Carlisle Encyclopaedia
DACRE PLACE, Dacre Street
1880 Directory 4 Dacre Street to Dixon Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed after 5 Dacre Street
City Minutes 1934-5 p60 no 3 declared unfit for human habitation
DACRE STREET Off Corporation Road; 1852 ‘some of the houses in Dacre-street were at that time nearly finished or building’ [Mary Smith Autobiography vol 1 p189]; so named on Asquith’s 1853 survey;
City Council minutes 03.06.1887 20/100 road to Abattoir to be called Dacre St
1930s My grandparents ‘lived in Dacre Street; it was classed as quite posh as it was a double fronted house. The door opened to a corridor leading to the stairs. On each side was a door, one to the sitting room that was perfect, but only used on special occasions, the other was the living room with a big built in cupboard and drawers. From there you went into a kitchen, not a big one, and then downstairs to the cellar and war cellar. There were stone stairs down to it and there was a big black lead range, the cellar was just used for storage. Upstairs there were three big bedrooms and outside there was a big yard with a door to the lane and an alley to Corporation Road. Across the yard were three outside toilets. My grandma had the key to one, the other two were shared. In the yard there were two houses - one up, one down- the back door to the corner house and another two houses at the end of the lane. All these people used the other 2 toilets. There was a tap in the yard and that was for water for the yard houses. My grandma had running water in her house. Then there was a wash house - you each had your own day to wash, bad luck if it was wet. There was a set pot that had to be filled and the fire set under it before you could start. There was a big mangle, poss stick - they talk about the good old days. My grandma’s house used to be a school before she moved in’ [Muriel Kemp remembers]
DAILY MAIL CIRCUIT OF BRITAIN AIR RACE First aircraft arrivals in Carlisle on 25.07.1911
Carlisle an illustrated history p83 Valentine’s aircraft near Sands
DAIRY CREST Caldewgate
CN 06.03.1987 p14 Unveiling heritage plaque at Bridge St
CN 29.01.1988 p21 Dairy jobs loss angers union boss
DALE COURT On electoral register from 2001-02
DALE END ROAD, Harraby First appears on electoral register for 1947-48
DALE STREET Laid out for the Cumberland Co-operative Benefit Building Society in 1853; [CRO CA/E 4 2107]; EWS [Emergency Water Supply] painted in large yellow letters date from WWII and were to direct fire fighters to emergency water Supply
So marked on the Asquith map of 1853. One house marked on street
City Minutes 1899-1900 p 40 Approval for 5 houses
City Minutes 1932-33 p 67 Approval for 21 houses in Dale Street; owner Mr Scriven
Perriam Denton Holme p36 Plan of the estate which shows this street
DALGLEISH St Alban’s Row
CD 1952 Ad p395
CN 15.02.1947 p5 To make jewellery
DALGLEISH, W and Son Blackfriars St
Fruit merchants
CD 1902-03 Ad p10
City Minutes 1919-20 p520 Teck Street; name changed to Dalmeny Rd
Carlisle in Camera 2 p32 view of road in 1909
Carlisle in Camera 2 p35 view of signal box and crossing gate in 1929
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p59 1966 photo of level crossing
City Minutes 1934-35 p869 Renumbering of road
Civic Affairs 07/1969 p3 Railway lines over Dalston Road crossing shortly removed
CN 18.02.1994 p7 New retail park plan
CN 29.01.1999 p7 (illus) Day a train nearly killed a boy in Dalston Rd
D.Perriam Denton Holme p51 Canal Branch opened 09.03.1837, closure of the line 03.08.1969 and track lifted 1970
DALSTON STREET First listed in the 1880 directory
CJ 17.05.1878 p8 10 cottages to be erected by the South End Cooperative
CJ 21.11.1879 p5 Dalston St laid out in 1878
CN 14.01.2005 p13 Dalston St and the Great Flood
DALTON AVENUE In May 1931 there were several reasons for so naming; James Gibson Dalton and Tinniswood Dalton were members of the city council and the City Surveyor at the time was Percy Dalton; in electoral registers from 1931
Carlisle The Archive Photos p104 photo in 1937
DALTON, George Draper, Greenmarket
1851 Directory. Ad [after page 82 at back]
DALTON, Robert Finkle St; Castle St; Botchergate; Tait St
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
CD 1880 Ad pvi 10 Finkle St
CD 1884-85 Ad p268, change of address, 8 Castle St
CD 1893-94 Ad p60
CD 1902-03 Ad p13
CD 1952 Ad p256
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p221
CN 08.03.1985 p18 (illus)
CN 09.08.1996 p1 Botchergate auction looks to close
DALTON, W.L. Port Road
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p75
CD 1955-56 Ad p75
DALTONS COURT, Northumberland Street [1934 Directory]
DALTONS COURT, Castle Street
So named on 50 inch OS map 1899 23.03.19
DALZIEL, C.M. Brook St
Chemist and Optician
CD 1905-06 Ad p17
CD 1907-08 Ad pii
CD 1910-11 Ad p7
CD 1913-14 Ad p7
CD 1920 Ad p7
CD 1924 Ad p124
CD 1927 Ad p144
CP 09.03.1844 p1 Mr Sinclair, Professor of Dancing, Newcastle, intends to establish himself in Carlisle for purpose of giving instruction in Fashionable Dancing, Calisthenic, Grecian and other Exercises
DAND,W English St; Devonshire St; English St; Botchergate; established 1877
Saddler and trunk maker; sports outfitter
Fisher Street, Presbyterian Church Bazaar October 1899 [M183] p32
CD 1902-03 Ad p227
CD 1905-06 Ad p13
CD 1907-08 Ad p10
CD 1910-11 Ad p8
CD 1913-14 Ad p58
CD 1920 Ad p270
CD 1924 Ad p264
CD 1927 Ad p152
CD 1931 Ad p48
CD 1934 Ad p40
CD 1937 Ad p40
CD 1940 Ad p40
CD 1952 Ad p375
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p276
CD 1955-56 Ad p283
CD 1961-62 Ad p299
E.Nelson Around Carlisle p40 photo of facade
CP 17.01.1896 Mr Dand buys old Subscription Library; intends to move shop here
1901 census; William Dand, master saddler, 44, bn Carlisle; home Currock Villa
DAND’S Leather retailers
CN 17.09.1938 p17 Ad
DANISH BACON CO Kingstown Industrial Estate
CN 31.01.1969 Supplement
DAPPA Castle Street
CN 21.08.2009 p20 gents hairdressers opens on Castle Street
DARGAN, Charles Lorne St
Music teacher; instrument dealer
CD 1910-11 Ad p98
CD 1920 Ad p7
City Minutes 1923-4 p587 Licensed to operate bus service Belle Vue to Upperby
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p134 Photo of darts match
CN 06.01.2006 p25 Professional dart player Peter Manley makes city his home
CN 14.04.1989 p18 Ad
DAVID’S Warwick Road
CN 03.03.2000 p18 Ad
CN 20.12.2002 p6 Review of restaurant
CN 27.08.2010 p7 David Humpston and David Wilson sell business to head chef Chris Austin
DAVIDSON, Alexander School, Bank St
CP 16.12.1870 Number in attendance 30
DAVIDSON, Ethel Botchergate
Ladies fashion
CD 1952 Ad p80
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p1
DAVIDSON, J Upperby Rd, Station Archways
Car hire
D Perriam Carlisle Citadel Station p16 1930s photo of Jack Davidson’s garage under the station arches
CD 1952 Ad p337
DAVIDSON, J The Crescent
Ladies fashion
CD 1952 Ad p288
DAVIDSON, James Boot and shoemaker, aged 49, employing 10 men, home address 3 Globe Lane, born Carlisle [1851 census]
DAVIDSON, James Henry Whittall Banker, died 18.08.1881[Monumental Inscriptions 82/17]
DAVIDSON, Percy Blackwell Rd
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p245
CD 1955-56 Ad p249
CD 1952 Ad p87
DAVIDSON’S GARAGE Fisher St; Rosehill Industrial Estate
Founded 1933
CD 1966-68 Ad p282
CN 08.07.1988 p8 Ad
CN 19.01.1990 p4 Photo recalls start of a city car firm
DAVIDSON/ DAVISON’S LANE, Botchergate Joseph Davison, retired grocer, aged 46, living at Davidson’s Lane, Botchergate, born Carlisle [1851 census]; Davidson/ Davidson’s Lane, Botchergate, is noted on the 1841 census to the 1884 directory
1880 Directory 24 Botchergate to Collier Lane
City Minutes 1890-91 item 193; approval for laying out new street
City Minutes 1902-03 p494 Approval for 9 houses
DAVIS Lonsdale St
CD 1952 Ad p331
DAVISON, Joseph Retired grocer, aged 46, living at Davidson’s Lane, Botchergate, born Carlisle [1851 census]; Davison/ Davidson’s Lane, Botchergate is noted on the 1841 census to the 1884 directory
DAWSON, A Newtown Industrial estate
Wholesale provision merchants
CD 1952 Ad p310
CD 1955-56 Ad p249
CD 1961-62 Ad p12
DAWSON, Jacob Lowther St
Veterinary Surgeon
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
DAWSON and BUSHBY In 1858 the well known firm of Dawson and Bushby, wholesale grocers, tallow chandlers and seedsmen were giving up their business and Mr Forster decided to take over the business in conjunction with Thomas Short of Newcastle [obit of R.Forster CP 11.03.1910]
1861 Morris, Harrison and Co ad p16 T.Carruthers successor to Dawson & Bushby
DB 700
CN 21.09.1990 p7 Ad Where shotguns reign supreme
DC Engineering Willowholme
CN 07.01.1994 p8 Ad
See also British Deaf Association
CJ 04.04.1840 p1 Hearing aid can be worn unperceived. Mr Lee visiting Carlisle, advert
CJ 04.07.1846 p3 Sarah Little, aged 14, has been deaf and dumb since birth. Mother says I can get her to do anything by signs. She understands the motion of my lips. She can also understand the lips of other people
CJ 23.10.1874 p4 Examination of 8 deaf and dumb pupils from Diocese of Carlisle
CJ 30.10.1888 p6 Deaf woman at petty sessions, ‘I am afflicted’ notice which she displayed with much zeal to the Bench. Begging in shops in Market Place. To leave town
CJ 07.06.1889 p5 Deaf and dumb woman indecently assaulted. Never been taught any methodical system of communication. Lived with mother at Dalston old village and worked in Bucks. Her brother also deaf mute
CJ 08.12.1893 School Board meeting; education of deaf and dumb children
CJ 22.12.1893 3 children in deaf and dumb category
North Cumberland Refomer 01.09.1894 p3 Deaf and dumb children sent away. Mother refused to send to Preston Deaf and Dumb School. The family had friends in Newcastle and the mother wished her child, aged 7, should be sent to Newcastle where the family had friends
CJ 01.10.1895 p3 Deaf mute working as a builder. Workmates intimidating him; they objected to him working so hard
1901 Census lists an Elizabeth Barclay, aged 46, born Upperby, general servant [non-domestic] in the Fusehill Street workhouse. She is listed as deaf and dumb since childhood
CJ 24.08.1923 p9 Photo of machine in Hebron Hall for deaf worshippers to hear
CJ 25.06.1937 p5 Talk to Rotary by K.McDougall, Missionary of the Carlisle Diocesan Mission to the Deaf and Dumb. Two men employed gardening by Corporation
CN 01.12.1989 p9 Better TV for deaf call
DEAKINS VAULTS Botchergate; so called in local directories from 1880; closed 1917; previously may have been called the Jovial Butcher and Jolly Butcher. Building demolished in 1951 when Pearl Assurance Office built
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p73
Carlisle the Archive Photographs p91 photo of pub; E.Bulman publican
CN 24.05.1991 p4 (illus)
CN 23.10.2015 p16 Denis Perriam article
DEAN, John English Street
M442 p3 Business card; linen and wool draper
DEAN, William Edward Started running services 27.02.1922
City Minutes 1923-4 p587 Licensed to operate bus service Belle Vue to Upperby
List of Deans of Carlisle to 1998 - see Weston, D,W.V. Carlisle Cathedral History, p 144, 2000
King Henry VIII re-founded the old Augustinian Cathedral Priory Church of St Mary in 1541 as the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, under a dean and four canons. Lancelot Salkeld, the last Augustinian prior, became the first dean. Thereafter a succession of deans followed, broken only in the Commonwealth period during which the dean and canons were ejected.
1542 appointment moved of Lancelot Salkeld; 1559 appointment moved of Thomas Smith; 1577 John Wooley; 1596 Christopher Perkins; 1622 Francis White; 1626 William Peterson; 1630 Thomas Comber - deprived 1642; 1660 Guy Carleton; 1671 Thomas Smith; 1684 Thomas Musgrave; 1686 William Graham; 1704 Francis Atterbury; 1711 George Smallridge; 1713 Thomas Gibbon; 1716 Thomas Tullie; 1727 George Fleming; 1734 Robert Bolton; 1764 Charles Tarrant; 1764 Thomas Wilson; 1778 Thomas Percy; 1782 Jeffrey Elkins; 1792 Isaac Milner; 1820 Robert Hodgson; 1844 John Anthony Cramer; 1848 Samuel Hinds; 1850 Archibald Tait; 1856 Francis Close; 1882 John Oakley; 1884 William George Henderson; 1906 Charles Ridgeway; 1908 William Barker; 1917 Hastings Rashdall; 1924 Henry Venn Stuart; 1933 Cecil Henry H.Cooper; 1938 Frederick William Matheson; 1942 William Cyril Mayne; 1960 Lionel M.S.du Toit; 1973 John Howard Churchill; 1988 Henry E.C.Stapleton; 1998 Graeme Paul Knowles; 2004 Mark Boyling
30.09.1684 ‘Dean installed’ Bishop Nicolson’s Diaries; CWAAS ns Vol 1,1901, p18
CJ 28.07.1967 p2 List of Deans from Henderson to Mayne
CN 02.09.1988 p4 The paths that led to Carlisle’s Deanery
CN 04.09.1998 p10 40th Dean follows on famous footsteps
CN 08.01.1999 p1 Full house greets new Dean (G.P.Knowles)
CN 12.12.2003 p9 G.Knowles leaves; fears of delays in replacing him
CN 09.04.2004 p5 New Dean appointed, Mark Boyling [photo]
CN 01.10.2004 p4 New Dean installed this weekend
The custom was prevalent in Carlisle upon the death of any inhabitant of, first the tolling of the death bell, announcing to the world the dissolution; second the public cryer who used to ring his bell and proclaim in every street in a loud, distinct and melancholy tone of voice, the hour of the deceased’s funeral, inviting all friends and neighbours to attend, third, funeral psalms sung by the attendants as they were conducting the corpse through the public streets to the churchyard for internment [Life of Dr Heysham, H.Lonsdale, p64]
1779 258 deaths analysed by month, sex, age and cause of death. The Life of John Heysham by Henry Lonsdale pp36 - 40;
Death rate 1842-8 General Board of Health Report, 1850, p28 1BC625
City Minutes 1908-09 p257 Death rate in city 1874 - 1908
Sanitary Condition of the City of Carlisle 1923 p12 Deaths 1891-1923; rate/ nos.
