 658.87 W.Wilson and Son, 34 English Street
CJ 29.05.1894 Obit of William Wilson, grocer, at Spencer St, aged 80
North Cumberland Reformer 02.06.1894 p2 His son inaugurated a new system of trading in the city... to the displeasure of other tradesmen
WILSON, William Baker, aged 41, employing 2 men, home address Scotch Street, born Scotland [1851 census]
WILSON, William West Walls [ where Marks and Spencer’s Food Hall is today, 2007]. Mr Wilson, Born Dalston 01.02.1857 and died 1933, had the largest shoeing and stabling premises in city and had the contract for the railway horses which he both shod and attended in a veterinary capacity. He was a familiar figure travelling around Carlisle in his gig drawn by Mountain Maid. Mr Wilson was always immaculate in his tailored suit, with always the same buttons. They were made of bone and in the shape of a horseshoe- all his suits had these buttons; he moved to English Damside in the final years of the business when, with the growth of motoring, he required smaller premises. His home was 37 Aglionby St
General smiths;
CD 1902-03 Ad p230
CD 1905-06 Ad p11
CD 1907-08 Ad p13
CD 1910-11 Ad p12
CD 1913-14 Ad p9
CD 1920 Ad p58
CD 1924 Ad p72
CD 1927 Ad p76
CD 1931 Ad p96
E.Nelson Around Carlisle p48 photo of staff and owner at West Walls
WILSON AND FAULDER Denton Street; Dalston Road; Beaumont St
CD 1924 Ad p104
CD 1927 Ad p114
CD 1931 Ad p244
CD 1934 Ad p312
CD 1937 Ad p146
CD 1940 Ad p92
CD 1952 Ad p356
CD 1955-56 Ad p276
CD 1961-62 Ad p44
CD 1966-68 Ad p30
WILSON BROTHERS Colliers Lane; English Damside
Electrical and mechanical engineers
CD 1931 Ad p221
CD 1934 Ad p64
CD 1937 Ad p56
WILSONS COURT, West side of Castle Street between the Cathedral and Crown and Mitre. So called on Asquith’s 1853 survey
1847 Directory
1880 Directory 64 Castle Street
WILSON’S COURT, Caldewgate
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
WILSON’S COURT, 92 London Road [1880 Directory]
CP 16.12.1870 60 attending, John H.Wilson master
City Minutes 1900-01 p 246 Approval for 12 houses
CN 25.05.1990 p8 Ad
WINDER, Miss 27 Portland Place
1882 Porters Directory Ad p148 Dress and mantle maker
WINDERMERE ROAD In voters list from 1936
Kathleen Ferrier sister’s Winifred moved to Carlisle with their father and eventually they moved to 23 Windermere Street where they all lived for two years, Kathleen’s, husband being in the forces.
ENS 16.06.1960 p9 (illus) Sheer neglect
1608 windmill mentioned in Upperby.
WINDOWSEAL Finkle Street
CN 12.06.1987 p6 Ad feature
CN 04.03.1988 p7 Little hope of cash
CN 17.05.1996 p6 Ad
WINDOW WORLD Lancaster Street; Durranhill
CN 26.02.1987 p8 Ad feature
CN 06.03.1987 p23 Ad feature
CN 29.01.1993 p5 City firm bucks jobs trend
CN 14.01.1994 p8 Ad
CN 07.06.1996 Supplement
CN 01.04.2005 p14 part of World group (WG); moved Durranhill July 2004
CN 02.06.2006 p14 £1.5m contract; employs 45 people; also trades as Window World
WINDSOR CAFE, 58 Lowther Street. In the 1955-56 and 1961 Carlisle Directories
WINE PRESS Cecil Street
CN 25.04.2003 p32 Set up in 1998 by Glenn Mitton
WINTER, H.E. Lonsdale Street
CD 1893-94 Ad p152
CD 1902-03 Ad p1
CD 1905-06 Ad p3
CD 1934 Ad inside cover
CD 1937 Ad front page i
CD 1952 inside front cover i
CD 1966-68 Ad p253
CN 07.09.1973 p4 Winter’s sale room closing
WINTER, R Fish curer, Willow Holme
CJ 04.12.1885 p8 Oldest established fish curer
CJ 25.11.1887 p8a Fish curer
CJ 17.08.1894 p1 For sale, used by Mr Winter
CJ 02.11.1894 p1 Extensive frontage to Willow Holme at the Dam Race. Robert Winter uses at present as fish curing
CN 29.10.1949 p5 Illustration of first installed in Carlisle
CN 20.09.1947 p5
WISE, Mary
CJ 08.05.1847 p1b To commence business as dressmaker, 8 Lowther Street
WM PLANT Rosehill
CN 07.05.2004 p20 Ad feature; celebrating 30 years of business
CN 20.08.1993 p3 Seeking a special woman
CN 05.07.1974 p6
CN 01.07.1960 p10 Visit in 1836
CN 27.04.2001 p6 Wombwell’s Mengerie April 1836 visit to city
See also; Border City Swimming club [Doreen Hutton) Sex Discrimination, Cosmetics
D.Perriam Carlisle Remembered, p58 First woman driver in Carlisle E.Crowther
D,Perriam Carlisle Remembered, pp123-124 First woman magistrate
War began on 26th March 1296 when the Scots made a sudden attach on Carlisle. Taken completely by surprise, which turned to confusion when a Scottish spy escaped from prison and started a fire which threatened the whole city, the burgesses owed their deliverance principally to the courage of the women folk, who kept the Scots at bay with stones and boiling water whilst the men put out the flames
Carlisle Castle page 133
Cumberland Pacquet 05.08.1777. A few days ago a young woman, dressed in man’s clothes, bound herself for three years to a master of a vessel in the Sunderland trade, and was to be paid 25l for the service. She proceeded on the first voyage to London, stood the watch and otherwise discharged the duty of a young sailor very well. By some accident, however, her sex was discovered before they returned to Sunderland where she was discharged; and is now on her return to her parents in Cumberland, in the male habit, who are entirely unacquainted with the bent of her frolic.
Cumberland Pacquet 12.08.1777 The female adventurer mentioned in our last, as discharged from a vessel in Sunderland, is now in this town; her name is Ann Church, she was born in Carlisle. A love affair was the cause of her changing her dress and after leaving Sunderland she entered with an Officer in the Impress service here; her sex being a second time discovered she is removed from on board the Tender. Last week she passed by her mother and brother (undiscovered) in Carlisle who were in mourning for her, supposing her drowned about twelve months ago. A young man in the Artillery, who, after a promise of marriage, deserted her, is said to be the occasion of this strange adventure
1860s Woman newspaper reporter; M.Smith Autobiography Vol 1 pp226-230
Cj 20.04.1844 p4 What is a woman’s proper sphere
CP 26.05.1861 p7 Education for girls
CJ 14.01.1862 p1 Lecture on duties of women. Neither men nor children can be admitted.
CJ 17.01.1862 p5 As reporters are men we are unable to give a report on lecture
CJ 13.06.1882 p2f letter concerning the hours dressmakers have to work
1891 census; Georgina Moffat, dentist, home Lowther St, bn Scotland
CJ 13.05.1870 p8 Garlands; Two male attendants wanted £25 per annum with board increasing to £27.10s in six months and £30 in a year and £1 pa after to £35. One female attendant £15 a year increasing to £20 in £1 a year
CJ 04.10.1873 pp2-3 No law to prevent women practising medicine
CJ 11.07 1873 p7 Women at university studying medicine. Classes separate from men
14.10.1884 Letter signed MS [Mary Smith] thanking the Bishop, Dr Goodwin, for his public support of women’s suffrage
25.11.1884 Letter signed MS [Mary Smith] defending women voters in the city against the charge that they have not used their vote wisely
CJ 16.06.1891 p3 Lady Carlisle on women 100 years ago and today
CJ 10.07.1891 p7 Letter concerning Women’s work
CJ 16.06.1893 p7 Move towards equal pay in the Post Office
CJ 15.09.1896 p2 Lecture in City Hall. Women in the industrial world. Attributed to change in domestic arrangements in upper and lower middle classes. Things made at home now made in factories
CJ 13.05.1898 p4 Nursing, a new field of industry for women. There are 1000s of young women tired of living a dull life at home
CJ 31.03.1899 p2 What to do with our girls?
CJ 13.12.1901 p2 The girl of the 20th century, even if she smokes a cigarette and talks slang, seems an infinitely more capable being that her grandmother was
CJ 18.10.1907 p6 Meeting of women workers. Wondered how many earned 25 shillings? One girls whispered she earned seven and six at Carrs
CJ 24.03.1911 p6 Opposition to women’s suffrage; meeting in Carlisle
CJ 04.11.1911 p2 Two letters concerning Women’s suffrage
CN 14.06.1913 Letter concerning women’s pilgrimage to London
CJ 17.06.1913 p5 Letters concerning Suffragists Pilgrimage beginning in city
CJ 20.06.1913 p5 Non militant pilgrimage; departure of Carlisle ladies
CN 21.06.1913 Northern detachment starts; 40-50 leave Carlisle Cross
Wigton Advertiser 21.06.1913 ‘Law abiding pilgrimage’ leaves city for Wigton
CJ 21.04.1914 p4 Pay for women - arguments for equality
City Minutes 1916-17 pp82-84 Women patrols; policewomen sworn in
CJ 16.10.1917 p3 Carlisle Munitions Girls Football Club v Canadian Lumberjacks
CJ 19.04.1918 p5 Carlisle Munitions Girls Football Club v Blythe Spartans
CJ 30.08.1918 p4 Equal pay for men and women and why this cannot be. Implicit understanding that the man is the supporter of the family, and women free from a similar obligation
1924 Carlisle Directory the resident medical officer at the Dispensary Kathleen R Snodgrass, MB
CJ 02.05.1930 p5 Women teachers harmful to boys
CJ 20.05.1930 p5 Are women on committees of the same calibre as men?
CJ 05.05.1933 Mrs Dixon was an active politician and one of the energetic group of Carlisle women who were pioneers in the demand for female suffrage. Her father and grandfather were handloom weavers
CJ 15.10.1935 p6e Women’s World Chess Champion plays in Carlisle. Plays multiple games
CJ 16.06.1944 pp4-5 Policewomen for Carlisle
CJ 07.07.1944 p4 Policewomen not for Cumberland
CN 31.10.1953 p8 First woman to stand in municipal elections 1911
CN 20.03.1987 p13 Ordination of women deacons
CN 03.07.1987 p3 First woman bank manager in Cumbria
CN 10.07.1987 p6 Letter concerning first woman bank manager
ENS 24.03.1988 p12 Carlisle Labour Club to vote on allowing women members
CN 15.04.1988 p10 Fair play plea- editorial
CN 13.05.1988 p4 When women entered the election fray
CN 23.09.1988 p3 First women’s Officer in Carlisle Boy’s Brigade
CN 12.05.2000 p1 Rotary admits women for first time
CN 12.10.2001 p25 Football coaching for girls aged 12 - 16
CN 13.09.2002 p1 City’s first female resident circuit judge; opinion p 12
CN 26.09.2003 p3 Obstetrician Josephine Williamson dies; First in city in 1947?