CJ 03.07.1923 Garden party in Portland Sq; illus.
DEBENHAMS Opened 26.10.2000
CN 01.05.1998 p3 Big store leads way to job expansion
Cumbria Life 65 August 1999 pp12-13 Supp 2A 9
CN 04.08.2000 p14 Recruiting 300 workers
CN 20.10.2000 p1 Fears over Debenhams traffic as store opens
CN 20.10.2000 p9 Changing the face of shopping in Carlisle
CN 27.10.2000 p1 (illus) Debenhams opens; opinion p12
CN 22.12.2000 p1 Debenhams bring Christmas shoppers into Carlisle
CN 26.07.2002 p16 New store manager Nikki Wilson-Cook
CN 18.11.2005 p3 Tills ring at pre Christmas sale
05.05.2021 was reported as the closure date of all Debenham stores. As of 2024 the Lanes department store remains empty
CN 24.06.1966 p12 Application from City Council for adoption in 1854
DEE - EM WINDOWS Kingstown
CN 18.03.1994 p15 Ad
CN 01.06.2001 p6 Photo of street and residents
CN 09.09.1988 p7 Ad
Not on first edition Ordnance Survey map surveyed 1863-64; 1873 directory - Captain Harrington ‘Deer Parks’; 1881 census for Stanwix - John Wilson, grocer. William Bell, cattle dealer, was there from circa 1910-11 until his death in February 1930; up to 1940 W.E.Bell lived there. City Council minutes in that year approved the use of the house as a staff hostel, ownership of the house being given as LMS Railway; the Carlisle directory of 1952 lists Deer Park Hostel with F.W.Brown resident; by 1959 it had become flats [CN 24.08.2007 p36]
CJ 14.06.1872 Attempted robbery at Deer Park
CP 29.08.1873 p1a Ad; To let; recently erected mansion; built 2 years ago
CP 04.05.1877 p1c For let by Caledonian Railway Co; Deer Park House
1901 census; Thomas Atkinson, aged 34, living on own means, bn Carlisle
1918 Electoral Register Ann and Thomas Bell and William Ernest Bell, his son
27.02.1930 Died Thomas Bell of Deer Park, Stanwix [SMI 36/3]
CN 24.08.2007 p36 History and photo of house - Denis Perriam. Photo taken in 1971 shows the house in the background but it did not remain much longer
CN 10.03.2017 Supp p16 D Perriam article on railway dormitory
DEER PARK ROAD, St Ann’s, opposite Deer Park House
4 houses [as part of a 74 housing estate built for Carlisle Corporation] were built on Deer Park Road by local builder EJ Hill being completed and occupied by September 1921. Clough Williams-Ellis described the whole estate as ‘The new style, Corporation built houses on the Stanwix Estate. Light, air and flowers’. [CWAAS , 2016, Vol 16 p62-4] The author Hunter Davies lives at 25 Deer Park Road in the 1940s. Council housing.
DEFRA (Dept. of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) see MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE
DEIGHTON, Robert H Lowther Arcade
Gents fashion
CD 1905-06 Ad
CD 1907-08 Ad p112
City Minutes 1902-03 p542 Approval for 4 houses
DELTA COURT, William Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 21 William Street
1924 Carlisle Directory lists between 21-23 William Street
DE MELLO, Philip
City Minutes 1927-28 p623 Licensed to operate to Penrith
CN 31.10.1997 p14 Restaurant opening a real knockout
CN 13.10.2017 p9 Celebrates 20 years, owned by Norman Forrester
DENARD, J Lowther St
House and church decorator
Leading Trader of the City Ad p iii A616
1891 census; Joseph Denard, painter, 58, bn Carlisle, home 12 Eden St
1901 census; Joseph Denard, painter, 68, home 11 Lowther St
CD 1910-11 Ad p68
CD 1913-14 Ad pp 198,279
CD 1920 Ad p253
D.Perriam Carlisle Remembered Letter from grandson and photo of shop
D Perriam Lowther Street p36 Photo of shop front at 76 Lowther Street in 1909
DENNISON, J Warwick Road
Carlisle in Camera 2 p6 Photo of shop facade, 21 Warwick Road
CD 1880 Ad pxiii 21 Warwick Rd [sic] and 26 Arthur St, Penrith
Carlisle 1880 Directory 23 Henry Street [sic], res 6 Broad Street
Carlisle Directory 1884 10 Devonshire Street, photographer, res 34 Broad St
DENNISON, M Printers
John Stagg Miscellaneous Poems Carlisle, printed by M.Dennison and Son at Shakespeare’s Head, 1790
John Fallowfield Miscellaneous Essays Divine and Moral, printed by M.Dennison and Son, at Shakespeare’s Head, Scotch Street, 1790
DENT,J.J. Warwick Road
Auctioneer and valuer
CD 1907-08 Ad p61
DENT, Joe Scotch St; South Henry St; Lonsdale St; Peter St
House furnishers and removals
CD 1924 Ad p282
CD 1927 Ad p10 (For over 30 years late of J.J.Dent and Son)
CD 1934 Ad p171
CD 1937 Ad p268
CD 1940 Ad p183
CD 1952 Ad p302
CD 1955-56 Ad pxiii
CD 1966-68 Ad p295
DENT, Robert English St
Linen and woollen draper
CD 1893-94 Ad p106
1829 Directory Thomas Sheffield, Abbey Street
1834 Pigot’s Directory Thomas Sheffield, dentist, Abbey St
1851 Ward’s North of England Directory p 13 Ad; dental surgery Mr Lows
CP 25.10.1851 p1c Messrs Bickley and Pike, surgeon dentists, can be consulted daily at no 13 Fisher Street
CJ 17.09.1858 p5 Electricity v chloroform in tooth extraction. Mr Lows, dentist, operated on several patients with electricity
CJ 13.03.1866 p3 Local anaesthesia now being applied with great success to the extraction of teeth by Mr Lows of this city
CJ 27.08.1869 p4 Mr Wood, dentist. Nitrous Oxide for painless extraction
1891 census; Georgina Moffat, dentist, home Lowther St, born Scotland
CJ 09.05.1930 p4 Photo of cleaning teeth, Newtown School
CJ 17.10.1930 p5 Jottings. School dentists now more accepted as a help to health
CN 22.07.1955 Thomas Sheffield dental pioneer
CN 29.07.1955 Thomas Sheffield dental pioneer
CN 13.12.1996 p3 Schools urged; put pupils’ teeth first
CN 20.04.2001 p8 History of dentistry in Carlisle; D.Perriam
CN 22.08.2003 p1 Only one dentist in city accepting NHS patients
CN 07.10.2005 p1 Carlisle could be left with no NHS dental services
CN 11.11.2005 p1 Richard Wilson and partners, Warwick Rd go private
CN 06.01.2006 p 3 Westhouse dental centre, Scotland Rd, goes private
CN 27.01.2006 p3 Carlisle to get dental school after winning funding
CN 10.02.2006 p3 James and Susan Leigh go private
CN 17.02.2006 p1 £1m dental school for Cumberland Infirmary
CN 24.02.2006 p7 New dentists for city
CN 17.03.2006 p9 Another dentist quits NHS, Taylor and Campbell
CN 24.03.2006 p13 Letter defending dentists leaving the NHS
CN 27.02.2009 p2 Carlisle Dental Centre; new teaching facility opens behind the Cumberland Infirmary
DENTON, William Smith Sometime partner with Paul Nixson. Denton was a Carlisle builder; constructed the two viaducts at Wetheral on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. He also built the road bridge at Warwick which opened in January 1835, the foundation stone having being laid in April 1833. See page 58 Bill Fawcett History of the Newcastle and Carlisle railway 1824 - 1870. [2008]
1829 Directory Nixon and Denton, builders Finkle Street
Jacksons Oxford Journal 10.12.1836 p4 Bankruptcy of William Smith Denton, Carlisle builder
Newcastle Courant 23.08.1839 p3a Denton Marble Mill and Quarries at Dent in Yorkshire for sale. Marble mills lately carried on by William Smith Denton, bankrupt
DENTON CRESCENT So named on 1881 census
D Perriam Denton Holme The remainder of Denton Crescent was demolished in 1976 and 1977
CJ 07.07.1961 Denton Crescent; the slums of Carlisle
CN 06.01.2006 p3 George Graham started 14 years ago; illus
DENTON GARAGE, Thomas Street
D Perriam Denton Holme p70 1935 advert for the firm
DENTON HILL 152 Milbourne Street [1880 Directory]
Denton Holme D.Perriam p20
DENTON HOLME So called in 1608; land owned by the Denton family
1610 called Dentone holme on the Survey of the Soccage lands of Carlisle, [original in Howard of Naworth Archive, Durham University, ref C49/1. See Northern History Vol XX, 1984]
CAIH p35 Denton Holme Millrace
Building Nelson Bridge had the effect of opening up Denton Holme to housing development. It was estimated that from a former value of £150 per acre land in Denton Holme would increase to £2,160 as acre and therefore ‘the new bridge will have the effect of opening up a sort of ‘gold diggins’. [Perriam Denton Holme p32]
Perriam Denton Holme p36 Denton Holme estate. On the formation of the Cumberland Cooperative Benefit Society in 1851 a resolution was passed to ‘support the industrial classes of Carlisle’. The object was to ‘purchase land...and apportion it to allotments suitable for the price it cost the society’. This could be done by members paying as little as 6d per week for a plot which would cost £25. Land was purchased by the society from Joseph Rome in 1852 and ‘the ground was assigned by ballot to 71 members.....and by the end of 1854 a considerable number of houses had been erected in Westmorland, Cumberland and Dale Street as part of the project’.
CWAAS 1967 vol 67 Denton Holme; growth of a suburb pp 206-228
CWAASÊ1968 Vol 68 ...
CN 03.11.1978 p18 CN 12.01.1979 p10 CN 28.09.1979 p3
CJ 27.03.1819 p1 Print fields for sale - Denton Holme estate
CJ 25.06.1852 Several streets projected, several laid out
CJ 22.02.1867 Denton Holme estate; in 1848 all land SW side of Caldew grazing
CJ 21.11.1879 p5 laying out street in Denton Holme
Denton Holme Childhood, B.Cullen; Life in the 1930s in this area
CJ 24.08.1943 p2 Development of Denton Holme
CJ 16.12.1966 pp10-11 Shopping
ENS 24.06.1974 p10 (illus) Demolition of Denton Street Railway Bridge on 23.06.
CN 16.05.1975 p11 Pelican crossing
CN 02.04.1976 p22 Cumberland Court
ENS 09.12.1976 pp6-7 Shopping
ENS 13.12.1977 pp8-9 Shopping
ENS 31.10.1978 p10 Backward area
ENS 10.12.1981 pp14-15 Photographs
CN 06.10.1989 p1 The street that died
CN 11.05.1990 p11 Flats plan for city
CN 25.05.1990 p1 Street battle with council
CN 18.12.1992 p4 Denton Holme mine located
CN 15.10.1993 p8 Time for change - Denton Holme Post Office
CN 22.07.1994 p18 Down your lane
CN 27.01.1995 p5 Homes for factory site
CN 24.05.1996 Supplement
CN 28.11.1997 p1 Residents only parking set for massive city expansion
CN 03.07.1998 p5 Thumbs up for new flats plan
CN 30.12.1998 Village community within the city - aerial photo
CN 19.02.1999 p3 Ferguson’s - housing
CN 12.03.1999 p2 Plans to slow down ‘rat run’ traffic
CN 19.03.1999 p5 Scheme for youth club runs into opposition
CN 04.08.2000 p17 Decision due on plans for 24 houses on old Morley St school
CN 20.07.2001 p13 Letter; Morton Housing plan has implications for Denton Holme
CN 25.06.2004 p12 Feature on Denton Holme
CN 24.12.2010 p29 Meaning of street names in Denton Holme; D.Perriam
CN 10.08.2012 p8 Feature on Denton Holme shops
D.Perriam Denton Holme Photo p95 Filmed by Paramount in October 1933. They went to London to play in front of Queen Mary on November 10th of that year. A crowd of 15,000 awaited in Court Square their return. Their bandmaster was Mr DeColt
CN 25.05.1962 p12
CN 30.09.1988 p4 Band played before the Queen
CN 23.04.1993 p4 Youth band played before Queen
CN 06.01.1981 p10
CJ 01.09.1939 p3
CN 31.01.2003 p22 Denton Holme Cricket Club evicted from Rickerby ground
CN 11.04.2008 p7 Founded 1896; merges with Carlisle Cricket Club
A dam must have existed at Holme Head in the medieval period because there are early references to mills which could not have existed without the Denton Holme millrace
[D.Perriam Denton Holme p9]
CAIH p35 Denton Holme Millrace
Smith’s map of 1746 shows the Millrace powering Denton Mills
Map of circa 1781 shows the millrace powering Losh and Cos Cotton Stampery, Fulling Mill, Denton Mills and New Brewery [Grangerized Hutchinson]
CP 08.04.1892 p5 First annual meeting
CN 05.03.1965 p12
D.Perriam Denton Holme p72 A post office was opened in Denton Holme on 02.04.1878 and moved from one location to another on Denton Street. The pillar box remained in a fixed position and was joined by others on the corner of St James Road, one in Dalston Road, Holme Head and Junction Street.
CN 15.10.1993 p8 Time for change
CN 26.04.1996 p2 - Lottery
CN 21.03.2008 p3 Botcherby and Denton Holme Post Offices to close
CN 01.08.2008 p11 Post Office closes last Tuesday
CN 04.04.1997 p1 Timber!