CN 14.05.2004 p1 Row continues over women priests
CN 21.05.2004 p 13 Letters concerning women priests; for and against
CN 29.04.2005 p27 First woman plays for Carlisle Cricket Club; third team
CN 10.02.2006 p9 Girls allowed in Cathedral choir for the first time in 900 years
CN 26.01.2007 p1 First female head chorister
CN 08.02.2013 p32 Uniformed policewoman to be seen on city streets for first time during the Great War. Disbanded after war. Two women police officers appointed during the Second World War but they only stayed a little while. June 1947 the Chief Constable reported the appointment of two police women. By 1958 five policewomen in the city
CN 12.07.2013 p9 Homeless centre for women and families to open on Water Street next week. Replaces Staffield House on London Road which had been in operation since 1975
CN 10.11.1989 p31 Celebrating 40 years of city guild
CN 13.04.1946 p6 Pageant
WOMEN’S LEAGUE OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY Carlisle branch founded 1938
CN 13.05.1988 p9 Fitness fans jubilee year
WOMEN’S ROYAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE Founded 1938; became WRVS July 1966
See Memories of Carlisle; chapter on Home Front; several photos 2BC 9
CJ 07.01.1966 p14 CN 04.09.1970 p7 (illus)
CN 31.08.1962 p7 History in Carlisle
CN 01.04.1988 p12 The few who help so many
CN 10.06.1988 p13 Fifty years of service
CN 01.12.1989 p7 WRVS call goes out for strong men
CN 09.05.1997 p3 WRVS ladies to rescue in midnight fell drama
CN 23.07.1999 p16 Help wanted, size and age no object; Meals on Wheels
WONDER MILK BAR Devonshire Street
M.Dickens Those Were the Days p77
CD 1955-56 Ad p280
CD 1961-62 Ad p38
WOOD, Joseph 36-38 Blackfriars Street. Picture framers and picture dealers
Billhead showing premises in D.Perriam Blackfriars Street, p15. In 1879 the building was seriously damaged in a fire. The business was taken over by John Gray and Son in 1881
WOOD, Tom Graham
City Minutes 1923-4 p588 Licensed to operate bus service Carlisle - Cumwhinton
WOOD, Walter and Co Lowther Street
Builder and coal contractor
D Perriam Lowther Street p45 Photo of building. Took over David Thomson building on Lowther Street and called the building Walwood House
CN 17.09.1938 p18 Ad
CD 1952 Ad p252 Walwood House, Lowther Street
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p218
CD 1955-56 Ad p218
WOOD, William Willow Holme
Woollen manufacturer
CJ 07.03.1818 p3c Fire
WOOD, William Cotton spinner
CJ 13.08.1817p1 To be sold cotton mill on English Damside lately occupied in succession by Mr Wood and Mr Henry Cliffe
CN 14.04.2006 p11 D.Perriam; Hutchinson mentions in 1794; Henry Cliffe, his son in law, took over the works on English Damside, about 1807
See H.D.Bowtell Over Shap to Carlisle, 1983 p43
CJ 06.09.1949 pp2,3 (illus)
CJ 29.08.1846 Woodbank printfield taken by Mr Bouch for the making engines
CJ 29.01.1858 Cowans Sheldon purchased premises in addition Woodbank Works
M442 p13 Business receipt for Harrington, Wilde and Co, calico printer, Woodbank
Cumberland Pacquet 22.08.1797 To be sold; calico printing concern
Cumberland Pacquet 31.10.1797 Printfield at Woodbank
Cumberland Pacquet 16.01.1798 Still to be sold
CJ 02.10.1802 Six new printing presses
CJ 26.11.1803 Works, waterfalls, buildings and cottages situated at Woodbank
CJ 27.03.1813 For sale; now occupied by Messrs Mounsey
CJ 16.10.1813 Printfield for sale
CP 01.03.1817 p2a Printfields [calicoes and cottons] for sale or to let
CJ 27.11.1824 p3 Suspended for several years; now in active operation
CJ 29.08.1846 Woodbank printfield taken by Mr Bouch for the making engines
CJ 23.02.1877 p1 Sale of Robert Jackson and Son artificial manure manufacturers
CN 23.12.2011 p28 Denis Perriam on history of the works
CN 03.02.1995 p4 Hotel plan to expand
WOODROUFFE TERRACE Built 1850s; Asquith’s map of 1853 shows half terrace built
A London Road report in April 1830 stated. ‘a large mansion has been built adjoining Captain Halton’s beautiful residence at Botchergate Foot by JM Head’ . Banker Joseph Monkhouse Head’s land, where the new house was built, was alongside Woodruff Terrace named after Maria Woodruffe, who married his son, George Head Head, in 1833
No 8 Artist William Smallwood Winder born here in 1869 [CN 07.12.2012 p36]
CP 03.06.1854 p1 Ad House to be sold
CJ 11.12.1863 p6
WOODROW DRIVE, Garlands Estate One of a series of streets in this area named in connection with Woodrow Wilson whose mother was born in the city in 1826. Woodrow Wilson maternal grandfather was pastor at the Annetwell Street Chapel from 1820 to 1835 when he emigrated to the Americas
WOODROW’S FAMILY HOTEL 38 English St. opposite gaol, run by the twin brother of the Rev Woodrow, pastor at the Annetwell Street Chapel and maternal grandfather of the American President Woodrow Wilson
1851 Ward’s North of England Directory; ad p12
1861 census William Woodrow, aged 65, born Scotland; Temperance Hotel
ENS 11.06.1997 p7 Botchergate to get new pub
ENS 04.03.1998 p11 (illus) Chain promises to go ahead; builders begin work
CN 15.05.1998 pp4,10 Opening
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p187 photo of interior of pub
CN 29.05.1998 p10 Boozergate
CN 19.06.1998 p3 (illus) New pub success
WOODS BOOKSELLERS Saint Cuthbert’s Lane
CN 29.08.1997 p4 (illus) City bookshop reaches its final chapter
WOODS COURT, Wood Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory Wood Street [James Street]
WOODSGHYLL DRIVE, Harraby First appears on electoral register for 1947-48
WOOD’S SQUARE, Ann Street [1880 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory between 1 and 2 Ann Street, Newtown
WOOD STREET, Botcherby No 7, Holme Farmhouse, north side, early 18th century with later additions; no 9 Botcherby House, north side, early 18th century; no 10, Mayfield, south side, early or mid 19th century; Number 11/13 dated with raised bricks 1700 [ photo Carlisle an illustrated history p88]; Nos 12 - 14, south side, The Grange, early 19th century, 1918 Electoral Register Thomas Henry Little; No 15 ,The Cottage, north side, probable 18th century with extensive 20th century alterations; No 16 Stable Croft, south side, early 19th century; No.18, south side, early 18th century with later alterations; no 19, the Beeches, north side, dated over entrance 1767; no 20, south side, mid 17th century; no 22, south side, mid or late 18th century; no 26, Ashleigh House, south side, early 19th century; no 28, Bramerton, south side, probably late 18th century with later additions; no 29, Church Farmhouse, north side, mid 18th century, adjacent barn probably late 18th century, dated stone HIA 1798; no 30 Bramerton Lodge, south side, early 19th century [see also Bramerton Lodge Chapel]; no 31, Orchard House, north side, mid or late 18th century; nos 32 and 34, south side, early 19th century
P Hitchon Botcherby a garden village pp15-29
CJ 28.08.1891 p1 For sale Bramerton Lodge; reconstructed by Mr Cory under his own is a picture to see the grand gardens and cement fruit preserving house
CJ 02.02.1906 p5 Death, aged 33, of Lindsay Ingleby Wood, of Bramerton Lodge, son of John Wood civil engineer
CJ 29.12.1916 pp1,3 John Wood, of Bramerton Lodge, Botcherby deceased. Ash Lea Cottage also for sale. John Wood, engineer on the CKPR, came to Cumberland in 1874, lived in Botcherby for 30 years
City Minutes 1915-16 p97 Nos 1 and 2 unfit for human habitation; Ashlea; p224
CRO D/Mil/Mounsey/153/379 Botcherby, Bramerton Lodge Estate plan of 1917
CJ 16.02.1917 WL Tiffen and Son, Bramerton Lodge
CN 30.12.1954 Canon Baxter, aged 88, lived at Bramerton Lodge for 14 years. In back garden .....a barn converted into a church about 1860
CN 26.03.1971 p15 (illus)
CN 23.12.1994 p23 Down your way
CN 09.01.2004 p53 The Beeches for sale - photos £230,000
CN 14.04.2006 p11 Takes its name from William Wood, manufacturer, who lived here?
CN 31.10.2008 p62 The Beeches for sale at 350,000 pounds
CN 29.07.2011 p61 No 20 for sale £135,000
CN 16.03.2012 p1 and 6 The Grange; Childrens home closes after accusations of assault and bullying. Now [2023] young adult supported living accommodation
WOOD STREET, Newtown [1880 Directory]
WOOD STREET, James Street to Water Street [1880 Directory]
CN 04.07.1997 p20 Master craftsmen who offer you furniture of distinction
WOODVIEW SCHOOL, Chatsworth Square [views of school on]
See also Miss Lattimers
Girls School run by the Miss Lattimers, assisted by art mistress Mary Slee and others
WOOD VIEW, Northumberland Road
Samuel Redmayne who founded the successful Wigton based tailoring firm which had branches throughout the area lived here. He died here on 14.09.1890. His wife, Ellen, died at Wood View on 28.01.1895.
Council Minutes 16.06.1862
CJ 19.06.1863 p5 Unsuccessful
CN 22.03.1924 p9 18th century Carlisle
WOOLPACK English Street; in local directories to 1870; Francis Harrison late of the Woolpack Inn of this city died 03.10.1834; Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard; Joseph Thompson, innkeeper, aged 61, born Carlisle [1861 census]
1858 Kelly’s J.Thompson, 70 English Street, Woolpack
CJ 17.11.1804 p3 Wool Pack, Joseph Bell, aged 53, Innkeeper, died
WOOLPACK INN Milbourne St; in local directories from 1876; first state pub to become private; renamed Biddy Mulligan’s; renamed Knight Inn. Eventual closure in 2008
CN 13.10.1972 p11 CN 18.02.1977 p9
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection; p97 photo of Woolpack
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses, 2004, p49
1901 census; Mary Lawrence, victualler, aged 62, born Carlisle
ENS 11.10.1972 p11 First city state pub goes private
ENS 24.08.1977 p8 (illus) Pubs past lives on in face lift
ENS 24.08.1977 p11 (illus) ‘Cheers’ as Bobby kicks off at the Woolpack
ENS 08.01.1986 Go ahead for extension to Woolpack
CN 01.04.1988 New look for an old pub
CN 26.04.1996 p5 Swinging tune at the Woolpack
ENS 04.03.1997 Third landlord in a year at Woolpack
ENS 28.07.1997 p11 Woolpack does Irish
ENS 18.09.1997 p11 New identity for Woolpack; renamed ‘Biddy Mulligan’
ENS 20.04.1998 Irish theme pub bans Irish music which drove customers away
CN 28.03.2003 pp1,3 New management and new style
CN 09.07.2004 p5 Knight Inn closes following illness to tenants, Mrs Thompson
1924 Carlisle Directory beside the Woolpack Inn, Milbourne Street
WOOLWORTH BUILDING English Street; building completed January 1933
CWAAS Vol 78, 1978 p136
CN 18.10.1991 p48 City lease costs £1m
CN 19.12.2008 p1 Staff to lose jobs as Woolies closes
CN 26.01.1918 p5 Hastings Rashdall lectures
CJ 06.05.1921 p5 Hastings Rashdall appointed president of Carlisle branch
CN 31.01.1942 p2 Co-operates with Literary Society
CAIH p44 The Workhouse
Carlisle Examiner 19.11.1859 p2e Letter concerning social conditions - drink...
Carlisle Examiner 22.11.1859 p2e,f Letter concerning social conditions
Carlisle Examiner 26.11.1859 p2,e,f, Social conditions of the working class
Carlisle Examiner 29.11.1859 p2,e,f Letter concerning social conditions
Carlisle Examiner 06.12.1859 p2f Social conditions of the working class
Carlisle Examiner 20.12.1859 p3a Letter concerning social conditions
WORKING MEN’S CLUB Opened in Fisher Street 26.01.1928; previously in West Walls then Paradise Court; [1924 Directory]
See also Fisher Street; number 11
CP 05.03.1875
CJ 06.11.1874 Proposed Working Men’s Club in Carlisle
CJ 13.11.1874 Formation of a Working Men’s Club in Carlisle
CP 05.03.1875 First annual meeting of Carlisle Working Men’s Club
CP 01.03.1895 Twentieth annual report
CP 08.03.1907 Annual meeting in club premises, Castle street
ENS 04.08.1971 Supplement pp1-4 Interior alterations
ENS 04.11.1974 pp 5-7 Working Men’s Club is 100 years old today
2023 In the middle of building work. Has been closed as a Working Men’s Club for several years
CJ 07.01.1953 p4 Irish Damside School - proposal
CJ 21.01.1853 p2 Letter
CJ 28.01.1853 p2 Letter
City Council Minutes 1896/97 p 165 List of the domestic workshops in city
WORKSHOPS FOR THE BLIND Started in West Tower Street in 1872; moved to Lonsdale Street 1878/9; moved to Petteril Bank some time after 1955-56
CJ 26.12.1873 p5c Established 15 months ago, secured premises on West Tower Street, engaged a manager and commenced business. Business consists of straw, flock and hair mattress making, woollen and cocoa mats and matting and recently basket making has been introduced. Five totally blind men employed and one nearly blind man
CJ 29.03.1878 p5 Plans examined
CJ 24.05.1878 p8 Tenders for building Workshops for the Blind
CJ 28.03.1879 p7 Workshops for the Blind
CJ 16.05.1879p7 Workshops for the blind, opening
CD 1880 Ad pv
CD 1884-85 Ad p260
CJ 03.07.1888 p2 Died aged 68 George Douglas, laboured industriously at mattress making. Followed to the grave by workers at the Workshop to the Blind and Mr Dixon, the manager. First pupil of Workshops for Blind
CJ 05.04.1892 p2 Mat making at Workshops for the Blind
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar 1902 Ad; Workshops established in 1872
CD 1905-06 Ad p6
CD 1907-08 Ad p9
CJ 03.07.1908 p5 Letter about mat cutting machine requiring 6 men to work, 2 at a time whilst 4 rest. Wait to fit electric motor at cost of £15
CD 1910-11 Ad p11
CD 1913-14 Ad p11
CD 1920 Ad p11
CD 1924 Ad p128
CD 1927 Ad p148
CD 1931 Ad p288
CD 1934 Ad p183
CD 1937 Ad p190
CJ 15.12.1939 p7 Workshops for the Blind; want more wages
CD 1940 Ad p36
CJ 22.03.1940 p1 Blind employees at Lonsdale Street; parade through the streets with placards
CN 19.07.1947 Describes work for the blind, what they are making at present, plenty of work and planned extension