CN 04.04.1997 p14 Sawmill shows off its wares and creates six jobs
A Conservative Working Men’s Recreational club was set up in 1878 at first in St James School before moving to premises on Nelson Street [their present premises 2021]
CP 25.01.1901 p4a 20th annual meeting of the club will be held on Feb 11th 1901
CP 07.02.1896 p4a Notice for 15th general meeting on 10.02.1896
CP 15.02.1907 AGM of the Denton Holme Working Men’s Conservative Club
CN 03.11.1978 p1
ENS 24.05.1997 p18 Club transformed with £143,000 facelift
DENTON INN 110 Denton Street; in local directories from 1880 - 1924
Denis Perriam Denton Holme p74 Came under the Central Control Board on 29.08.1916 Closure came on 17 October 1927
CP 07.10.1887 To let, Denton Inn
Chief Constable’s Annual Report 1927 p34 Closed 17.10.1927
Blaylock and Pratchitt founded in 1859 on Long Island Ironworks site; later became Pratchitt, Blaylock and Pratchitt; 04.02.1863 purchase of new site in Denton Holme, which became Denton Ironworks
DENTON MILL Medieval water corn mill that continued in use into Victorian times; Denton mills marked on G.Smith’s 1746 map of Carlisle; Mon. Insc. St Mary’s Church [Cathedral] No 81 W.Glendinning died at Denton Holme Mill 12.03.1830; Joseph Robinson bought the mill in1837. The mill was used by them for the dual purpose of plaster manufacture and flour milling. For this use the mill was rebuilt .Taken by Carrs as a flour mill in the 1860s. They used the mill until 1885 when flour milling was transferred to Silloth. Building then bought by the South End Coop and they rebuilt in 1886. Derelict by the 1960s it was demolished in the 1970s. Painted by W.H.Nutter in 1863 [see D.Perriam Denton Holme p24 for illustration]
D.Perriam Denton Holme p24, 67
Cumberland Pacquet 06.05.1789 To be let; ad
CJ 01.05.1819 Sale notice
DENTON MILL COTTAGES, 1 Junction Street [1880 Directory]
DENTON MILL COTTAGES, 10 Junction Street [1880 Directory]
CJ 22.02.1867 Denton Holme estate; Denton Corn Mill built in 1853
CP 24.12.1868 p1 Ad; Denton Mills erected 15 years ago; corn mill
DENTON STREET Street laid out in 1852-53 [Carlisle the Archive Photographs p121]; Asquith’s 1853 survey shows the street laid out and so names it but there are no buildings shown
City Minutes 1919-20 p42-43 Report on construction of 24 council houses
Sanitary Condition of the City of Carlisle 1928 p24 24 houses completed
Memories of Carlisle Chapter 1 Photo of Denton St Railway bridge
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p60 Denton Street Railway bridge
CJ April 1954 Photo of first double-decker bus into Denton Holme following the lowering of the road under the Canal Branch bridge
CN 14.01.2005 p13 Denton Street and the Great Flood
CN 30.09.2011 p23 Row of trees on Denton Street chopped down after two fall onto houses
CN 07.11.2008 p7 Denton Street Cafe feature
Erected about 1881 and known by the name Church of Christ; demolished in 1966 when called Atlas Hall. Plans for the Denton Street Christian Meeting House were submitted to the Council in 1872. Opening service November of that year. Advertised for sale in June 1894 as they had built a new church on the corner of Grey Street and Edward Street, the Elim Church today. Later converted into a recreational hall and called the ‘Atlas Hall’. Unitarians used it from circa May 1939 to 1956. Demolished in 1966 [CN 15.05.2015 p18]
CN 11.02.2005 p4 New business opens; boss Alan Stevenson
CN 03.02.2006 p4 Donald Stewart retires after 35 years in business
DENWOOD’S Queen St, Caldewgate Lemonade manufacturers
CN 17.09.1938 p17 Ad
CD 1952 Ad p254
CD 1955-56 Ad p220
CD 1961-62 Ad p15
CD 1966-68 Ad p252
City Minutes 1898/99 p 346 Approval for new street
Mary Ellen, wife of David Hodge, 4 Derwent Terrace, Moorville, died 11.03.1930 [SMI 239/1]
1924 Carlisle Directory lists 18 properties here
DESIGN AND PRINT Derek House Design and Print formed by Derek House in 1975. Firm sold in 1992 and 3 years later QIC Print set up
CN 07.04.1989 p8 Leading firm with designs on continual print success - ad
CN 29.12.1989 p10 Leading the way
CN 03.04.1992 p1 Blaze rips city print firm
CN 10.04.1992 p7 City print firm beats big blaze
Round Carlisle Cross 3rd series pp21-3 1827 satire upon recent developments
CJ 22.02.1867 Denton Holme estate; development of
CP 22.03.1878 Buildings in Carlisle
City Minutes 1902-03 p298-99 Number of new streets and houses 1881 - 1902
City Council Minutes November 1961 Central Area Development Report
Northern Architect May 1966 pp664-665 (illus)
CN 14.08.1964 p8 CN 21.08.1964 p8 CN 28.08.1964 p8 CN 04.09.1964 p8
CN 24.03.1972 p10 (illus) CN 02.11.1973 p10 (illus) CN 09.11.1973 p11 (illus)
CN 04.12.1964 pp1,13 City Surveyor’s 50 year plan
CJ 26.02.1965 p1 North Region Council
CN 26.02.1965 p1 North Region Council
CN 02.04.1965 p1 Central Area
CJ 03.12.1965 p31 Central Development Area
CN 03.12.1965 pp1,3 Central Development Area
CJ 10.12.1965 p27 Central Area
CN 10.12.1965 pp1,3,24 Central Area
CN 10.06.1966 pp1,22 Central Area; traders writ fears
CN 07.07.1967 pp10,11 Central Area; minister’s decision
CJ 05.04.1968 p3 Central Area
CN 12.12.1969 p8 (illus) Central Area
CN 20.03.1970 pp1,11 (illus) Central Area
CN 10.04.1970 p11 Central Area
CN 03.04.1970 p1,28 (illus) Dias and Co plan; Central Area
CN 11.12.1970 p1 Central Area rents
CN 08.01.1971 p15 Scotch St area
CN 15.01.1971 p1 Scotch St area
CN 12.03.1971 p1 (illus) Scotch St area
CN 07.12.1973 p10 (illus) Carlisle and District Civic Trust plan
CN 30.09.1977 p4 (illus) Plan of 1862
CN 10.02.1995 p1 Facelift adds to £11m budget
CN 24.11.1995 p5 Lottery has key to new theatre
CN 08.12.1995 p6 City leisure plan backed
CN 22.12.1995 p4 Boost for £14m gateway project
CN 16.02.1996 p13 Towards the Millennium
CN 23.02.1996 p1 £19m plan for MU signed
CN 10.05.1996 p6 Council eyes up business park scheme
CN 16.08.1996 p1 21st century city comes under attack
CN 23.08.1996 p1 Speed up plan to get firms on 14MU site
CN 13.09.1996 p1 (illus) Midland turns its back on Botchergate
CN 01.11.1996 p1 Doubts cast as Knighton schemes go to planners
CN 05.12.1997 p10 (illus) How Debenhams could change city’s face
CN 27.02.1998 p3 Millennium and leisure complex
CN 19.06.1998 p3 (illus) New pubs success; £8m boost for Botchergate
CN 26.06.1998 p1 175 jobs for 2 new developments
CN 14.08.1998 p10 2000 and one space oddity (Millennium)
CN 06.11.1998 p12 City of dreams - projects etc
CN 20.11.1998 p12 Urban warfare
CN 08.10.1999 p5 Shape of things to come
CN 14.01.2000 p1 (illus) City to be transformed
CN 08.12.2000 p3 3 superstores may be built and bowling alley in Botchergate
CN 12.01.2001 p1 Developers of Carlisle United land face planning problems
CN 02.03.2001 p13 Letters criticising recent developments in Carlisle
CN 20.04.2001 p9 Plans for new superstore on Lower Viaduct
CN 31.08.2001 p7 Retail development on London Rd site; planning victory
CN 21.12.2001 p5 (Plan) Plan for £11m business park at Rosehill
CN 18.01.2002 p13 Letter saying Rosehill development will increase traffic
CN 15.02.2002 p1 Shopping, leisure and housing development for London Road
CN 01.03.2002 p3 Council considers 3 sites for B and Q superstore
CN 08.03.2002 p3 Work starts on multi million pound development in Botchergate
CN 19.04.2002 p5 New shopping block planned in Scotch Street
CN 28.06.2002 p3 Golden era for Carlisle; new development at all corners
CN 05.07.2002 p13 Letter against proposed food store on Lower Viaduct estate
CN 12.07.2002 p13 Letter for new Tesco development on Lower Viaduct
CN 02.08.2002 p6 City Council guilty of maladministration on planning procedure
CN 06.09.2002 p5 Kentucky Fried Chicken and second Botchergate bar
CN 25.10.2002 p1 New house at Garlands doesn’t have planning permission
CN 15.11.2002 p10 Seeking compensation for house without planning consent
CN 29.11.2002 p5 Dalston Road/Morton Road parkland not for sale
CN 07.02.2003 p18 42-48 Scotch St to go in redevelopment
CN 02.05.2003 p3 Schemes in pipeline for city centre
CN 27.06.2003 p3 Tesco’s proposed Viaduct store would be too big says MP
CN 05.09.2003 p1 Carlisle gets several new shopping developments; Lidl, Tescos
CN 20.02.2004 p5 Charlotte St business park development
CN 19.03.2004 p5 Creighton Rugby Clubs Carrs field to be housing; protests
CN 07.05.2004 p5 New Band Q superstore gets go ahead
CN 18.06.2004 p1 Builders plan 2,700 new homes around and in Carlisle
CN 04.02.2005 p1 Planning on hold as new assessment of flood risk taken.
CN 17.11.2006 p1 Proposed Sainsbury’s on Currock Rd
CN 29.12.2006 p7 Public enquiry over ‘unacceptable’ plans for student flats in Caldewgate
CN 20.04.2007 p3 Planning enquiry over Tesco’s proposed Viaduct store
CN 13.07.2007 p6 Tesco development enquiry
CN 12.10.2007 p3 Tesco’s store on stilts turned down
CN 21.08.2009 p13 Letter concerning planning ‘no joined up thinking’
CN 12.03.2004 p19 New estate agency opens
DEVONSHIRE GROVE, Warwick Rd, near Brunton Place So named on 1901 census, row of 10 houses; on electoral registers under this name until 1903
DEVONSHIRE HOUSE SCHOOL Chatsworth Square; Castle St, Fisher St
No 19 Castle Street became in 1910 part of Devonshire House School which was based in Fisher Street, using 21 Castle Street for borders, No longer required by the school in 1916 no 19 became the offices for the Central Control Board. The garden continued as a playground until Devonshire House School left Fisher Street in 1921 [CN 31.12.2021 p18]
See also Fairlie
1882 Porters Directory Ad p 136 -7 8 Chatsworth Sq; Misses Fairlie Sch
CD 1893-94 Ad p28
CP 07.02.1896 p8a Devonshire House, Chatsworth Square; principals the Misses Fairlie
CD 1902-03 Ad p284
CD 1905-06 Ad p179 21 Castle Street, RM Lidbetter, Private School
CJ 15.06.1900 p8 Miss Fairlie of Devonshire Hse School, 8 Chatsworth Square will reopen their school on 18.09.1900 at Stafford Hse, Nightingale Lane, Clapton Common, London
CD 1907-08 Ad p205
CJ 26.05.1911 p1 For boys and girls, 19 and 21 Castle Street. Miss LM Reynold and the Misses Lidbetter, premises newly equipped. Boarders at 21 with headmistress
CJ 06.07.1906 p1 21 Castle Street now operating as a private school
Carlisle from the Kendall Collection p121 2 photos of pupils
CJ 26.05.1911 p1 Devonshire Hse School at 19 and 21 Castle Street, Misses Reynolds and Lidbetter, boarders at 21 Castle Street
CJ 27.05.1913 p4 ‘Out and About’; mini-pageant; scenes at Carlisle Cross
CJ 07.05.1920 p7 Daltons have sold Devonshire Hse School, Fisher Street to Joseph Graham of Carlisle
CJ 11.05.1920 p5 Devonshire House School acquired by Carlisle Working Men’s Club
CJ 15.06.1923 p1 Advert for Miss FH Harris school for Girls, day and boarding
CJ 22.04.1927 p10 Devonshire House School, 11 Victoria Place. Miss F.S.Harris
CN 03.09.1976 p6
CN 25.05.1990 p4 City’s private schools
DEVONSHIRE PARK Last soccer match played here was against Accrington Stanley 29.04.1909
CJ 19.05.1905 p8 Tenders invited for formation and laying down of a playing pitch also for work in enclosing ground building grandstand for CU Assoc FC
CJ 18.12.1928 p2 Name of Devonshire Park still in use
CN 01.05.1964 p12 Devonshire Park acquired 1905 leased for 14 years from the Duke of Devonshire. Mr H Foxall architect for Duke undertook the layout of the ground for 16,000, grandstand erected and later moved to Brunton Park until its destruction
CN 17.10.1969 p14 Tipping at Brunton Park recalled
CN 18.12.1998 p25 Soccer
DEVONSHIRE STREET Laid out in the 1820s; land belonged to the Duke of Devonshire
CIC p 23 photo of street in 1890s
CP 17.06.1854 p5 New shops, Italian style, south side Devonshre St, east side Eng St
CP 10.07.1868 p1 Ad; Family residence no 9 Devonshire St to be let
CN 10.05.1957 p10 (illus) About 1907
DEVONSHIRE TERRACE One house in terrace dated 1832; land belonged to the Duke of Devonshire
See also Duke of Devonshire’s Estate
CJ 21.07.1832 p1 Cornillon view of city taken from Devonshire Terrace
CJ 20.04.1833 p2 To let recently erected house
CJ 21.05.1842 p1 Dwelling house on Devonshire Terrace, newly-erected
CP 13.11.1857 To be let number 9 Devonshire Terrace
CP 31.05.1878 p1a No 6 Devonshire Tce for sale
CN 15.04.2005 p60 House for sale
CN 12.05.2006 p64 House on Devonshire Tce for sale; photos
CN 09.06.2006 p57 2 Devonshire Tce for sale; large photo
DEVONSHIRE WALK Laid out 1817 on land belonging to the Duke of Devonshire
B/CAR 333.333 Sale of Brown’s Dye Works; plan (acc. no. 3263)
1847 Directory
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map, running along west side of Castle
Leading Traders of the City, circa 1909 p 25 view of Devonshire Walk
175 Years of Carlisle p63 view about 1925
CN 05.08.1950 p4 Boars Head Badge of Richard III
CJ 07.08.1960 p6 Illustration of Devonshire Walk
CN 31.08.2001 p5 Devonshire Walk car park superloo; huge cost of toilet
DEWAR, Mr Dancing Academy
CJ 21.03.1818 p2a Academy in Assembly Rooms
CP 25.03.1826 p2 Dancing classes; Assembly Room, Coffee House
DEWAR, James Mason, died 09.11.1832 [Monumental Inscription St Mary’s Churchyard, the Cathedral; no 102]
DEWS AND CO West Tower St; Close St
CD 1952 Ad p395
CN 17.09.1938 Ad Waste materials merchants
CN 09.03.1990 p8 Ad
CN 14.04.1995 p14 The new Dhaka
CN 19.07.1996 p1 Fasten your seat belts
Jnl of the Lakeland Dialect Society No 39, 1977 pp 7 - 15 How they talk in Carlisle
DIAMOND LIL’S Botchergate
CN 31.12.1976 p1
DIAS AND CO Market St; Fisher St; Lowther St; Lonsdale St
Garage; Cycle Shop; Motor works
D Perriam Lowther Street p35 RJ Dias had started a bicycle shop in 1887,and when motor cars became popular he opened a garage on Lowther Street. They expanded on this site near Kings Arms Lane until the Lanes redevelopment required demolition. One 1974 photo of front of garage.