CD 1952 Ad p331
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p1
CD 1955-56 Ad pxxvii
CD 1961-62 Ad p85
E.Nelson Around Carlisle p57 Photo of workers at Lonsdale St
CJ 04.12.1964 p8 (illus)
CJ 19.01.1968 p11 Workshops for Blind
CN 15.03.1968 p12 History
WORKWARE Botchergate
CN 25.11.1994 p8 Ad
WORLD GROUP Lancaster St then moved 2004 to Durranhill see WINDOW WORLD
See also Armistice Day; Botcherby War Memorial; Citizens League; Cenotaph, Collin VC; East Cumberland Shell Factory; Military Hospitals; Peace Celebrations; Peace Medals, Rickerby Park, State Management, Tank
CAIH p84 World War 1
D Perriam Denton Holme p80 Denton Holme in World War One
D Perriam and D.Ramshaw Carlisle First Learning Centre; Tullie House, 2016, p70-71
City Minutes 1914-15 p226 Belgian refugees at 11 Chatsworth Square
CJ 30.10.1914 Last night 38 Belgian refugees arrived in the city
CN 14.02.2003 p8 Belgian refugees arrived in city in 1914; 44 on 26.11.1914
CN 13.10.2006 p9 Currock WW1 War Memorial found in Howie Boyd Hall
CN 10.11.2006 p13 Letter; in 1965 sold to Church of God; photo of WWI plaque
CN 18.07.2008 p7 WWI memorial finds new home in Bishop Harvey Goodwin School grounds
CN 20.08.2010 p D.Perriam WWI hospitals in city
CN 11.10.2013 p19 £70,000 to be spent on the restoration of city war memorials
The occasional stray bomb fell in the Carlisle area during the war. One fell at Scotby, and a land mine at the junction of London Road and Eastern way, where the Brunswick House doctors’ surgery is today. During the War this area was used as allotments by Brooke Street School [memory from ex Brooke Street school boy].
Margaret Forster Hidden Lives p121 ...there was little feeling of being at war in Carlisle. As in the First World War, Carlisle was hardly touched. No bombs dropped on the city and hardly an air-raid siren was heard. Its citizens became so complacent that in 1942, at the height of the war, only one in a hundred was found to be carrying the regulation gas mask (for which slackness the whole city was reprimanded by the War Office). Carlisle City Council had at least paid heed by spending £27,250 on trenches and shelters for the schoolchildren but these were hardly used. Except for the inevitable absence of a great many men and the presence of evacuees.....Most of the evacuees came from Newcastle
When peace was declared there were great crowds at the Town Hall, I’d never seen anything like it, such a crowd, singing and dancing in the street. We, as children often spent the night at Grannie’s on Corporation Road. I remember I was in bed and my uncle Fred came clattering up the stairs and into the bedroom. He told me to get up. Grandma came running in ‘What are you doing?’ Fred said ‘I’m taking her to the Castle. This is a night she’ll never forget’. And I never will forget going up there with him, seeing the Union Jack flying, it was all illuminated, such a shock as we were so used to everything being in the dark. When I go past the Castle today it all comes back to me as I look up at that flag pole. When Dad came back out of the forces we hung a Scottish flag outside the house. I hadn’t seen him for three years so ran flinging myself into his arms. It was a different story for my sister, she didn’t remember him at all. There was a photo of Dad on the wall and to her that was her Dad, the photo. She wouldn’t have anything to do with the flesh and blood Dad, wouldn’t talk to him, sit with him. She’d point to the photo and say ‘That’s my Dad’. I think it was also difficult for my brother, he was 13 or 14 when Dad came home and in his absence he’d been told that he was head of the household and suddenly he was just a little boy again. When VJ Day was announced we were at Silloth. I remember we were down the Skinburness Road and a woman ran out of her house and shouted the war was over. She was a complete stranger. There was dancing and shouting and then we carried on with our holiday. When Dad came home he, as with all the discharged servicemen, was given a suit. It must have irked him, everyone in the same ill-fitting suit. I recall coming home one day and found him burning it in the garden. We had a VE Day party in a hall in Lamb Street, long trestle tables. [Muriel Kemp recalls]
My dad, Hugh, was evacuated from Dunkirk but he didn’t come home; he went straight to North Africa. There was a telegram at home to say he was safe. Telegrams were never good news so when mother saw the envelope she thought he was dead and feinted. I stood behind her when she fell down. She was lying on the floor of our Thirlmere St house. There was an air-raid shelter at the south of Grasmere Street where it met Thirlmere Street, there was a bit of waste ground there. It was an above ground concrete shelter. After the war it was demolished. We used to have air-raid practices at school; the school shelter was at the north end of Arthur Street. The shelters were dirty, dark and smelt. But Mam told me that if the air-raid siren went off we had to run straight home and get under the dining room table. If we were going to go we were all going to go together. I remember one ‘raid’. We mistook the all clear for the siren and stayed under the table for ages. Eventually there was a knock at the door and Uncle Ronnie, who was a captain in the Home Guard, shouted through the letterbox ‘Are you alright?’ Our cousins had a metal air raid shelter in the front room. There was never any raids on Carlisle. We didn’t know what the war was except our Dad was away. Although once Mam was taking us to a farm up London Road and the farmer’s wife asked how we’d got there, the road had been cordoned off because of an unexploded bomb. That was enough for Mam and off we ran home.
Muriel Kemp remembers
I kept up with the war pretty well, reading the Daily Express. I clearly remember the day war was declared. It was a Sunday and I was in St John’s choir, London Road. I was walking home after the service and people had their windows and doors open; you could hear Chamberlain speaking to the nation. We had two Newcastle evacuees billeted with us in Lindisfarne Street during the war. They were from very poor homes and Grandma came around and gave them a good scrubbing in the tin bath. She also deloused them. They were two brothers, the elder one being a bit of a bully. They went back home after a few months. I recall Dunkirk was a tense time, we were all convinced that the invasion was coming. I followed the Russian invasion of Finland, we were all supporting the Finns. We dug for Victory and go out and collect rosehips to make rosehip syrup. You’d get a small bounty but boy did you have to collect a lot of rosehips. I believe the syrup was full of nutrients, but you got a good scratching for it. There was an air-raid shelter opposite the tram shed and another shed at Fusehill Street. We always carried our gas masks but Carlisle was a quiet place. We’d occasionally hear the thrum of a German aeroplane, they made a different sound to us. You got used to the blackout. After choir practice we’d run around in our cassocks and jump out at people.
Brian Scott recalls
I was born in 1936. My father was one of the later calls ups. He was in the RASC and drove lorries off onto the Arromanche beaches in Normandy in 1944. He got pleurisy and so was at home when VE day was declared. I recall two things about that day. I got caught up in a conga that went down Scotch Street. What a crowd there was. The other thing was about mother, she hated crowds, but she was there in the Market Place that day. Mother was a firewatcher and the watching point was on top of our house at 29a Scotland Road. She also worked in the NAFFI in Rickergate, the John Peel hut as it was known. You saw all nationalities there. Us kids would go down to help with the washing up, collecting the dishes. Our wages was a chip butty. We called them frittes, that was the foreign influence. Scotland Road was very busy with convoys heading north and south. They used to stop in our lane for a brew up. Sometimes the soldiers would give us sweets or chewing gum. We never had evacuees billeted with us but we had a holiday house at Skinburness; we got Newcastle evacuees billeted there, but not for long. What a mess they made of the place, everything had to be thrown out and it made a grand bonfire on the beach. Coal was rationed. We had a black leaded grate in the kitchen and a fire in one of the bedroom. But it had to be very cold before we’d light the bedroom fire. We had an outside toilet with no light, so you can imagine the adventure of going to the toilet during the night. The toilet paper was that awful Isel stuff or newspaper cut into squares and hung on string.
Margaret Davies recalls
CAIH p92 World War 2
P Hitchon Botcherby a Garden Village pp189 -200
See David Hay Carlisle at War 1939-45
D Perriam and D Ramshaw Carlisle’s First Learning Centre; Tullie House pp94-5
Over the Garden Wall; life of Donald Scott p9-12 life for a child during the war
M.Constantine Carlisle a history and celebration p86 photo of bomber landing at Kingstown and Rome St gas holder in camouflage colours
D.Perriam Denton Holme p100 Denton Holme in WW2
D Perriam Stanwix pp64-5 Stanwix in World War Two
CJ 17.03.1939 p13 Letter. What is going to be done about the ARP trenches so hastily dug 6 months ago and left unfinished? At the moment Greeny Bank is disfigured by ditches and stacks of timber. They are flooded and useless.
CJ 06.02.1940 Two pedestrians killed by lorry during black-out hours
City Minutes 1945-46 p430 Huts on Rickerby Park adjoining Stanwix Bank. Military to remove as soon as possible
City Minutes 1946-47 p85 Greenay Bank gun position. Huts should be removed; strong disapproval of them remaining p266 Military hoped to remove buildings at an early date.
CN 17.08.1990 p11 Helping hand for vets
CN 26.07.1991 p7 Veterans fly flag
CN 01.11.1996 p3 (illus) Over 2,000 name roll of honour to be presented
CN 08.11.1996 p1 Cathedral to receive World War Two honour roll
CN 27.06.1997 p3 (illus) Cumbria’s farewell to Hong Kong
CN 04.06.2004 p1 Cumbria veterans return to Normandy; p12 My D-Day
CN 20.05.2011 p32 Story of army camp depot built on Bitts Park in August 1939. MAFF moved in in January 1948. One or two huts still retained for park’s dept Bitts Depot
WORTHINGTON PLACE, Parkland Village So named in honour of the original architect of the Garlands Hospital [CN 29.04.2005 Story Homes Supp. p5]
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
1882 Porters Directory Ad p90 ‘Notes house for Swiss Buns’
WRESTLERS ARMS INN Annetwell Street; in local directories from 1880 to 1907-08
CJ 26.04.1895 Ad; old established inn for sale
CN 10.02.1912 Beerhouse closed
See also Carlisle Wrestling Association
CP 15.09.1821 p1a Ad for wrestling at Carlisle races on 27th September
CJ 16.09.1826 p2e Wrestling at Carlisle Races; encouragement of old sports
CP 29.09.1827 p3 Report on Carlisle Wrestling and Races
CP 27.09.1828 p3 Report on Carlisle Wrestling and Races
CP 26.09.1829 p3 Report on Carlisle Wrestling and Races
CP 22.04.1854 p8 a-c Easter wrestling at the Crown, Botchergate
Carlisle the Archive Photographs p76 1899 Easter Sports; wrestling photo
Cumbria Life October 1999 no 66 pp 124-125 2A 9
CN 24.06.1950 p4 CN 28.03.1958 p10 illustration of belt
CN 05.10.2001 p25 Carlisle Wrestling Club still going strong
CN 12.10.2001 p24 Photos of Carlisle Academy in 1908 and 1949
WRIGHT, G Norfolk Street, the Market
CD 1966-68 Ad p253
CN 11.05.2007 p4 Obit of George Wright
City Minutes 1926-7 p633 Licensed to operate bus service to Armathwaite
WRIGHT, John Warwick Road
Car dealers
1954 Cumberland Directory Ad pxi
WRIGHT, Nicholas
City Minutes 1925-6 p44 Licensed to operate bus to Hesket and Aikat Gate
WRIGHT, Richard Builder; built Dixon’s Chimney
In February 1835 the foundation stone of Dixon’s new mill was laid and on September 11th the foundation stone for the chimney was laid and the first brick was laid on 17th September by Richard Wright.