CD 1893-94 Ad p144
CD 1902-03 Ad p173
CD 1905-06 Ad p134
CD 1907-08 Ad p20
CD 1910-11 Ad p148
CD 1913-14 Ad p164
CD 1940 Ad p156
CD 1952 Ad p334
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p256
CD 1955-56 Ad p261
CD 1961-62 Ad p283
CD 1966-68 Ad p61
CN 17.09.1938 p17 CN 05.02.1938 p9 CJ 04.02.1938
CJ 04.02.1938 p5 Ad
CN 03.02.1978 p11 Merger with Appleyard
DIAS, James Warwick Road
Motor cycles
CD 1924 Ad p274
07.11.1928 Fire at Warwick Rd premises causes £28,000 of damage
DIAS, James P. 149 Botchergate
Gents and boys tailor and music dealer
DIAS, JP Botchergate, opposite the Palace Picture House. Music shop circa 1961. He had a sign he’d put in the window if he had to pop out ‘Gone Chopin Bach in 10 minutes’.
CD 1952 Ad p84
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p265
CD 1955-56 Ad p15 Established 1888
CD 1961-62 Ad p35
CD 1966-68 Ad p268
DICK, Jessie Stuart School
CP 16.12.1870 50 pupils at George Street school
CN 04.03.1988 p1 Coffee shop’s plan for 350
Furniture shop
CN 18.11.1988 p14 Ad feature
CD 1952 Ad p124
CJ 05.01.1962 p1
DIGGLE ROAD This area of land formerly belonged to the Dean and Chapter; Bishop Diggle, Bishops Waldegrave and Percy and Chancellor Prescott are also remembered in this area
CN 27.10.1928 p8 The railway disaster
CN 27.10.1928 p16 Border train smash
CN 27.10.1928 p17 Victims of the disaster and photo of accident
CN 03.11.1928 p6 City in mourning
CN 03.11.1928 p12 Government enquiry at Carlisle
CN 11.06.1971 p15 Made redundant
CP 09.10.1819 p1a,b Rules and orders for new society
DIOCESE OF CARLISLE Diocese of Carlisle was founded by King Henry I in 1133; in 1856 the archdeaconry of Westmorland, a large district, was transferred from the Diocese of Chester to the Diocese of Carlisle. This meant that the new Diocese comprised the whole of Cumberland, apart from Alston which is in the Diocese of Newcastle, the whole of Westmorland, apart from the parish of Firbank and that part of Lancashire which is north of the Sands [Kellys 1938 Directory p62]
CN 25.11.1994 p10 100 years ago citizens flocked...
City Minutes 1902-03 p165 and on; considerable increase in the number of cases
City Minutes 1913-14 p578 -581 57 notified cases and 9 deaths
Medical Officer of Health Annual report 1969 pp 38 - 42 Occurrences 1890 on
DIRECT RAILWAY SERVICES Carlisle based; established 1995
Work began in1967 on a new diesel depot at Kingmoor to serve Carlisle. The diesel era brought the demand for more modern facilities and the old steam shed at Kingmoor was eventually to be closed from January 1st 1968. At the same time the new Kingmoor diesel maintenance depot opened. The new facility handled all routine maintenance for diesel locomotives and multiple units and examinations of electric locomotives. With privatisation and the introduction of the High Speed trains in 1997 the BR depot was largely redundant. This was reopened as Direct Rail Services HQ on 21.09.1998. A brochure in 2013 stated that DRS was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, the company established in 1995 as a lynch pin supplier of transport and associated services to the nuclear industry
D Perriam Stanwix p59
CN 14.02.2003 p16 Ten new locomotives for BNFL owned rail hauliers
CN 02.06.2006 p14 Move into general freight market; employs 250 people
CN 21.08.2009 p20 DRS seeks new business
CN 07.10.2011 p31 Feature on Neil McNicholas, director of DRS in Carlisle. Employs 150 people in city
CN 05.08.2016 p19 DRS gets new class 88 locomotives. Operates more than 100 locomotives, employs 440 staff
CN 17.11.1995 p5 Mucky streets
CN 27.02.2004 p8 Ad feature; new offices Kingmoor Park
See also H.K.Campbell School; Blind; Workshops for the Blind; James Rennie School
The first class in Carlisle for Physically handicapped Children was started in 1908 in Denton Holme School; it moved to Newtown School on the opening of that building in 1916 and H.K.Campbell ‘open air school’ opened in May 1930 [City of Carlisle Education Week 1958 p25 1BC 370]
D.Perriam Carlisle Remembered, p58/59 illus Invalid motor car in 1945
CN 23.02.1990 p7 New support group
CN 15.03.1991 p11 Plea to speed cash for...
CN 16.04.1992 p7 Centre for disabled
CN 24.04.1992 p11 New centre for disabled is launched
CN 08.05.1992 p12 Ad
CN 04.09.1992 p10 Ad
CN 10.09.1993 p8 Ad
CN 17.06.1994 p3 No parking spaces for disabled
CN 13.01.1995 p13 Disabled to get free wheelchairs
CN 19.05.1995 p4 Shopmobility scheme grows
CN 25.04.1997 p8 (illus) Champagne opening of path for disabled people
CN 25.04.1997 p9 £90,000 plan to adapt church for the disabled is on course
CN 19.12.1997 p3 Post Office parking made into taxi rank
CN 13.10.2000 p3 Disabled access is adequate for disabled; Irishgate Bridge
CN 22.06.2001 p17 Carlisle may get Cumbria’s first playground for disabled
CN 13.07.2001 p3 Fine for disabled driver
CN 25.01.2002 p15 Disabled driver objects to new Lanes parking rules; letter p 13
CN 28.06.2002 p12 Disabled student Judith Holmshaw to meet Queen at party
CN 26.07.2002 p 6 Wardens told to go easy on disabled drivers; letter page 13
CN 13.02.2004 p1 Disabled pensioner has to drive wheelchair on road
CN 20.02.2004 p 31 letters concerning dropped pavements for disabled
CN 12.03.2004 p3 Disabled fishing plan for Rickerby Park
CN 14.09.2012 p12 Feature on disabled in city
CN 14.05.1971 p2 CN 16.07.1971 p24 CN 03.09.1971 p15
CN 25.07.2003 p13 Letter concerning disc parking; no clear signage
DISPENSARY Abbey Street; then part of Tithe Barn; then Chapel St.; the increasing numbers of the sick poor who sought free medical advice from Dr Heysham made it imperative upon him to have a larger room than the one attached to his lodgings on St Cuthbert’s Lane, and this lead him to think of a public medical institution for the destitute poor of the city. He mentioned his views to Dean Percy of Carlisle, and some of the wealthier class. The former provided Dr Heysham with a room attached to one of the prebendal residences, then approached from Castle Street by a narrow lane. Subscriptions were got up and the Dispensary was established on 01.07.1782 [Life of Dr Heysham, H.Lonsdale pp66-68] for the purposes of administering medical and surgical treatment with the supply of medicines to ‘such persons as are really necessitous’, without delay or expense, providing that they have a ‘letter of recommendation’ from a Governor [subscribing Ten Guineas per annum, entitling him to recommend an unlimited number of patients] or a Subscriber of One Guinea [entitling him to have two patients constantly on the books] ‘In case of accidents.....proper objects will receive assistance, upon application, without a letter of recommendation’. Patients were seen at the surgery from 9 -11am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and those too ill to attend were visited in their homes. The first physician was John Heysham MD, Surgeon, Mr William Graham and Apothecary Mr Watson; in the first year 390 patients appeared on the books; circa 1805 carried out ‘in the entrance of the Abbey up a narrow passage’ [CP 19.09.1857] ; re-established 01.02.1810 in room over Abbey Gate; in the early years annual reports detail the recurring outbreaks of ‘Hooping-Cough’, Measels, Cholera, Smallpox and Typhus Fever. In 1825 moved into part of Tithe Barn; 1832 the Dispensary treated 371 cases of Cholera in the big epidemic which arose in this country after the arrival of a man with cholera who entered the British Isles at Sunderland from India. In Carlisle Cathedral is a memorial to William Frederick Hildebrand, for many years apothecary to the Carlisle Dispensary, who rendered invaluable services to the poor during the awful ravages of the Cholera in this city in 1832, died 20.01.1842. The operatives resident in and about Caldewgate, were reported as raising a subscription in order to present a silver-snuff box to Hildebrand as an acknowledgement of his unwearied attentions to the discharge of his duties among the poor, during the prevalence of the Cholera Carlisle. Dispensary report for 1831 stated No disease has attracted more attention than the epidemy known by the name of cholera. The devastations it has committed abroad, and its recent appearance in our own land, render it a subject of great and awful interest. By 1855 conditions in the Tithe Barn had become unsatisfactory ‘The present site has a gloomy atmosphere with the associations of the burial ground of St Cuthbert’s churchyard, whilst the floor below is almost undermined by rats’ ; Chapel Street Dispensary dated 1857; foundation stone laid 17.09.1857, John Hodgson architect, Messrs Wright and Sons builders, edifice to be Prudham stone; Dr Stewart Lockie was appointed as the first House Surgeon in 1858, and for the first time a dentist, Mr Richard Duncan, was also appointed. Soon 3,000 - 3,500 were being treated annually of whom half required to be visited in the home; in 1900, 3192 patients were seen, 1779 being attended at home and 1413 outpatients; there were 160 cases of influenza, 102 of Whooping Cough, 71 of Measles, 11 of Scarlet Fever, 452 cases of Bronchitis and 28 of Tuberculosis; 212 cases of diarrhoea in children resulted in 11 deaths and Marasums in a further 4 deaths. Finances were a continual problem. By 1929 about 4,000 patients each year were attending the Dispensary or being seen at their home; renovated reopened 04.12 1934. 1934 was also the centenary of the death of Dr Heysham and celebrations were organised in the city. Dr Heysham being the founder of the Dispensary it was only natural that the Dispensary played an important part in the celebrations. A personal memory pre 1948 is being taken as a child in the 1930s to the Dispensary, ‘you’d go here if you couldn’t afford the doctor. It seemed no matter what the complaint you came away with a bottle of Parrishes Food, a good iron tonic which unfortunately made your teeth go black. You went and just waited’. In 1924 the opening hours were advertised as; 3pm in the afternoon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, the dentist being in attendance on Wednesday morning from 10am. The resident medical officer at this time being Kathleen R Snodgrass. The National Health Service heralded the end of the Dispensary, 5th July 1948 being the date on which on which the new Service began. From this date the families that attended the Carlisle Dispensary became registered patients of Dr Elizabeth McFarlane, who now rented the Chapel Street premises and practised as part of the National Health Service. The Dispensary remained in the hands of the Committee until it was sold in 1962. Meanwhile they continued to manage the funds which had accrued over the years, until 4th February 1963; on this date the Carlisle Dispensary ceased to exist and, through the Charity Commissioners, a new Trust was formed under the title of the ‘Carlisle Sick Poor Fund’ with all its monies invested in the name of the Official Custodian for Charities. Over those years over 470,000 patients were treated and this had been made possible by money given by the citizens of Carlisle
Hospitals of Cumberland A 841
CJ 26.05.1865 p4 CN 19.05.1934 CN22.02.1936 p4 CJ 23.02.1940p5
CN 24.02.1940 p3 CN 24.05.1957 p10
CPacquet 02.04.1782 p3 Meeting of the subscribers 10/04 to carry matters forward
CPacquet 16.04.1782 p2 Report of meeting
1810 Picture of Carlisle and Directory p 115 list of staff
Jollie 1811 Founded 01.07.1782 in Abbey Street
CP 06.02.1819 p2 Annual meeting of subscribers; report; p4 report for year 1818
CP 08.05.1819 p3a Subscribers fall short of expenditure
CP 10.02.1821 p3 c-e Annual General Meeting
01.02.1825 Annual meeting
CJ 11.02.1826 p3c Annual meeting
The Citizen April 1830 pp641-3
1847 Directory p133-134
CJ 20.02.1847 p2c Annual meeting
Carlisle Examiner 22.09.1857 p4 Foundation stone of new Dispensary
CP 19.09.1857 Laying foundation stone; history of Institution to date
Carlisle Examiner 15.12.1857 p3d Building report
Carlisle Examiner 25.03.1858 p3a-c Opening report
Carlisle Examiner 17.02.1859 p2d,e Annual meeting
1901 Directory pp 876-877
CJ 19.03.1948 p3 National Health Service
CN 14.12.1990 p4 Dispensary cared for poor of city
CN 14.12.1990 p4 Doctor who proved the value of inoculations
CN 28.05.2004 p4 Doctor steps from Carlisle Sick Poor Fund, est 1782
V.White Carlisle and its Villages; drawing of property p 15
DISTRICT BANK (Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co) English St
CD 1920 Ad p30
CD 1924 Ad p86
CD 1927 Ad p94
CD 1931 Ad p112
CD 1934 Ad p124
CD 1937 Ad p242
DITCH The City Wall was surrounded by a deep ditch, access to the gateways being by drawbridge, the outer limits of the ditch formed the city boundary;
DIXON, Miss English St
Dress and mantle maker
CD 1880 Ad pxliv
DIXON, George Woollen draper, aged 39, home address 79 English St, born Hesket [1861 census]
DIXON, Henry Rope maker, employing 2 men and 5 boys, aged 58, resident Newtown [1851 census]
DIXON, Henry Charles St
1861 Directory Morris, Harrison and Co Ad p18 Engineer and millwright
1861 census Henry Dixon, millwright, aged 29, born Wigton, home Charles St
DIXON, J Lowther St
CJ 14.09.1962 p11 Ad. Edinburgh House [this was the ex David Thomson building and in 2010 Argos] opens today
CJ 29.06.1962 p1
DIXON, James Auctioneer; died 20.11.1861 [Monumental Inscription 71/17]
DIXON, P.J.G. English St, Caledonian Yard
Coke, coal, lime and brick merchant
Guide to Carlisle C178 Ad
CD 1880 Ad pxlix