1851 census 22 Abbey St, builder, aged 60, born Haselmere, Surrey
CP 19.09.1857 Carlisle Dispensary foundation stone; R. Wright and Sons builder
WRIGHT, Robert Builder, Heads Lane; died 24.11.1874 aged 43 [Monumental Inscription 103/38];
WRIGHT, William Manufacturer and draper, aged 65, employing 10 men, born Yorkshire, home address New Banks Lane [1851 census]; linen draper employing 4 men and 4 boys, aged 75, born Leeds, home address 10 Cavendish Place [1861 census]
WRIGHT, William English Street
Linen merchant; carpet warehouseman
Carlisle Diocesan Directory 1872; ad established 1838
Carlisle in Camera 1 p18 photo of shop at 36 English St, 1870s
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
CD 1893-94 Ad p70
WRIGHT, W and Son Highmore House English Street
Linen goods; carpets furnishings
11.10.1895 4d Ad. move from 36 to 42 English St [Highmore Hse]; opening
Yesterdays Shopping in Carlisle p13 Interior engraving of new shop
Fisher Street, Presbyterian Church Bazaar October 1899 [M183] p20 Ad
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar 1901 Ad; Established 1842
CJ 31.07.1917 p3 Obit of William Wright; business started by his father W.Wright
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection; p41 1917 photo of exterior
E.Nelson Around Carlisle p45 Bill head illustrated, 1915
CD 1920 Ad p156
CD 1924 Ad p176
CD 1927 Ad p198
CD 1931 Ad p84
CD 1934 Ad p72 Established 1838
CJ 04.12.1934 Close down early in new year; history of firm started in 1838
CJ 25.01.1935 p3 Ad Everything half price; last two days
CN 18.11.1988 p4 A site with history
CP 12.08.1898 Obit of J.H.Brown; 1875 entered in to partnership with Mr T.Wright
Carlisle Directory 1934 Wright, Brown and Strong, 7 Bank Street
CN 19.02.1993 p15 Marking a link of 150 years
CD 1952 Ad p289
CD 1955-56 Ad p238
WRIGHTSON, E AND SON New Market, London Road
CD 1955-56 Ad p232
CD 1961-62 Ad p262
WYKEHAM HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Warwick Road; closed 02.09.1974
1928 Pageant Souvenir, ad Day and boarding school for girls, Lonsdale St. Fully qualified instruction; modern methods; individual attention; happy children; summer and winter games; dancing and music; central position; good wholesome food; moderate fees; Principal Florence Townsend
1929 Directory 11 Lonsdale Street; principal Mrs Florence Townsend
1934 Directory 127 Warwick Rd
CD 1952 Ad p368
CD 1955-56 Ad p281
CD 1966-68 Ad p296
CJ 18.03.1960 p5 CN 30.08.1974 p11
CN 29.01.1944 p5 Death of founder, Florence Townsend, BA, daughter of John Wannop, farmer, Dormansteads, Roweltown. She was interred at Lanercost
CN 12.02.1960 p10 Changes hand
ENS 14.03.1960 p7 School to change hands
CJ 07.04.1967 p9 Expansion
CN 12.02.1993 p9 Bid to recall old days
CN 26.03.1993 p12 Happiest days of their lives
CN 26.03.1993 p11 Ex pupils flock in
CN 21.05.1993 p15 Schooldays are recalled
CJ 31.08.1839 p2e Inquest into death at mill
1610; so called on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
CN 02.04.1993 p10 Ad
XS NIGHTCLUB - formerly Legends
CN 18.10.2002 p6 Gay night scrapped
CN 21.08.1963 Supplement Ad and history
YATES, Heidi Lowther Street
Beauty therapy
CN 30.06.2000 p8 Ad
CJ 21.11.1879 p5 Yates Street laid out in 1877
1880 Directory 119 Union Street to Orfeur Street
CN 24.09.1993 p21 Ad
CN 23.08.1996 p3 (illus) Mayor criticises city pub...
CN 30.05.1997 pp1,10 Nightspots win back licenses
CN 22.02.2008 p1 Yates’ closes down
YEAST HALL or NEW HOUSES between Suttle House and Keld House on the 1861 census; James Millar 56, Cordwainer, born Cummersdale
YELLOW HOUSE [Presumably where supporters of the Lonsdale cause met. Yellow being the Lonsdale/ Lowther colours] see THE BUSH HOTEL
CN 21.06.1991 p19 Work starts on centre
CN 07.02.1992 p1 Centre opens today
CN 22.02.2013 p8 Celebrates 21 years
YEWDALE SCHOOL School opened 1972
CN 23.03.2012 p25 Celebrated 40 years
CN 24.10.2014 p1 School given damning report by inspectors
YOKO SPA The Lanes
CN 18.03.2011 p 22 Spa opens; fish pedicure
YORK PLACE; Upperby Rd; so named on 1901 census
1924 Carlisle directory listed under Upperby Road
YORK SCHOOL Upperby; opened 04.04.1960; school closed 31.09.1997
A former teacher at the school said that in the 1960s/ 1970 children were graded according to an IQ Test. 110 and over was brilliant, 90-110 Average, 70-90 were called Educationally Sub Normal and this was the group that went to York School. Children with a severe handicap went to James Rennie. Johnnie Raine, ex Navy, was the deputy head. He was an excellent no nonsense teacher, blunt spoken at times but always with the pupils best interest at heart. Blunt spoken ‘Move it or you’ll get three lace holes’. He believed in teaching the children practical skills, how to use the phone, how to write a job application. He brought in people from outside to give advice about health, the tax system. One of the school inspectors suggested perhaps some creative writing would be a good idea ; ‘The only creative writing they’ll do is the football pools’.