1882 Porters Directory Ad p54 office 25 English St; depot Caledonian Yard
CD 1884-85 Ad p259
CD 1902-03 Ad p9
CD 1905-06 Ad p262
CD 1907-08 Ad p86
CD 1910-11 Ad p10
CD 1913-14 Ad p8
CD 1913-14 Ad p70
DIXON, Peter and Sons Shaddongate Mill; West Tower Street; Cotton spinners ;
See also Dixon’s chimney
The firm of Peter Dixon and Sons was founded by Peter Dixon the elder. He was born on 23rd October 1753 in Whitehaven. In 1807 Peter moved to the Langthwaite Mill, Warwick Bridge, which had been built by three of his wife’s brothers in 1791. In 1809 Peter’s sons, Peter and John, joined their father in the Langthwaite Mill and the business became known as Peter Dixon and Sons. By the 1830s the Langthwaite Mill was inadequate for the increasing volume of work the company was doing. The business was already using warehouses in Fisher Street and West Tower Street in Carlisle so it seemed logical to build a new mill on the west of the city. In 1834 Shaddongate was selected. It was near the Canal Basin for cotton to come by ship from Liverpool and for finished cloth to be exported and close to the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway for coal supplies. Richard Tattersall, a Manchester architect, was contracted to design and superintend the construction of a mill ‘to rival all the glories of Manchester and other places’. In February 1835 the foundation stone of the new mill was laid and on September 11th the foundation stone for the chimney was laid and the first brick was laid on 17th September by Richard Wright. Built in red sandstone the mill remains largely intact. The seven storey stone building [including the power transmission house] was 224ft 6 inches long with 22 bays by 56 feet 6 inches, three aisles, wide. The floors were heated by steam and well ventilated and each floor had a toilet and wash basin for the work force [CJ 03.12.1836]. The most significant structural feature of the mill was its fireproof construction. This comprised a cast-iron frame of two rows of 21 cast-iron columns clamps at the upper end by 66 longitudinal beams and 42 transverse wrought iron ties. A shallow firebrick vault spanned each aisle. Documentary evidence indicates that the Manchester engineer William Fairbairn was involved in the design of the cast-iron structure at the heart of the Shaddon Mill. The mill is the earliest surviving example of a fireproof mill built using Hodgkinson cast-iron beam design promoted by 19th century Manchester engineer William Fairbairn.The three pitched roofs were supported by 60 wooden king post trusses built from Baltic pine. On the seventh floor upon the tie beams to bays 7,8,9,and 15 were markings that may well be associated with the Baltic timber trade of the late 18th and early 19th century. The floor tiles were stamped R.Ashton and Co, Buckley. At the western end of the mill was the seven storey, four bay, power transmission house. At the west end of this was the four storey engine house. The engine house contained two 80hp condensing beam engines built by Rothwell and Co of Bolton. At the west end of the engine house was the two storey boiler house. The boiler house contained four 8 ton boilers also supplied by Rothwell [CJ 03.12.1836] and were towed here on a barge from Liverpool to Port Carlisle and were installed during April and May [CJ 28.05.1836]. The tapered chimney at 305 feet high was believed to be the tallest structure in the world at the time. Mr Burgess of Water Street Foundry constructed a gas works to supply gas to the mill ‘which was nearly as large as the present Carlisle gas works’ [CJ 09.07.1836]. No exact figures survive for the cost of the whole complex but the City Council estimated in 1836 that it could be no less than 150,000 pounds [CJ 14.05.1836] . In 1847 it was estimated that the firm employed around 8,000 hands, although only around 700 were working at the Shaddongate Mill, many being handloom weavers. By the early 1860s the firm reached its peak. The American Civil War cut off cotton supplies. ‘The Carlisle cotton mills had been very reliant on the American market, since the plantation owners regularly place large orders for ginghams to clothe their slaves and to save expense seldom required the pattern to be changed from one order to the next. The emancipated Negro naturally demanded a choice and it has been suggested that the golden age of cotton spinning in Carlisle ended when the Carlisle manufacturers failed to adept to the new world’. In 1871 the firm announced that it would stop using hand-loom weavers. About 600 new power looms were installed at Shaddon Mill and a further 229 at Peter Street. However the Carlisle Journal of 12.07.1872 reported that the firm was convening a meeting with a view to going into liquidation. The Carlisle Journal of 02.08.1872 announced there was a deficiency of 66,547 pounds 6s 1d. The Carlisle Journal of 03.12.1872 reported that a joint stock company under the title of Peter Dixon and Sons Ltd was being formed. In February 1883 this firm had also passed into liquidation. Taken over by Robert Todd and Son in 1882
see also Shaddongate Mill
Bulmer, 1884, pp51-52 A23
Mannix 1847 p147 A21
Kelly’s 1873 p823 A28
Carleola no 76 July 1968 pp 8-10 An old Carlisle industry
CJ 01.11.1949 p2 CN 25.02.1950 p2 CN 28.07.1961 p10 CJ 18.10.1963 p1
CN 15.02.1985 p4
CP 18.10.1834 Tenders invited to build cotton mill in Shaddongate
CJ 21.02.1835 Laying foundation stone
CJ 02.04.1836 14 horses pulling boiler from Bolton for new factory
CJ 28.05.1836 Another boiler arrived pulled by 14 horses
CJ 09.07.1836 To manufacture own gas
CJ 20.04.1839 Dispute between architect and owner; Tattersal v Dixon
CP 18.12.1846 p2 Fire at Shaddongate
Carlisle Examiner 17.08.1858 p2f Dixon’s power looms - serious accident
CP 03.08.1861 p8e Letter; Dixon’s handloom weavers cannot earn 15s a week
CJ 24.10.1865 p2 Trouble with weavers
28.04.1866 Death of Peter Dixon aged 77 [MI Saint Paul’s Warwick Bridge]
CJ 04.08.1871 Handloom weaving is being superseded by power looms
CJ 05.09.1871 p2 Dixon’s property on Fisher St and West Tower Street sold to Messrs Gilbanks and Sons, grocer
CP 09.08.1872 p2b Ad. for liquidation sale for Shaddongate Works etc
CP 30.08.1872 p3b Report on liquidation sale
CP 30.10.1874 p1 Ad; For sale Peter Dixon’s (Limited) West Tower St buildings
CJ 01.06.1888 p1 For sale. Two large houses on Fisher Street, warehouses, dyeworks etc to West Tower Street ‘the property formerly belonged to the late firm of Messrs Peter Dixon and Sons and was occupied by them as offices and warehouses and was recently occupied by John Hutton Gillbanks’
DIXON, Thomas Attorney at law; Bailey’s Northern Directory, 1784
DIXON, William Boot and shoe maker employing 4 men, aged 38, born Carlisle, home address Wood Street near Crown St [1851 census]
DIXON, William Lowther St; furniture warehouse
1851 Ward’s North of England Directory; Ad p1; moved from Old Bush Lane
DIXON, William Cabinetmaker and furniture broker, aged 37, born Brampton, employing 3 men and 6 boys, home address 3 Hartington Place [1861 census]
6 houses [as part of a 74 housing estate built for Carlisle Corporation] were built on Dixon Place by local builder EJ Hill being completed and occupied by September 1921. .Clough Williams-Ellis described the whole estate as ‘The new style, Corporation built houses on the Stanwix Estate. Light, air and flowers’. [CWAAS , 2016, Vol 16 p62-4]
D Perriam Stanwix p57
DIXON ROAD, Kingmoor
18 houses [as part of a 74 housing estate built for Carlisle Corporation] were built on Dixon Road by local builder EJ Hill being completed and occupied by September 1921. .Clough Williams-Ellis described the whole estate as ‘The new style, Corporation built houses on the Stanwix Estate. Light, air and flowers’. [CWAAS , 2016, Vol 16 p62-4]
DIXONS Electronic shop
CN 24.06.2005 p3 Shop in Lanes to close on July 9th
DIXON’S ARMS Botcherby; in local directory for 1855
See also Star Inn
DIXON’S CHIMNEY Built by Richard Wright of Carlisle for Peter Dixon’s cotton factory; architect R.Tattersall of Manchester; originally 300 feet high from ground level; height 320 feet and 6 inches from foundation; outside measurement at ground line 17 feet 4 inches; foundation stone laid 11.09.1835; last coping stone laid 25.10.1836; damaged by lightning 1931; reduced in height by about 12 feet in 1950; now (1977) assumed to be about 290 feet. (Tall Chimney Construction by R.M. and F.J.Bancroft, 1885)
See also; Dixon, Peter; Shaddongate Mill
CN 05.07.1952 p5 CN 28.06.1957 p10 CN 05.07.1957 p8 CJ 14.04.1961 p4
CN 21.11.1975 p6 CN 14.11.1975 pp3,6 CN 16.01.1976 p6
CN 14.08.1970 p26 CN 25.09.1970 p1(illus) CN 04.09.1981 p10 (illus)
CN 15.02.1985 p5 ENS 14.02.1987 p4
CJ 29.10.1836 Laying of last stone
CJ 04.06.1895 Steeplejacks wished every chimney as safe
CJ 26.05.1931 Damaged by lightning
CJ 26.03.1937 p6 A climb up Carlisle’s landmark
CN 15.02.1947 p5 Shortening
CN 18.02.1950 p7 (illus) To lose about 12 feet and general history
CN 01.04.1950 Photo of top being taken off chimney
ENS 10.11.1960 p1 Flag (pyjamas) on Dixon’s chimney
CJ 18.10.1963 p1 (illus) And National Trust
CN 13.09.1968 p26 (illus) Struck by lightning
CN 20.06.1969 p26 Repairs
CN 22.08.1969 pp 1,12,26 To be shortened
CN 29.08.1969 p12 In 1836
CN 05.06.1970 p15 Appeal to save shortening
CN 26.06.1970 p12 Reprieve
CN 14.08.1970 p26 (illus) Repairs
CN 12.12.1975 p6 (illus) Mick Potts and workmen on top
CN 21.11.1975 (illus) Glass which survived 300 feet fall; inscribed on base
CN 20.11.1987 p23 Dixon’s chimney offered as free gift to city
CN 27.11.1987 p4 Bought by Steve Cochrane
CN 22.04.1988 p11 Tallest chimney for sale
CN 10.01.1992 p10 Golden memories of the great Border city
CN 24.01.1992 p5 Chimney in need of repairs
CN 14.02.1992 p3 Chimney daredevils revealed at last
CN 20.03.1992 p4 Early problem with chimney
CN 23.12.1993 p1 Sparks fly at Dixon’s Chimney
CN 01.07.1994 p1 Carlisle’s favourite landmark faces the chop
CN 08.07.1994 p10 The sky’s the limit (suggestions for Dixon’s)
CN 15.07.1994 p6 Scaling the heights (suggestions for Dixon’s)
CN 09.12.1994 p5 City to meet over future of chimney
CN 17.03.1995 p4 RAF examine chimney
CN 15.09.1995 p2 Historic city chimney saved
CN 04.10.1996 p1 The people’s chimney
CN 04.10.1996 p3 (illus) Pollution - busting Dixon’s chimney just a pipe dream...
ENS 18.06.1996 p9 (illus) Don’t pull it down
CN 14.03.1997 p15 Postcard photo circa 1913
CN 28.03.1997 p14 £400 chimney
CN 02.05.1997 p3 (illus) Shakes and ladder
CN 27.03.1998 p3 Chimney work to begin
CN 27.03.1998 p1 Chimney challenge
CN 22.05.1998 p1 Sir Chris gives heartbeat a lift
CN 20.11.1998 p5 (illus) Safe in her steel corset
CN 22.01.1999 p6 Trudy Whalley you’re a brick
CN 11.06.1999 p17 Article English Heritage
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p189 photo from Kendal St in 2000
DIXON’S COURT, Duke Street [1880 Directory]
DIXON’S COURT, 42 Milbourne Street [1880 Directory]
Marked on 1st ed 50 inch OS map
DIXONS PLACE, Duke Street [1934 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory before 9 Duke Street
DIXON’S SCHOOL Opened 26.09.1836 [Mannix 1847 p139] adjoining the cotton factory in Shaddongate
Marked on 1st ed 50 inch OS map
CD 1844 p 27 Opened 26.09.1836
Mannix 1847 p139 Children pay two pence a week
CP 16.12.1870 Elementary Education in city; 273 on roll, attending 216
CJ 11.10.1872 p4 Carlisle School Board has finally decided to take Messrs Dixon’s Shaddongate Schools into their own management
George Smith’s 1752 Map of the Soccage Lands of Carlisle calls the area which is today Corporation Road, Warwick Street and Dixon St Battle Holme and Hangmans Close. No houses are marked on Hangmans Close or Battle Holme The name Battle Holme is apparently meant to indicate battle in a judicial sense
A published map of 1815 of Carlisle shows an unnamed road extending from the southern end of the new Eden bridges, built 1812 - 1815, connecting to Finkle Street and so through Annetwell Street, Caldewgate and all points west.
Woods 1821 Map of Carlisle shows this road and names it the ‘New Road’. It was built across Corporation land, hence the later name. The 1821 map marks the land to the north of the New Road’ as ‘Properties of the Corporation’; that to the south of the road being owned by the Duke of Devonshire. An area around here is still called ‘Hangmans Close’ on the 1821 map. The 1844 Directory map still calls it The New Road and there are no buildings shown on it except at the elbow with Rickergate. By the time of the 1851 census the New Road has become Corporation Road
Peter Dixon had the Shaddongate Cotton Mill. Dixon expanded his textile works in 1849 and built additional works in the West Tower Street area. New streets were laid out. Warwick Street was laid out in 1855 [Dixon’s had a cotton factory at Warwick on Eden]. His name is remembered in the adjoining Peter Street, first noted on the 1861 census and Dixon Street, first noted in the Carlisle directory of 1858
The buildings on Warwick Street were demolished in 1939 to make way for the new fire and police stations which were opened on 16.08.1940 and 17.04.1941 respectively. On the south side of Warwick Street, opposite the fire station, were built attractive cottages for permanent members of the fire brigade. The main contractor for the two new stations was John Laing. The buildings are faced in Greenlaw stone from Northumberland and the architect was Percy Dalton.
In 1964 some of the houses in this area were declared unfit for human habitation, the Cumberland News of 08.05.1964 saying that inspectors had found some houses in the area were without internal water and inside toilets. There was a public inquiry and the Cumberland News in September 1964 reported that an appeal by property owners against demolition had been rejected by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and a total of 95 properties on Corporation Road, Dixon St, Dacre St, Solway Terrace and Clifford St were to be demolished
Castleway, part of stage two of the inner ring road, officially opened on 27.03.1974. The construction of the road was over parts of the west end of Corporation Road as well as what was Solway Street, Solway Terrace and Dacre Street. Dixon Street and Clifford although still there in name today lie under Castleway.
CJ 22.08.1865 p2 20 Freehold houses, Solway Tce, Dixon St, Clifford St; built about 13 years ago, knocked down to John Slack for £2,185
DMK Auto electrics
CN 30.06.2006 p4 obit of Dennis McKeating who founded the firm
DMS Kingstown Industrial Estate
CN 06.04.2001 p19 Ad
DOBINSON, Henry Attorney at law; Bailey’s Northern Directory, 1784
DOBINSON, Thomas Attorney at Law; children died 1716 and 1721 [Monumental Inscription St Mary’s, Cathedral; no 521]
DOBINSON, William 1810 Picture of Carlisle and Directory p 125, Solicitor, English St
DOBINSON ROAD Tom Dobinson was Chairman of the Housing Committee at this time
City Minutes 1933-34 p186 New street to be named Dobinson Rd
DOCKER, F.W. and Sons Peter St
Wholesale fruit and Potato merchants
CD 1952 Ad p358
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p240
CD 1955-56 Ad pxi
CD 1961-62 Ad p84
CD 1966-68 Ad inside back cover
Position marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
CJ 21.01.1913 p4 Dr James lived in the house fronting English street that was until recently the Commercial Hotel .Dr James Court is now known as Old Post Office Court
1547 John Dawson. barber-surgeon, brought an action against John Haw, a physician, for 20d, Medieval Carlisle Summerson p670
16.04.1703 Bladder operation Bp Nicolson’s Diaries, CWAAS ns vol 46, p193
1754 Travelling doctor, Joseph Hodgson, buried in city; CWAAS OS Vol 2 p349
29.01.1755 In a letter so dated the Carlisle Doctor James Douglas describes inoculation of Small-pox in that year [See E165 for a copy of the letter]
25.06.1757 Graham, J. Apothecary and surgeon died 25.06.1757; [MI St Cuth Yd]
CP 20.01.1837 Death of R.Harrington, MD [CWAAS ns vol 46 p116]
M.Edwards Our City Our People pp26-7 Memories of local doctors around 1900
Margaret Forster Hidden Lives p124 Lily’s [Margaret’s mother] doctor was Dr Stephenson, her parent’s-in-law’s family doctor. She disliked him intensely and didn’t know why she had allowed herself to be persuaded to register with him. He was a big, fat, red-faced man, very gruff, totally lacking in any bedside manner. It was acutely embarrassing to go to him [1930s]
1924 Carlisle Directory the resident medical officer at the Dispensary Kathleen R Snodgrass, MB
CN 04.05.1990 p27 Surgery will help Raffles
CN 18.09,1992 p10 City medical group in new surgery
CN 17.02.1995 p8 Doctors surgery plan backed
CN 15.09.1995 p3 Doctors plan new surgery
CN 15.12.1995 p12 Traditional doctors shun new city setup
CN 25.07.2003 p6 Profile of Dr Jollie who came to Carlisle in 1948
CN 26.09.2003 p3 Obstetrician Dr Josephine Williamson dies; feature
CN 24.12.2003 p1 Surgery at 65 Warwick Rd closes list to new patients
CN 10.09.2004 p12 Typical day at London Road surgery
DODD, James Hosier of this city 20.07.1832; Monumental Inscription St Cuthbert’s Yard
DODD, Jas Fisher St
CD 1902-03 Ad p15
CD 1905-06 Ad p178
DODD, Thomas and Co West Walls; Abbey St
CD 1952 Ad p326
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad p253
CD 1955-56 Ad p256
CD 1961-62 Ad p15
CD 1966-68 Ad p278
DODD and CO Started in Carlisle in November 1981
CN 23.11.2001 p14 20 years for Dodd and Co
CN 06.05.2005 p14 Futuristic new £1.5m home on Montgomery Way
CN 07.10.2005 p15 To expand its Rosehill base
CN 18.05.2007 p20 Unveils 1.5m headquarters at Rosehill
DODGHSON, J and W Lowther St
CD 1893-94 Ad p182 82b Lowther St; late H.Andrews
CJ 20.07.1894 p3 Bankruptcy; other businesses as well
CJ 31.07.1894 p3 Bankruptcy
Carte de visite noted J and W Dodgshon late H.Andrews
DODGSHUN, Edward J FRIBA, Architect. Went into partnership with George Dale Oliver which continued until Mr Dodgshun’s retirement from bad health. Their firm known as Oliver and Dodgshun had offices in Carlisle and Leeds
DOG INN Bridge Street; in local directory for 1855
DOG INN, Kingstown, 1874 may be the Pointer Dog of the same year and the Spaniel Dog Inn of 1877 [so marked on the OS map of 1865]. This became the Kings Arms Inn by 1879. The Kings Arms closed in 1917
DOG AND BULL Peascod’s Lane; in local directories to 1902-03
1841 census; Old Dog and Bull, Francis Carrick, aged 55, publican
CP 02.07.1880 p1b
1891 census; John Green, publican, aged 34, born Cumwhitton
1901 census Joseph Heap, publican, aged 54, born Kendal
Dormont Book of 1561 Itm that all mastive doges going abrod in the street unmuseled thowner and maister thereof shall pay and forfet..[Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle p70 See also p294]
CP 04.11.1892 p7 Dog, Poultry and Pigeon Show; 3rd in last 10 years; last 1887
CJ 02.03.1894 p7 Letter; dirt and filth from dogs in Lonsdale St and Warwick Rd
CJ 19.04.1938 p1 Annual dog show (Market Hall)
CN 14.06.1991 p5 Cleaning up dog dirt
CN 09.12.1994 p3 Mum’s fight to save danger dog
CN 09.12.1994 p1 Fat dog warning
CN 23.12.1994 pp1,8 Judge hits at £10,000 cost of death row dog
CN 30.12.1994 p1 Abandoned - an Xmas puppy
CN 13.12.1996 p1 (illus) Abused dog
CN 28.06.2002 p5 Dogs out of control on Botcherby estate
DOIDGE, Frederick, Butcher, 6-8 Tullie Street, shop and residence of butcher. There from at least 1911 - 1931. Mr Doidge was from Devonport, died 16.05.1940. Property in 2023 still has the appearance of a 19th century shop facade. His daughter Hannah married Thomas Wharton Moore, car dealer of Fisher St and Lowther Street
1924 Carlisle Directory
DO IT ALL London Road
CN 08.10.1993 p1 New doubt over Do It All
DOLAN’S Lowther St
D Perriam Lowther Street p37 Photo of man with advertising boards, 95 Lowther Street
CD 1940 Ad p156
CN 18.01.1947 p6 First held
CJ 17.01.1947 p1 First held
DONA COURT, Crown Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 22 Crown Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 22-24 Crown Street
DONALD BROTHERS Cotton Manufacturers and Dyers; Denton Hill Works. In Three Generations of a Textile Family, p 125, it says that Mortons ‘chose Mr Donald’s Mill to move into in circa 1899. It was then in a somewhat dilapidated state and had been disused for years. It had been built as a cotton weaving and dyeing mill (cotton dyed by the natural indigo process had been sent from it to the four corners of the world), and therefore the building was basically suitable, although it had to be entirely re-roofed, and it stood on over forty acres, in part of which some expansion might be possible. It also included a terrace of employees houses. It had a fine old beam engine, housed in a handsome sandstone building and with an immense fly-wheel, which supplied all the power, and which the writer still remembers in action’
1851 census, Matthewman Donald, aged 28, cotton manufacturer, hm Cavendish Pl
Asquith’s 1853 map marks the Denton Hill Works with its power loom sheds
CA/E4/ 641 1861 5 cottages for Donald Brothers, cotton manufacturers and dyers, Denton Hill
CA/ E4/ 758 2 new cottages - 1861
CA/ E4/ 837 Convert 1st and 2nd floors of old dye house into 6 cottages - 1862
CA/ E4/ 594 Additions and alterations to Denton Hill works. Raise main block by two stories, rebuild one block as warehouse, Messrs Donald and Brothers - 1876
CA/ E4/ 12563 WC in offices Messrs Donald Brothers, Milbourne Cres - 1895
CP 28.07.1871 Col f Messrs Donald now only firm in city who employ handloom weavers
25.12.1885 Matthewman Donald, senior partner in company died
CJ 10.06.1890 Local Jottings Announced that Messrs Donald Brothers are about to retire from business
CJ 02.05.1807 p1 Ad for sale of premises on Caldew
DONALDS BUILDINGS, Willow Holme [1829 Directory and 1847 Directory]
DONALDS COURT, Union Street [1934 Directory]
1880 Directory 81 Union Street
1924 Carlisle directory listed between nos 57-83 Union Street
1880 Directory 23 Willow Holme
1880 Directory 25 Willow Holme
City Minutes 1915-16 p322 Advertisement for demolition of houses in court
1924 Carlisle Directory lists after 19 Willow Holme
CP 23.02.1861 p5b Mill destroyed by fire
CN 30.06.2000 p9 Donald’s Willow Holme Mill
DON[N]ALDS PRINT FIELDS Marked at Willow Holme on Cole’s 1805 map
DONALDSON, William 12 - 16 Abbey St
Furniture dealers
CD 1893-94 Ad p34
CD 1902-03 Ad p6
CD 1905-06 Ad p15
CD 1907-08 Ad p111
CD 1910-11 Ad p138
CD 1913-14 Ad p96
CD 1920 Ad p128
CD 1924 Ad p148
DONALDSON BROTHERS Palace Arcade, Botchergate
Cabinet makers and undertakers
CD 1913-14 Ad p80
CD 1920 Ad p164
CD 1924 Ad p52
CD 1927 Ad p52
CD 1931 Ad p140
CD 1934 Ad p128
CD 1937 Ad p110
CD 1940 Ad p50
Furnishers and Estate Agents
CN 29.04.1960 p1 CJ 09.02.1962 p1
DONALDSONS COURT, off Drovers Lane
So marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
CN 17.02.2012 p 22.Firms expands. Founded by Mr Vasey in the 1940s
DONELLY, Thomas Robert St
1882 Porters Directory Ad p152 Carter and general dealer
1891 census Thomas Donnelly, carter, born Wigton, home Currock Villa
CJ 10.03.1891 Thomas Donnelly, carting contractor, furniture remover, apply Currock Villa or 39 Botchergate
DONNELLY, Michael Friars Court; 10 Lowther St
Bill poster
Guide to Carlisle Ad C178
CD 1880 Ad pxlii
1882 Porters Directory Ad p130 Foot of Lowther St
CD 1884-85 Ad p264
1891 census; Michael Donnelly, billposter, 66, home 10 Lowther St, bn Carlisle
CD 1893-94 Ad p88
City Minutes 1935-36 p181 2 tenements unfit for human habitation
DONOWHOS COURT; Church St, Caldewgate; 1861 census James Donowho flour dealer, living here
1880 Directory 19 Church Street
DORMONT BOOKS 1561; contains oaths of office for various city officials and the bye laws of the city. Manuscript book consists of about 300 pages of thick hand-laid paper, exactly 15 inches high by 10.75 inches broad. The mark of a jug or pot tankard shows that the paper is Dutch, manufactured in the low countries. It was supposed that the name ‘Dormont Book’ was a degraded form of Liber Dominationis, but when the book was exhibited before the Society of Antiquaries of London, the suggestion was made that the name was similar in character to the ‘coucher book’ of a monastery or to the ‘ledger book’ of a commercial firm - all three terms signifying large books that lie permanently in a certain place to which they relate, in opposition to smaller ones which were intended to be carried about for ready reference [Municipal Records p43]. For nigh on a century it was used for no other purpose than to contain the form of the oaths to be taken by the city officials, and the bye-laws of the city. But during the period of the Protector it was reversed, and used as a register of deeds of title to property which had been taken from the Bishop and from the Dean and Chapter. The Corporation, after the Restoration, found two other uses for it; a register of the declarations taken against the solemn league and covenant, and a register of the indentures of apprenticeship [ about 800 registered between 1672 and 1844]
Some Municipal records of the City of Carlisle A65 pp41 - 87
CWAAS OS Vol 6 pp297-304 An account of the ‘Dormont Book’
Topping, G and Potter J.J. Memorials of Old Carlisle p63
CAIH p16 (photo)
1158 - 1958 p3, p50 (photo of title page) 1BC 352
CN 16.04.1949 p5 (photo of title page)
CN 23.04.1949 p5 CJ 24.05.1949 p2
1851 Report of General Board of Health....Carlisle; R.Rawlinson 1BC 625 p51
DOUGALLS LANE, 26 Botchergate [1934 Directory]
1880 Carlisle Directory lists the publican at the immediately adjoining Hare and Hounds pub as Thomas Doughall
1880 Directory 26 Botchergate to Collier Lane
1924 Carlisle Directory Between 26-28 Botchergate, west side
DOUGLAS, Michael Automobile engineer
CN 23.02.1996 p12 Ad
DOVE, J.J. St Nicholas Yard; Founded 1869
Builders’ merchants
CD 1934 Ad p192
CD 1937 Ad p198
CD 1952 Ad p294
CJ 20.05.1966 pp15-18 (illus)
CN 30.06.1989 p1 Firm built on success
CN 14.10.1950 p4 (illus)
CN 28.02.1995 p12 Ad
DOW BECK Would appear to rise at GR 3694 5405 near Newhouse Farm, south west of the city, according to a personal observation by a member of the public it flows through a pipe into the Little Caldew under the Globe Public House; on Asquith’s 1853 survey it ran un-culverted into Caldewgate as far as Byron St
W,Farish Handloom-weaver p61 Brief description of open beck in Caldewgate
City Minutes 1926-27 p349-50 Approved repair to existing culvert
CJ 19.06.1966 p6 Covering in