CN 01.04.1960 p13 New school
ENS 05.04.1960 p5 School opens
CN 08.04.1960 p9 New school
CN 12.04.1991 p3 Schools teaching praised
CN 20.09.1991 p17 College bid for school
CN 20.09.1991 p13 School new look for a new term
CN 31.01.1992 p11 Challenge from special school
CN 26.06.1992 p18 Save our school battle
CN 03.07.1992 p7 Special schools fight to survive
CN 04.12.1992 p20 Protest call
CN 07.01.1994 p1 Anger as bell tolls for York School
CN 07.01.1994 p1 Mum heads fight to save her son’s special school
CN 14.01.1994 p16 Comment on closure
CN 21.01.1994 p3 Teacher’s back special school
CN 11.02.1994 p3 Head’s pupil integration warning
CN 11.02.1994 p10 Comment
CN 04.03.1994 p8 Save our school
CN 18.04.1994 p1 Don’t sweep our kids under the carpet
CN 18.04.1994 p11 Profile of headmaster
CN 27.05.1994 p14 York School go ahead
CN 22.07.1994 p4 Doomed special school receives prestigious awards
CN 14.04.1995 p3 School move
CN 19.05.1995 p5 Best of 3,000
CN 12.03.1999 p12 Centre wins praise for pupils behaviour
CN 08.09.2006 p12 Gillford Centre Pupil Referral Unit - 70 pupils
CN 16.01.1970 p16 (illus) CN 09.10.1970 pp12-13 (illus)
YORK STREET, Hawick Street to Newcastle Street [1880 Directory]
YOUNG, Charles Henry
City Minutes 1923-4 p588 Licensed to operate bus service Carlisle-Botcherby
YOUNG, John Cecil Street
Veterinary surgeon
CD 1893-94 Ad p12
YOUNG, Michael Currock House
Horse breeder
1901 census Currock House, aged 46, bn Cockermouth
Carlisle The Archive Photos p101 Photo of Michael Young on horse, about 1910
Whitehaven News Annual; ad p358 late of Cockermouth
YOUNG, O. and M. Scotland Road
CD 1952 Ad p377
1954 Cumberland Directory Ad p277
YOUNG, Walter Lowther Street
CD 1905-06 Ad p102
CD 1907-08 Ad p86
CD 1910-11 Ad p72
CD 1913-14 Ad p66
YOUNG, William Durham House, St Aidans Road
Horse dealer
CD 1902-03 Ad p247
CD 1905-06 Ad page yellow 67
CD 1907-08 Ad p189
CD 1910-11 Ad p193
CD 1913-14 Ad page pink 153
CN 21.02.1948 p3 Farm forum
YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Established 1855; Burton Buildings; new Fisher Street premises opened 20.01.1968
CN 17.04.1970 p1 CN 29.05.1970 p1
Carlisle Examiner 29.07.1858 p3d YMCA annual meeting
Carlisle Examiner 14.05.1859 p2c Carlisle YMCA - 3rd Annual General Meeting
CJ 15.02.1938 p5 YMCA convention at Carlisle
CN 04.05.1940 p3 New hut
CN 07.11.1942 p3 Gift plaque unveiled by Mayor
CJ 29.02.1944 p1 New hostel opened
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p22 Photo in 1952
CN 16.07.1965 p1 Development
CN 29.10.1965 p1 New premises
CN 19.11.1965 p1 Development
CN 17.12.1965 p1 In Brook Street School
ENS 23.04.1966 p3 £22,000 spent
CNÊ19.01.1968 p25 (illus) New premises
CN 26.01.1968 p5 Opening of new premises
CN 29.11.1968 p5 New hall
CN 07.03.1969 p5 Sports centre appeal
CN 08.04.1969 p12 Fund organiser
CN 02.11.1990 p4 When the YMCA were cup champions
CN 06.01.2012 p15 YMCA to run Shaddongate community centre to help the homeless
YOUNGS COURT, Robert Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 22-30 Robert Street
YOUNG’S LANE English Street; so named in the 1829 directory. The lane is so named on Asquith’s 1853 large scale map of the city, being immediately south of Highland Laddie Lane, linking Blackfriars Lane and English Street.
D Perriam Blackfriars Street p16 shows the lane today [2021]
YOUNG’S LANE Rickergate; in the 1834 directory; on the voters list to 1939
So marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
1847 Directory
1880 Directory Rickergate
1924 Carlisle Directory between 33-35 Rickergate
CN 13.01.1940 p3 CJ 26.04.1940 p1 CN 27.04.1940 p4
CJ 25.10.1940 p1 (illus) CJ 01.11.1940 p1 (illus) CN 02.11.1940 p5
CJ 09.01.1940 p2 War need
CN 15.11.1941 p6 Anniversary
CN 23.07.1993 p19 Three way youth camp for city
CJ 09.04.1948 p2 Prospects
CJ 16.09.1948 p4
See also Caldewgate Boys Club
CN 30.04.1993 p1 Keep kids off streets
CN 14.05.1993 p1 Brick brings vicar onto youth centre
CN 14.05.1993 p13 Youth clubs debt process
CN 27.12.2002 p2 Petteril Bank Youth Club temporarily shut
CN 18.10.1996 p5 Drop out fears for youth help centre
CN 07.08.1998 p9 Race to save cash starved YES centre
YOUTH HOSTEL Etterby House
CJ 12.04.1968 p11 (illus)
Cumbria June 1963 p102
CN 16.08.1991 p7 Hostel for sale
YOUTH ZONE, Victoria Place
CN 13.11.2009 p7 Michael Owen backs idea
CN 26.02.2010 p6 Building work begins on Victoria Road site
CN 23.07.2010 p13 Letter about Carlisle Youth Zone; p13 photo of construction site
CN 21.01.2011 p10 Construction of 5m building well under way; photos
CN 29.04.2011 p21 Youth Zone opens
CN 17.06.2011 p6 Opens fully
ZATOPEC Restaurant
See also Taylors Modern Restaurant
CN 20.09.1991 p14 Ad
CN 23.10.1992 p9 Youngsters enjoy taste of Mexico
CN 28.07.1995 p6 Ad
CN 17.01.1997 p17 Restaurant boss turns to a whole new world of food
ZELLER, Henry Rickergate
CD 1893-94 Ad p156
CJ 05.01.1900 p6a Carlisle Race Stand Co; form Zero path
ZETA COURT William Street, Botchergate; name for a Greek letter of the alphabet; there was also Alpa Court here; first mentioned on the 1861 census; on the voters’ list to 1963
1880 Directory 24 William St
1924 Carlisle Directory lists between 24-26 William Street
CN 02.06.1967 p12
ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM INN Finkle Street; in local directory for 1858
Derived its name from mounted specimens on display [Carlisle Natural History Society, vol xii, p124
CN 23.08.1996 p16 Ad
CN 16.08.1996 p17 If it’s not all Greek