CN 20.08.1993 p4 Memories of the Dam
DOWBECK ROAD On electoral register from 1938
CN 30.09.2005 p2 Hooded yobs of Dowbeck Road
DOWELL, John P. Botchergate
His stamp on his daybooks [1884-85] in CRO describes himself as a Watchmaker, jeweller and optician. The books for 1884/5 refer to pebble specs, converse eye glasses and the repair of glasses
CD 1893-94 Ad p50
CD 1905-06 Ad p17
CD 1907-08 Ad back page
CD 1910-11 Ad p274
CD 1913-14 Ad p282
CD 1934 Ad page back iii
DOWELL, T and Son Crown St; Nelson St
Joinery works
CD 1931 Ad p116
CD 1934 Ad p232
CD 1902-03 Ad p179
CD 1902-03 Ad p4
CD 1905-06 Ad p129
CD 1907-08 Ad p135
CD 1910-11 Ad p142
CN 11.11.1960 p12 CN 26.01.1973 p6 (illus)
ENS 29.10.1960 p1 Closes
DOWNIE, R and Son John St
Betting shop
CD 1952 Ad p145
Cumberland Directory 1954 Ad pii
CD 1955-56 Ad pvi
CD 1961-62 Ad pv
CD 1966-68 Ad pxii
DOWNS, Robert
City Minutes 1925-6 p44 Licensed to operate bus to Great Corby
DOWTHWAITE, J 48 Lowther St
Carlisle in Camera 1 p6 Photo of fruit and provision stores in 1877
13.10.1879 M,Tu,W
06.05.1880 Th,F,S
17.01.1881 M,Tu,W
27.06.1881 Week commencing
23.02.1882 Th,F,S
16.11.1882 Th,F,S
05.02.1883 Week commencing
11.07.1883 W,Th
20.08.1883 M,Tu,W
15.05.1884 Th,F,S
06.04.1885 week commencing
26.04.1886 week commencing
06.02.1888 week commencing
22.04.1889 week commencing
07.04.1890 week commencing
04.05.1891 week commencing
18.01.1892 week commencing
27.06.1892 week commencing
06.02.1893 week commencing
12.03.1894 week commencing
25.05.1896 week commencing
18.10.1897 week commencing
21.03.1898 week commencing
01.03.1920 week commencing
14.02.1921 week commencing
13.02.1922 week commencing
11.02.1924 week commencing
05.01.1925 week commencing
04.01.1926 week commencing
03.01.1927 week commencing
21.02.1944 week commencing
CJ 22.10.1897 D’Oyle Carte Opera Co. in Carlisle; review
Medieval Carlisle by Summerson p564. In 1592 commissioners were said to have met at the sign of the Dragon Inn Coronet there, a common Inn
DRESDEN TERRACE Blackwell Rd; on voters list between 1896 - 1906
DRILL HALL Strand Road Built 1873, opened 1874; during WWI used as East Cumberland Shell Factory; later used as a sports centre. hall; demolished 2013, buildings fronting Strand Road remain, with the words IN DEFENCE in an arch over the entrance
CN 04.05.1956 p10 CN 11.05.1956 p10 CN 03.03.1967 p12
CN 17.10.1969 p15 CN 21.06.1974 p6
CJ 04.10.1966 p25 For sale
CN 26.11.2010 p 38 Early history of the Drill Hall by Denis Perriam
CN 19.09.2014 p17 New £5.3m arts centre opened at Strand Mews [ex Drill Hall of which facade only retained]
CP 14.04.1821 p3c Smuggled whiskey has vendor in every nook in city
CJ 08.04.1881 Letter from Sigma [Mary Smith] Drunkeness amongst young men and women in Carlisle. See a 14 year old girl ‘dead drunk’ supported by two friends while a group of youth shouted insults
CN 08.07.1916 Drunkenness in Carlisle
CJ 08.09.1916 p4 Decrease of drunkenness
City Minutes 1924-25 p 163 Number of people convicted of drunkenness 1915-24
City Minutes 1931-32 p4 Chief Constables Annual report. Convictions 1916-1931
CN 14.12.2001 p12 Girl 13 found drunk in city centre; feature
CN 10.12.2004 p13 Letter; ‘seedy, violent, yobbish, drunken modern city’
CN 24.12.2004 p3 City bars offer free soft drink to ‘designated drivers’
CN 21.01.2005 p 12 Feature on proposed all day drinking
CN 12.05.2006 p18 Pubwatch covers all 85 pubs and clubs in city centre; currently 28 people on banning list
CN 06.02.2009 p3 Alcohol for under 16s; mother acts to stop her daughter buying drink
DRINKALLS SHOES New premises on Castle Street for J Drinkall approved 08.02.1901. Demolished circa December 1976 to make way for the new Cumberland Building Society building. A bill head of 1894 shows the Royal Warrant. The Carlisle Journal in 1893 reporting that ‘it is at all times interesting to notice any distinction which may be conferred on our local trades, many people will therefore learn with pleasure that John Drinkall, bootmaker, Castle Street, recently received an order to send to Balmoral a selection of ladies boots for the inspection of some of the members of the Royal family’. Mr Drinkall duly despatched the consignment, the Journal stating ‘the boots were so highly approved of that...Princesses Beatrice and Louise ordered about a dozen pairs for their own use’. The report continued ‘this mark of Royal favour was highly appreciated by Mr Drinkall because it had not been solicited and therefore came quite unexpectedly as a pleasant surprise’. The bill head states the business was started in 1842. It was Thomas Wilson Drinkall, a native of Lancaster, who came to Carlisle and advertised in the Journal in 1843 that his new shop was opposite the Cathedral. Soon after his arrival TW Drinkall married Eliza from Bowness
Carlisle; Archival photographs p39 photo of 57 Castle Street shop
CP 25.10.1851 p1T.W.Drinkall removes to 28 Castle Street; in Carlisle for 10 years
1851 census T.W.Drinkall, 34, employing 11 men, born Hornby, Lancashire
1901 census; John Drinkall, bootmaker, aged 51, home St Ann’s Hill, bn Carlisle
CN 17.09.1938 p18 Ad
CN 02.04.2010 p34 IN 1893 Royal Order for boots from Castle Street shoe shop
see also Lawson Memorial Fountain
Carlisle Examiner 23.07.1859p2c New fountain corner of Corporation Road
CJ 02.02.1937 p5 Drinking at social events
DROVE INN Rickergate; in local directories from 1848; closed by Central Control Board in April 1917
1861 census Eleanor Darling, aged 50, publican
1901 census; Ellen O’Neill, aged 25, custodian of inn, bn Longtown
Carlisle the Archive Photographs, p59 photo; William Hall tenant
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1896 - 1916 p110
DROVE INN Stanwix Bank Closed by the Central Control Board December 1917
Carlisle the Archive Photographs, p68 photo, tenant Mrs Noble
CN 12.12.1969 p14 (illus) CN 11.10.1991 p4
CJ 03.07.1809 p2 Mrs Halliburton, innkeeper
CJ 11.09.1813 Houses for sale at Mary Bushby’s, the Sign of the Drove of Cattle
1829 Directory Thos Story, The Drover, Stanwix
CJ 06.04.1844 p2 Drove Inn to be sold. J.Dixon owner
1851 census Henry Dyer, engineer and Innkeeper; father of Jimmy Dyer, local bard
1861 census Edward Fairbairn, innkeeper and florist, bn Clapham, aged 43
CJ 01.12.1868 p4e Died at the Drove Inn, Stanwix, Mrs Marrs, aged 79
CJ 06.04.1888 p8 Drove Inn to let
North Cumberland Reformer 08.09.1892 p3 Licensed for a very long time. Owners the trustees of late Mrs Honey-Church. Jane Short landlady. Poor accommodation
CJ 17.03.1896 Temp transfer late Jane Short to Mary Noble
CJ 26.05.1896 p3 Transfer of licence form Jane Short to Mary Noble
CJ 28.02.1902 p1 Drove Inn for sale
CJ 29.09.1903 p6 Temp transfer of licence Walter Walker to Charles Basford. Application refused
CJ 10.11.1903 p6 Transfer of licence Walter Walker to David Mitchell
CJ 07.02.1913 p1 T.H.Tanner as tenant. Inn for sale and other property on Stanwix Bank
CJ 02.06.1967 p23 Photo for sale - a former inn
CN 20.12.1959 p8 CN 03.01.1969 p12
DROVERS LANE This lane originally ran from Rickergate around the outside of the city walls to the Citadels; part of this lane was renamed Lowther Street; this lane built over with the north extension to the Lanes Shopping Centre, Debenhams opening on 26.10.2000. Name retained in a new lane further north than the original.
Carlisle in Camera 1 p14 photo of lane in 1920s
D Perriam Lowther Street p55, illus
CN 01.08.1997 p10 (illus) When Drovers Lane brought the cowboys to Carlisle
CN 23.12.1988 p40 Drugs plot trio get 25 years
CN 28.01.1994 p5 Former addicts drugs lifeline
CN 19.08.1994 p13 Mayor joins in drugs crusade
CN 30.09.1994 p1 Desperate pleas of cough syrup addicts
CN 30.09.1994 p10 Rural junkies
CN 24.02.1995 p2 Police launch crackdown on heroin users
CN 14.04.1995 p11 Judge steps in to halt £2.50 drug case
CN 26.05.1995 p5 Last days of Steven Buchanan
CN 14.07.1995 p1 Cumbria drug curse reaches 12 year olds and rugby players
CN 14.07.1995 p10 Comment
CN 21.07.1995 p3 Youngsters get high on vets drug
CN 22.09.1995 p1 Pledge to keep county crack free
CN 01.12.1995 p5 Drugs event appeals to Diana
CN 25.09.1998 p4 ‘Reasonable’ addicts offered help in the last chance saloon
CN 29.10.1999 p1 Heroin - the people fight back (Botcherby)
CN 05.01.2001 p3 Legalise cannabis campaign; candidates for General Election
CN 16.03.2001 p3 Carlisle drugs rings smashed; Brian O’Neil given 7 years
CN 27.04.2001 p5 Carlisle drug dealer jailed for 18 months
CN 07.09.2001 p2 Two men accused of bringing heroin to Carlisle
CN 05.10.2001 p6 Five drug dealers jailed; caught at Durranhill distribution centre
CN 07.06.2002 p3 3 charged following £40,000 drug seizure in Border Gate Inn
CN 11.10.2002 p1 Carlisle drug dealer given 18 months
CN 25.10.2002 p2 Drug dealer jailed for two and half years; Steven Wood
CN 08.11.2002 p1 Drugs in schools; opinion page 12
CN 25.04.2003 p5 Couple convicted of possession with intent to supply
CN 19.09.2003 p1 23 charged in city heroin raid
CN 03.10.2003 p12 Feature on 3 Carlisle people using ecstasy
CN 23.01.2004 p2 Two Carlisle drug dealers get 3 years; G.McCabe and A.Young
CN 30.01.2004 p7 Teenage girl hooked on heroin since 13 gets last chance
CN 06.08.2004 p1 Aaron Giacopazzi, major drug dealer in area, jailed for 10 years
CN 17.06.2005 p1 Drug dealers who imported heroin into city jailed
CN 24.06.2005 p1 £300,000 worth of heroin seized in Botcherby
CN 02.09.2005 p5 Heroin dealers jailed for 13 years; Thompson brothers
CN 28.04.2006 p1 Seven drug arrests in city
CN 03.11.2006 p3 City’s major heroin dealer put in court
CN 21.12 2007 p2 Drug gang gets 17 years
CN 07.06.2013 p1 City heroin gang get 27 years
Carlisle Examiner 25.05.1858 p3e 19th anniversary dinner
Hosiery manufacturer
CD 1920 Ad p56
CD 1924 Ad p84
DUDSON, Charles Builder; City Council Minutes 05.08.1881 Approval for new street, Dudson’s Tce., Charles Dudson builder; builder of Black Bull on Annetwell Street in 1878/9 [S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916, pp90-92]; in Autumn 1892 Mr Charles Dudson of Carlisle began extensive excavations on the East side of the cutting through Gallows Hill, between the cutting and the Newcastle Railway, with a view to erecting something like 50 houses for artisans, in doing so he came across several Roman finds [CWAAS OS Vol 12 pp368-9]
DUDSON, N George St
Furniture saleroom
Guide to Carlisle Ad C 178
DUDSON, Mrs Nichol Swifts Row
Iron and brass bedsteads; furnishers
CD 1905-06 Ad p7
CD 1907-08 Ad p46
CD 1910-11 Ad p42
DUDSON, Trevor London Road
CD 1934 Ad inside cover
CD 1937 Ad page front i
CD 1940 Ad p196
DUDSON’S COURT, 24 Rickergate [1880 Directory]
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 22-24 Rickergate
DUDSON’S TERRACE London Rd; on 1884 directory; last electoral register 1979; demolished and came part of Cowans Sheldon site
City Council Minutes 05.08.1881 Approval for new street; Charles Dudson builder
City Council Minutes 18.11.1881 Approval for 32 houses
DUELS One fought August 1824 at Kingmoor between Captain Maxwell of the 1st Royal Dragoons, stationed in Carlisle and Captain Johnston R.N. of Edinburgh [Round Carlisle Cross 2nd Series pp148-9]
Caledonian Mercury 02.09.1824 Duel at Kingmoor, both men missed
CN 11.03.1950 p5
DUFFY, Daniel Builder of this city 20.11.1832; Monumental Inscription in St Cuthbert’s Yard; 1851 census Daniel Duffy , aged 26, bricklayer employing 4 men, home address 6 Globe Lane, born Scotland
DUGDALE, T.R. 46 Lowther Street
Carlisle in Camera 1 p6 photo of shop in 1877
DUGDALE, Thomas Master draper with 3 apprentices, aged 31, home address Old Grapes Lane, born Dalston [1851 census]; James Relph took over the premises of the late Thomas Dugdale in English Street [obit J.Relph 29.05.1894]
D Perriam Stanwix p35 Duke of Devonshire’s estate. A roughly triangular piece of ground bounded by Stanwix Bank, the Scaur, Etterby Street and Gosling Syke was developed for housing. The 1837 Carlisle Directory shows at least 5 houses on Devonshire Terrace. There followed Cavendish Terrace, St George’s Crescent, Marlborough Gardens and Cromwell Crescent. The Chatsworth Estate relinquished their hold on the land in 1955
CJ 04.10.1889 p4 Freehold offered
CJ 23.12.1892 The Devonshire Carlisle estate; plans for development
CN 28.05.1954 Duke of Devonshire Estate. Chatsworth settlement
CN 14.12.2012 p34 Etterby Street hedge removed in 1892 as this side of street and the Duke of Devonshire’s estate developed; D.Perriam
DUKE OF WELLINGTON St Cuthbert’s Lane; in local directories from 1834 to 1855
CP 23.04.1847 Ad; Duke of Wellington for sale
CJ 24.04.1847 p2b For sale
DUKE OF YORK Ferguson’s Lane; in local directories to 1869. Marked on 1865 OS map
1829 Directory p164 Rachel Huddert
1861 census Richard Carruthers, 36, innkeper, born Carlisle
CP 05.12.1873 p1; ad to let; lately temperance eating/lodging house
DUKE OF YORK INN Shaddongate; in local directories from 1897
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses, 2004, p47
CN 20.01.1978 p7 For sale?
ENS 21.10.1998 Landlord quits Duke after two years
ENS 25.01.2001 p10 Duke of York will be turned into private accommodation
DUKE’S HEAD Corporation Road; in local directories 1869 to 1902-03
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1896 - 1916 p112
CN 24.04.1992 p4 (illus)
DUKE’S HEAD Scotch Street; in local directories to 1848
1746 Baron Clarke’s Notebook p36 ‘Adam Elliot at ye Duke’s Head in Carlisle’
Universal Directory 1793-98 p631 Kept by Sowerby
CJ 27.06.1801 p3 Mrs Isabella Sowerby innkeper
CPacquet 02.07.1805 p3c New landlord
1821 New Guide to Carlisle p76 Margaret Snowden
CJ 20.09.1828 p1 Mrs Snowden, innkeeper
1829 Directory p164 Margaret Snowden
1850 its exact position is shown on the fold out map in the back on Robert Rawlinson’s Report to the General Board of Health...Carlisle, 1850
DUKE’S ROAD Laid out on land owned by Duke Of Devonshire
City Minutes 30.03.1893 item 400 approval for lying out new street
DUKE STREET, Shaddongate
CP 01.03.1834 p1a Ad For sale 24 four loom shops for sale....
1851 Report of General Board of Health....Carlisle; R.Rawlinson 1BC 625 p51
1871 census lists the following handloom weavers in the street; no. 33 James Foster aged 16, no 30 John Smith, no 26 Joseph Coulthard aged 45, no 24 Thomas Donowho aged 61, no 22 Hugh Dobson aged 54, no 4 John Cook aged 72, no 7 Lancelot Coulthard aged 50, no 13 Joseph Hogg aged 50, no 20 Rachel Finn aged 42, no 16 Robert Thorburn aged 53. and John Rowell aged 60. Even in 1881 there are 12 handloom weavers in Duke Street aged between 25 and 74. [This does not include Back Duke Street] There are no handloom weavers in Duke Street in 1891.
City Minutes 1902-03 p189 Insanitary condition of houses
City Minutes 1920-21 p609 Land at Duke St owned by Mr Muncaster derelict
City Minutes 1927-28 p 700 35 council houses in progress of being built
Sanitary Condition of the City of Carlisle 1928 p24 14 houses completed
City Minutes 1928-9 p361 10 dwellings unfit for human habitation
CWAAS Vol 88, 1988 ‘Duke St, Carlisle, a street of handloom weavers’
ENS 23.02.1984 p1 Street with two names
Carlisle Directory of 1924
DUKE STREET READING ROOM Established 1846 (Whellan 1860 p131)
Carlisle Examiner 25.03.1858 p3d-f Annual soiree
DUMP, The Belah
Carlisle Directory 1924 Captain J Kirkland
DUNCAN, Richard 5 Crown and Anchor Lane
M442 p8 Business card for silversmith
DUNCAN’S HOTEL, Market Place
1861 Morris, Harrison and Co ad p12 Established 1853, Rennie late Duncan’s
CN 20.08.2004 p19 Opens at Junction Street
Morton Manor garden/ park was extensive. A narrow strip of woods extended down to opposite where Wigton Rd Catholic Church is situated today. In the park were cottages for the gardener and chauffeur. The building of Dunmail Drive by John Laing circa 1936-38 ended these woods [memories of A.F.S.Chance who was brought up at Morton]
DUNN AND CO English St
Gents outfitters
CN 16.03.1973 p9 (illus)
M442 pp10, 20 Business card for cabinet makers
DUNN, John Kings Arms Lane
Blacksmith, locksmith
CD 1893-94 Ad p104
DUNN’S COURT, South John Street
Sanitary Condition for the City of Carlisle p64 Demolition of 8 houses
1880 Directory 28 South John Street
1924 Carlisle Directory listed between 27-31 South John Street
‘DUNROBIN’ Private engine of Duke of Sutherland
CN 25.03.1950 p4 At Kingmoor Yard on way to Museum
CD 1952 Ad p342
CN 13.12.1996 p18 Make Durdar Mechanical your automatic choice
DURHAM OX Rickergate; in local directories to 1907-08 [Stephen Davidson says that between 1847 - 1857 the name was changed to the Coachmakers Arms]
S.Davidson Carlisle Breweries and Public Houses 1894 - 1916 p107, 117
1829 Directory p164; Joseph Barton
CJ 23.11.1839 p2e To be let
CJ 29.08.1856 Ad For sale, Coachmakers Arms formerly Durham Ox
1861 census Robert Irving, victualler, aged 40,
1891 census; Margaret Coulon, aged 46, innkeeper, born Ireland
1901 census; Margaret Coulon, aged 55, innkeeper, born Carlisle
CJ 17.12.1909 Late Durham Ox to sell
DURHAM OX LANE 25 Rickergate [1880 Directory]
So marked on Asquith’s 1853 map
DURRANHILL So named in 1619
City Minutes 1929-20 p675 Renumbering of houses agreed
CN 15.09.1967 p1 New bridge
CJ 12.04.1968 p3 (illus) New bridge
CN 31.01.1969 p10 (illus) Opening of bridge; opened 31.01.1969
CN 30.07.1971 p18 (illus) Trading estate
ENS 13.03.1979 p7 Showpiece shambles
CN 25.01.1991 p9 Housing scheme
CN 26.06.1992 p16 City estate goes from strength to strength
CN 02.07.1999 p23 Golf course that became an army camp
Today this site is covered by Rosehill Trading estate. When the old Carlisle City Golf course at Durranhill was vacated in 1939 the military stepped in and took it over as Durranhill camp, [CN 28.09.1956]; when Col P.J.S.Watson died in 1956 the paper reported that he was on the staff of the Infantry Training Camp at Durranhill when the last war broke out [CN 06.01.1956 p1]; The paper in 1960 said that Gordon Grant enlisted with the Border Regiment and was one of the first recruits stationed at Durranhill camp and in 1941 he was commissioned in the Royal Scots Fusiliers [CN 23.12.1960 p8]; under National Service it became a Primary Training Camp, becoming 34 PTC; recruits to the Border, King’s Own, East Lancashire and Loyal Regiments were passed out of Durranhill and were sent to Hadrian’s Camp which became an ITC; the camp was vacated and discussions were held in 1949 about the camp’s future. The Secretary of State for War said the site was required permanently for military occupation, there was no prospect of release for civilian housing, ‘it was partly used by the Territorial Army as a training centre and partly as an Army Education Centre and it was intended to establish married quarters at the camp as well’ [CN 06.08.1949 p5]; in February 1950 it became a Royal Artillery Depot, the 50th Heavy Anti Aircraft Artillery Regiment moved in and by 1951 the married quarters had been built. They left in 1953 and were replaced by the 59th Heavy AA Regiment. There was a succession of regiments; in 1955 came the 32nd Medium Regiment RA, followed by the 39th Heavy Regiment RA and when they left in February 1960 the camp was deserted
P Hitchon Botcherby a Garden Village pp189-193
ENS 20.08.1945 p6 Photo of 18 ITC marching from St Aidans; in 1961 the War Office special board met to decide the future of the camp and it was decided there was no further military use for the site; city officials considered the purchase of the site from the MOD in 1965. Further inspections were made in 1967. A scheme for housing and industrial development was formulated in 1968 and the city council finalised purchase that year for £67,000; the camp had an entrance on Warwick Road and within the perimeter fence were a complex of wooden huts, storage sheds and concrete magazines, around a modest parade ground
CN 02.08.1947 St Bees Cadets there for 7 days
CN 06.09.1947 34 PTC at home
CN 20.09.1947 Photo of laying up of colours
CJ 02.05.1950 p1 (illus) Unit chapel rededication by Bishop
CJ 02.05.1950 p2 Bishop dedicated chapel
CN 18.02.1950 p6 50th Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment moved in
CN 03.12 1954 p8 Last day of NS 59 Heavy AA Reg., dress inspection
CN 14.11.1958 After two and a half years at Durranhill 32 Medium Regiment off to Hong Kong; 39 Heavy Regiment RA taking over
ENS 03.02.1960 p7 No army left in Carlisle
CN 05.02.1960 Photo of deserted camp
CJ 02.06.1961 p1 Durranhill Camp to be sold off
CN 30.09.1966 p22 Old golf course club house still there
CJ 09.02.1968 p1 Durranhill Camp - city offered £18,000
CJ 16.02.1968 p13 Council clash on private building
CN 27.09.1968 p1 City mart may switch to new site; camp recently bought by City Council from MOD for £67,000
CN 09.11.2001 p4 (illus) Memories of 18th Infantry Training Centre
See also Durranhill House
Sister of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
R.Clerkin A Heart for Others p63 1BC 282
P Hitchon Botcherby a Garden Village pp158-162 March 6th 1906 opened as the House of Providence by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. Originally a home for young women of school leaving age, who had spent their childhood in orphanages and who had no accommodation to return to, it changed its policy, circa 1911, to take women with learning disabilities. A laundry had been set up as an income generator. In 1920 the number of girls had risen to 62. By 1997 the decreasing number of sisters meant that they could no longer keep Durranhill open and the home closed in 2002. The property was converted by Senator Homes into Waterton Court, recalling Canon Waterton who had supported the home from its beginnings, and who had retired here, dying at the Convent on 06.02.1911
CJ 19.01.1906 Sale of Durranhill House to nuns
CN 04.02.1966 p13 (illus) Extensions
CN 13.09.2002 p1 Nursing home to close next week after 96 years
CN 13.09.2002 p1 Sisters buy house in Lowry Hill for elderly
CN 20.08.2004 p79 Conversion at ex convent; Waterton Court
DURRANHILL HOUSE Dated to 1811 for Richard Lowry
P Hitchon Botcherby a Garden Village pp158-162 Richard Lowry commissioned architect Peter Nicholson to design a villa for him at the top of the hill on the back road to Scotby. In 1841 Lowry died and is buried in Wetheral churchyard, In April 1842 the house was advertised to let. In March 1856 it was again advertised to let and was occupied by a Ladies Boarding School. Miss Lowry, daughter of Richard, was living in the house at the time of her death in 1887. March 6th 1906 opened as the House of Providence by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary
1811 Jollie p81 Durnhill-house....improving seat of Richard Lowry
1829 Parson and White Richard Lowry, gentleman, Durran Hill
19.09.1841 Richard Lowry Esq of Durran Hill House died after a fall from his horse aged 66 [MI in Wetheral Churchyard]
CJ 23.05.1856 Miss Julia Blanche Thompson has taken house to open as a Ladies Boarding School
CJ 09.01.1857 School would open on 19.01.1857
CP 28.01.1874 p1a To be let
CJ 19.01.1906 Sale of house to convent of nuns
CN 20.08.2004 p79 Conversion at ex convent; Waterton Court
CN 15.02.1936 p19 To close
DURRANHILL LODGE Mid 18th century inscribed over entrance REBUILT over date 1870
P Hitchon Botcherby a garden village pp162-3
CN 15.09.2006 p70 Durranhill Lodge for sale - illus
DURRANHILL, LOW William Brown, farmer 1829 [Parson and White]
CN 06.04.1990 p1 Vandals blitz nature site
DURRANHILL RAILWAY BRIDGE Over both the Newcastle and Carlisle and Settle to Carlisle Railways; the western portion of the bridge, over the S&C was demolished in the days before 25.09.2004 [personal observation]. Feb 2016 projected demolition of the remaining part of the bridge. There is no bridge crossing the N and C on the first edition OS map of the 1860s. The bridge is shown on Arthur map of Carlisle of 1880 crossing both lines. Presumably the bridge as built with the coming of the S and C, circa 1872. Interestingly it is built in two styles. The NER built the bridge over their line and the Midland a bridge over their line, the two joining as one but in two very different styles. New Durranhill Rd Bridge opened 31.01.1969
DURRANHILL RAILWAY COTTAGE; demolished with the building of Eastern Way
P.Hitchon Botcherby a garden village p60-61 photo, details of the 1861 murder at the cottage
CJ 13.10.1967 p1 Illus. New railway bridge misses the cottage by 20 yards. Mr Glencross lived here since 1938
P.Hitchon Botcherby a garden village p108
Images of Carlisle Cumberland News p69 Photo of bridge under construction
P Hitchon; Botcherby a Garden Village pp 185-187 The estate came into existence in 1951
Carlisle an illustrated history p93 aerial photo of estate in 1951
CN 30.07.1971 p18 (illus) CN 01.10.1976 p16 (illus)
CN 19.05.2006 p16 Durranhill trading estate welcomes £4.5m police cells
CN 22.07.2016 Opening of the new Locke Road giving access to Eastern Way
CN 10.03.2017 p5 Revamp of estate; newly created Locke Road
DURRANHILL VIEW So named on 1901 census
City Minutes 1929-30 p113 Trial of 56 dust bins for council tenants
CN 22.11.1968 p7
CN 26.04.2002 p6 History of refuse collection; dustbins introduced 1959
CN 09.10.2009 Built this year, to open next
CN 15.01.2010 p7 Opens on Currock Rd
DYER, Jimmy Bronze statue of itinerant fiddler unveiled in Lanes unveiled on 21.08.1986 beside the steps to Carlisle Library; sculptress Judith Bluck; moved to new position outside Debenhams January 2005. The inscription on an adjacent plaque reads This sculpture by Judith Bluck FRBS of Jimmy Dyre a well known itinerant fiddler and ballad singer was commissioned by General Accident and Life Assurance Corporation PLC for the city of Carlisle 21 August 1986
ENS 07.08.1986 Statue vandalised hours after being put in place
Times and Star 19.12.2004 Replacement of stone base with Alston stone at the instigation of the sculptor
CN 24.12.2004 p3 Removed for cleaning; back next month
Nickel and chrome replaters
CN 15.02.1947 p5